As you continue along your healing journey, many old patterns and habits will be up for review and for change. What often accompanies this is a need for the readjustment of boundaries.
Healthy boundaries have been a major theme for enlightening human beings. Simply put, healthy boundaries are about creating a space that is loving and empowering for all. What that means may shift or move according to each individual situation.
A simple rule of thumb you may wish to use as you explore the creation of healthy boundaries is to simply make sure that you are never more invested in another person’s wellness than they are in their own, and to make sure you are not more invested in another person’s wellness more than you are in your own. Making sure if you do step up to give assistance you are doing it from your heart and not from obligation or an unhealthy desire to control is important. To give under such circumstances often leads to resentment.
You are wise, Dear Ones, and by simply stopping and evaluating from your latest level of mastery, you will be able to find the place that supports everyone in showing up in their highest expression of self. Sometimes that might mean stepping in with others to help stabilize them during crisis, other times it might be stepping back and offering encouragement so they can find their own divine capability. Allow your boundaries to be part of the flow of support, love, and wellness for all, and you cannot make a mistake. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
翻译:Nick Chan