據五角大樓消息說,殺害甘迺迪的機構繼承人也被圍捕。當局一名消息人士說:「司法部和特別顧問羅拔.慕樂(Robert Mueller)正在加班,埋頭處理可能會超過2000項的密封起訴書。」
與此同時,在日本,美國太平洋司令部司令,海軍上將哈里(Harry Harris)上週會見了安倍晉三。據消息人士透露,安倍告訴哈里斯說,預計美國將和朝鮮的開戰,日本特別為朝鮮準備了難民收留營。而哈里斯告訴安倍,他將竭盡全力「確保朝鮮不會輕舉妄動」。
因此,已證明哈里斯要麼是令人難以置信的愚蠢,要麼是讓人無法接受的邪惡,或者被收買,可能是三者兼而有之。這個龜蛋在阻止人類從可薩暴徒的暴政解放出來。哈里斯包庇戰犯、賣國賊、毒梟理查德.阿米奇(Richard Armitage),以及在橫田空軍基地為羅氏代理米高.格林伯格(Michael Greenberg)提供庇護。
在2016年12月14日,哈里斯在弗蘭克.洛伊研究所(Frank Lowy Institute)發表了一篇支持可薩暴徒控制的演講。
Admiral Harry Harris addresses the Lowy Institute
洛伊和拉里.西爾弗斯坦(Larry Silverstein)在911事件恐怖襲擊前不久,買下了世貿中心的建築。http://letsrollforums.com/9-11-rothschild-zionist-t24178.html?s=c4230a39d081d3002b14b511c0a05906&
同樣,在一個明顯的可薩暴徒帝國持續崩潰的跡象,就是美聯儲的非猶太理事在討論直接向人民提供資金,而不是把錢交給億萬富翁。例如,舊金山聯邦儲備銀行(San Francisco Fed)行長約翰.威廉姆斯(John Williams)談到了「名義收入目標」(Nominal-Income Targeting),是美聯儲直接向民眾發放現金的說法。
在歐洲,前西班牙央行行長米穀爾(Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordones)於11月7日向議會表示,由政府擁有的機構創造的資金取代私有銀行的貨幣創造,將是一件好事。
Former governor of Bank of Spainis
in favour of the money creation by public entity
© AP Photo/ Hani Mohammed
(以色列軍方首腦史無前例地接受了沙特媒體的採訪: 「準備好與伊朗分享情報」)
藉著強調在美國進行的猶太和以色列大清洗行動的影響力,以色列必須與鄰國達到最終的和平共處條件。五角大樓消息說,「今日俄羅斯新聞網(Russia Today)和人造衛星新聞網(Sputnik)被迫註冊為外國代理,是為美國司法部設置一個先例,以迫使美國以色列公共事務委員會和其他猶太人組織來做同樣的事情。」
Franken in 2017 (en.wikipedia.org)
同樣的消息來源說,對性行為不端的突然指控,也在一定程度上清除了猶太人的影響。「猶太喜劇演員和民主黨參議員阿爾.弗蘭肯(Al Franken)被指控犯有性行為不當,他可能會被逐出參議院,因為清除猶太黑手黨的行為已超出了好萊塢的範圍,令人毛骨悚然的喬拜登就是下一個。」
此外,五角大樓的消息人士說,堡壘投資集團(Fortress Investment Group)和軟銀(Softbank)的擁有者孫正義(Masayoshi Son)被「施壓不得借錢給溫斯坦公司(Weinstein Company),導致其破產。」日本右翼消息人士說,現在,孫正義被日本銀行所利用,成為發行法定貨幣的主要渠道之一,他還收受了沙地的石油美元。
軟銀集團創辦人孫正義。(Getty Images)
美國軍方被提議,必要找到替代孫正義和其他罪犯,比如前財政部長竹中(Heizo Takenaka)的取代者,以分發日本央行的錢。孫正義不受日本黑道的歡迎,他的逍遙預計不會持續太久。如果孫正義對此有任何意見,可以通過電郵予本筆者。
【原文】2017-11-20 Benjamin Fulford
Khazarian cabal purge accelerates: Marines storm CIA HQ; Over 2000 indicted in U.S.; Collapse of control grid in Europe
The purge of the Satanic Khazarian cabal that turned the West evil is accelerating at an undeniable pace. Most importantly, Pentagon sources confirm multiple Internet reports that Marines stormed the CIA headquarters this past weekend. One of the aims was to shut down Operation Mockingbird, the CIA group that turned the mass media, as well as Google, Facebook, etc. into mass mind-control propaganda, say NSA sources.
