原创 2017-11-26 观音 新纪元扬升之光
Quan Yin viaDebbie Dehm, November 25th, 2017
Namaste, I wish give yousome information about your new state of consciousness. This new state startedto come into your experience during the month of Aug. of last year and now isin full fruition for many of you. However, always remember that you haveindividual paths and evolve at your own pace. That being said here is the newstate of affairs for many of you. You are now manifesting from your heart spaceinstead of your head space most of the time. This is good because the old waywill not be working anymore. Mother Earth and all the elementals, animals and thedevic kingdom are all on board with this new way of beingness and it will bethe only way that is honored in your new reality. Those who refuse to conductthemselves in this way will soon not be with us. However, most people will nothave the will to fight the change in frequency as it is being downloaded fromthe great central sun and the angelic realms to everyone so that you may allascend in time. It is as I have said often, do you want to paddle your canoeagainst the current or let it take you easily down the river?
If you choose the easy wayyou will experience the benefit of more peace of mind and heart. Things willcome to you that you are desiring with much less effort. You will find life isno longer a struggle and blessings will flow to you easily. (Hint let go offear)
If you would like some assistance in connecting with your ownheart space and how to manifest from it, ask for my help and that of your angels andthe wonderful spiritual leaders in your community. Namaste, Quan Yin