原创 2017-02-16 阿斯塔 新纪元扬升之光
Ashtar viaJames McConnell, February 12th, 2017
I am “Ashtar”. It is seldom that I come though this one, James, only two timesbefore as we find it. That is for a reason. The one known as “James” is muchmore attuned to “Sananda”. I am here now, in this time and this place, thismoment because many of you, most of you are attuned to my energies and are apart of my command. The Ashtar Command.
Yes, my dear Rita was correct; I have many shipsat my disposal. Many millions of ships. We are all standing outside of youratmosphere, watching and waiting for the moment to be given, the signal to begiven. That we can begin to uncloak our ships. That we can begin to move down.To be a part of what is being called first contact.
That time, as “Sananda” has spoken of is nigh. It is fast upon younow. Many of you are feeling a sense of anticipation. Some, even for yearshere. But in these last days and weeks many of you have felt this anticipationrising. You have been feeling that something is just around the corner.Something is just outside eluding you at this moment.
You know that so many things are happening behind the scenes.Preparing everything for the moment, for the times where we, as the AshtarCommand, can be a part of this process. There are many of us preparing forthis. This is what we came here for.
Many of you are up in our ships as well in your multidimensionalselves and in your dream states are with us. You are preparing along with us.Preparing the time for when we can introduce ourselves to the world. The worldin that moment will be transformed beyond your imagination.
I tell you now, as “Ashtar” and as “Sananda” looks over, we tellyou, you are on the verge now of a great many changes, of a great manyinstances to occur. The mini-events leading up to the greater one. To the onewhen “Prime Creator” says, “NOW”. When that occurs you will all be ready. Youwill all be ready.
You have been being prepared. Even those who do not know it yet,you have been. Deep within you the energies are stirring. Your chakra centersare expanding and growing. Your Pineal Gland is reawakening. Your DNA is beingadjusted. It is being reconnected.
All of this is happening NOW. Not in the future. Not in the pastbut NOW. You are in this moment now. It is time for all of you to reach back.To understand who you are. Truly who you are. You are not just this body. Youare the consciousness within this body. You are the God Consciousness withinthis body, the Source Consciousness. All have this. No one does not have this.
I love you deeply. All of you. Even those who are so closeto me and yet so far. I reach out my arms now to you, to those of you who knowme well. I reach out my arms now and envelop you, feel your emotion, yourlove and the ONE-ness that is you.
All of my love be with all of you even those who are not attunedto me at this time. I assure you that in the not too far off future we will allbe attuned together.
Pease and love be with all of you.