The institutional heirs to the group that murdered President John F. Kennedy are also being rounded up, according to Pentagon sources. 「The Department of Justice and [Special Counsel Robert] Mueller are working overtime and may exceed 2000 sealed indictments,」 a Pentagon source says.
These moves, combined with the purge of all the Saudi royals and military who were linked to 9/11, as well as the removal of Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe and the imminent removal of Israeli satanist Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, leave no doubt that the long-awaited arrests and roundups of cabalists worldwide has begun.
The Rothschild/Saxe Gotha family group is also losing control over Europe. In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel (Hitler's daughter) failed to form a new government. In France, a hundred legislators from Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron's party have defected, as mass protests against this election-stealer's rule break out all across the country. In England, Rothschild-slave Prime Minister Theresa May is also unpopular and expected to be removed soon.
Meanwhile in Japan, Admiral Harry Harris, Commander of the United States Pacific Command, met with slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe last week. According to sources who were at the meeting, Abe told Harris that Japan was preparing concentration camps for floods of North Korean refugees that Abe expects to arrive once Harris provokes a war with that country. Harris told Abe that he would do his best to 「make sure North Korea was stopped,」 the source said.
Harris has thus proved that he is either incredibly stupid, incredibly evil, or incredibly bribed—probably a combination of all three. This one man is now preventing humanity from being freed from Khazarian mafia tyranny. Harris is sheltering the war criminal, traitor, and drug dealer Richard Armitage, as well as Rothschild criminal agent Michael Greenberg at the Yokota Air Base in Japan.
He also presided over the recent theft, yet again, of a Japanese national election by Rothschild slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Abe's looting of Japan's postal savings, public pensions, and other public money is the only thing keeping the worldwide Khazarian crime syndicate from losing all power.
It is money being stolen from Japan that is propping up the U.S. stock market bubble, and keeping the Khazarian-owned United States Corporation from going bankrupt and being replaced with a genuine democracy controlled by the people, for the people.
The newly empowered Abe is now rushing ahead to build a biological warfare research facility disguised as the Kake Veterinary School. That means Harris is supporting a war criminal, and is thus himself a war criminal.
Signaling who his real masters are, Harris made a speech supporting the Khazarian control grid at the Frank Lowy Institute on December 14th, 2016. https://www.lowyinstitute.org/publications/admiral-harry-harris-address-lowy-institute
Lowy, together with Larry Silverstein, bought the World Trade Center buildings shortly before the September 11, 2001 Khazarian terror attack in New York. http://letsrollforums.com/9-11-rothschild-zionist-t24178.html?s=c4230a39d081d3002b14b511c0a05906&
Harris is also under pressure from Lockheed Martin and other arms manufacturers to start a war with North Korea in order to promote arms sales and keep the Khazarian mafia in power. Harris is also in on the Khazarian plot to start World War 3 and murder 90% of humanity. Waiting until May of next year for this man to end his term is not acceptable.
Admiral Harris, this is a promise: you will be arrested, court-martialed, and jailed as a war criminal and a traitor. You will also be held legally accountable for the murder by torture of three individuals you presided over at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
In any case, as mentioned above, the Khazarian hierarchy above Admiral Harris continues to be systematically dismantled, meaning the dragnet is closing in on him. Once he is gone, U.S. military police will march into Tokyo and arrest Armitage, Greenberg, Abe, and the other gangsters who subcontract for the Khazarians here.
Sources in the NSA and CIA say that hundreds of arrests already took place in the United States last week. A decision was made to not announce the arrests, however, because doing so would allow for others to escape before the arrested people could rat on them, the sources say.
There are also many Khazarian hit squads operating in the U.S. right now in a desperate attempt to maintain their control grid over that country, Pentagon sources say. These hit squads are being systematically eliminated. Part of that has been announced in the form of the arrests of 267 members of the MS-13 gang.
Also, in a clear sign Khazarian rule is now collapsing, the non-Jewish governors of the Federal Reserve Board are talking about giving money directly to the people instead of their current practice of handing it out to billionaires and trillionaires. For example, John Williams, the head of the San Francisco Fed, talked about 「nominal-income targeting,」 which is Fed-speak for handing cash directly to the people.
In Europe, Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordones, the former Governor of Spain's Central Bank, told Parliament on November 7th that replacing monetary creation by privately-owned banks with money created by a government-owned institution would be a good thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ipBlJGQN0I
This sort of public commentary by officials who are in actual power over money is a visible sign that the old privately-owned central bank control grid is crumbling.
Pentagon sources are also saying that 「Regime change is no longer a U.S. province, as the military coup in Zimbabwe happened after the army chief went to China, and it is needed to position the asset-backed Zimbabwe dollar as Africa』s reserve currency prior to the global currency reset.」
This fits in with what we have reported in a previous posting about India, Russia, and China telling U.S. President Donald Trump in Vietnam about their moves to set up a gold-backed currency as an alternative to the U.S. dollar. It also fits in with the news of Venezuela』s 「default」 being played down because what really happened was that Venezuela stopped supporting the Khazarian petrodollar.
The Rothschilds have been warned to give up on trying to derail this process by starting World War 3, according to CIA and Pentagon sources. 「The midair collision above the Rothschild mansion Waddesdon Manor may be a warning to back off from war with Iran,」 a Pentagon source said.
Also, the UN acted to prevent the latest attempt to start a world war by sending a letter to diplomats last week informing them that the Saudi accusations that Iranian-backed Houthi rebels fired a missile at them were false.
Israel, waking up to the fact that its apocalyptic plans were a delusion, is now desperately trying to form an alliance with Arab nations like Saudi Arabia in order to ensure its survival. It seems as if they are saying, 「We Semites have got to stick together.」 Common sense would dictate that the Arabs will only do this after peace is reached with the Palestinians and their stolen lands are either returned or compensated for.
The need for Israel to finally make peace with its neighbours is also being underlined by the ongoing purge of Jewish and Israeli influence in the U.S. On that front, Pentagon sources say, 「Russia Today and Sputnik were forced to register as foreign agents to set a precedent for the U.S. Department of Justice to force AIPAC and other Jewish organizations to do the same.」
The same sources are saying the sudden rash of accusations of sexual misconduct were also part of a purge of Jewish influence. 「Jewish comedian and Democratic Senator Al Franken was accused of sexual misconduct, and he may get expelled from the Senate as the purge of the Jewish mafia escalates beyond Hollywood to D.C. Creepy Joe Biden is next.」
Also, the Pentagon sources say that Fortress Investment Group and the owner of Softbank, Masayoshi Son, were 「pressured not to lend money to The Weinstein Company, leading to its bankruptcy.」 Japanese right-wing sources say that Son is now being used as one of the main conduits to distribute fiat money being conjured up by the Bank of Japan (BOJ). He has also been given petrodollars by Saudi Arabia.
However, a source who has worked for the Rothschilds for a long time says that Son and Microsoft founder Bill 「Vaccinate Them」 Gates have together built a large underground bunker network in Karuizawa, Japan. The source says Son paid for most of it, presumably using BOJ money extorted from the Emperor by Henry Kissinger. Another source who worked as a golf caddy for Son said he overheard him ordering a list of people to be murdered.
The U.S. military has been advised to find an alternative to Son and other criminals like former Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka to distribute BOJ money. Son is not popular with the Japanese underworld and his radioactive half-life is not expected to last much longer. If Son has any comments to make about this, he can respond to me via e-mail.
On a final note, a member of Abe's cabinet last week offered this writer a multi-million-dollar bribe to get me to stop writing my weekly reports. He was told, politely, to stick his bribe offer where the son does not shine.