There is only One, but It is infinitely vast, and It is You at One with Source, your Creator, from Whom you are never and can never be separated. So relax, all is well and always will be, as you will fully understand when you awaken from the dream that has been causing you so much pain and suffering over the eons. The human collective has made the decision to awaken, and so the process of awakening has started.
The chaos, pain, and suffering that is occurring worldwide is an essential part of the process, because it brings forcefully into your awareness the indispensable need for major changes in human attitudes, thinking, behaviors, and beliefs. If these changes are not orchestrated and put into effect your planet’s ability to support life, which is already severely compromised, will continue to weaken until it sinks into a lengthy barren state to recuperate and rejuvenate itself. But this will not happen because the collective human intent to awaken is powerfully supported by all of creation.
Do not allow yourselves to sink into doubt or despair as you watch or listen to the mainstream news as it focuses almost exclusively on drama and suffering. There is an enormous amount of uplifting and inspiring news, good news, that the mainstream overlooks, and that you can easily find reported on the worldwide web. There are reports of amazing changes in attitudes that bring alterations that are happening now in people’s thought patterns, which are bringing forth new and uplifting ideas that will be rapidly developed for the highest good of all.
不要让自己陷入怀疑或绝望,当你观看或聆听主流新闻,因为它几乎只专注于戏剧和苦难。有着许多令人振奋和鼓舞人心的新闻,好新闻,主流所忽视的,你可以在世界各地的网站上轻易找到。有着惊人的态度改变的报道,带来了人类思想模式中的改变,带来了新的、振奋人心的理念 --- 会为了一切的最高良善快速发展
Truly this is an age of change. “Nothing new about that,” you may say, because, as I am sure you all know, change is the only constant in your illusory world. And yet there most definitely is something new! Change has been ongoing throughout the “life” of the illusion, but it has been repetitive change, a cycle of changes that, as they occur and repeat, often seem new to humanity. However, humanity’s life span is extremely short in comparison with the universe, and so these ever repeating changes only appear to you as something new, and frequently totally unexpected. Climate change for instance! Yes, it is occurring, and it seems to be a problem for you, maybe it could even become catastrophic! But it is not new, it is just one part of the ongoing cycle of changes that are an integral component of the illusion that you built in which to experience separation. It is proving very divisive as people either believe it is happening, deny it, or use the thought of it to cause fear in others and thus advance their own personal agendas for what would be but extremely short term gains.
确实这是一个改变的时代。“对此没什么好说的,”你可能会说,因为,我相信你们都知道,改变是幻象世界中唯一不变的。但肯定有着新的东西!改变贯穿幻象的“生命”,但那是重复的改变,一个改变的周期,它们发生并重复,对人类来说经常看似新颖。但,人类的生命期限与宇宙相比实在太短,所以这些不断重复的改变对你来说就像是新的,经常出乎你的意料。气候变化,比如!是的,它正在发生,对你们来说似乎是一个问题,也许还会变成灾难!但它不是新的,它是不间断改变周期的一部分,你建立来体验分离的幻象不可分割的一部分。它会引起不和,正如人们要么相信它正在发生,并否认它,要么使用想法导致他人的恐惧,从而促进他们个人的议程 --- 只不过是短期的收益
The illusion is a very clever idea – it is an idea, nothing more – to add conviction to the idea of separation that you chose to experience. Well now it appears to be totally out of control. Climate change, exhaustion of natural resources, or your own insane choices to engage in conflict, all seem to be pointing towards the inevitable destruction of humanity. And because the general consensus among those who believe in climate change is that it is occurring because of humanity’s industrial activities over the last couple of hundred years, and particularly over the last fifty, the intense need andwill to make many changes to the lifestyles embraced and encouraged by the industrialized nations will be realized.
幻象是一个非常聪明的主意 --- 它是一个想法,仅此而已 --- 为你选择体验的分离添加可信度而已。现在它看似完全失控。气候变化,自然资源的枯竭,或者你疯狂的选择与冲突接洽,一切看似都指向了人类不可避免的毁灭。出于那些认为这些的发生是因为人类在过去的几百年工业活动(尤其在过去五十年)造成的人之中普遍的想法,被工业化国家拥抱和鼓励的生活方式必须改变的强烈需求会被领悟
Many loving people are working very effectively and quietly behind the scenes to ensure that the changes of attitude within humanity that are occurring worldwide are integrated and shared so that families, businesses, political parties, religious organizations, and nations all end up on the same page practically, philosophically, and spiritually. This harmonious melding and blending of peoples from all across the world advances the growing awareness that all are one, that whatever just one does, says, or even thinks, affects all of humanity. As this awareness grows and strengthens an intense desire to be a positive and active part of these essential changes spreads throughout humanity, and that is happening right now.
New groups are forming all over the world to address the issues that are threatening humanity’s wellbeing, even its very survival, and through the communications systems that have been developed over the last fifty years they are able to find and interact almost instantly with other like-minded groups. These new groups are becoming increasingly effective as they link together and share ideas to resolve peacefully and harmoniously all of the issues threatening your physical wellbeing.
Truly amazing things are happening on Earth right now, and the fruits of these happenings will soon be delivered in enormous harvests to benefit all living beings. Humanity is not the only life form on Earth that is to benefit from these harvests, although it most definitely considers itself – or at least those parts of itself with the same ethnicity or belief systems with which a human identifies – as the most important. But of course you are all interdependent aspects of the ecosystem that was established on Earth when it began to support living conscious beings. And, over the eons, this ecosystem has undergone many major changes and seeming reversals of fortune.
确实惊人的事情正在地球上发生,这些事件的收益会很快被大量交付来利益所有的生命。人类不是唯一会从这些结果中受益的生命形态,尽管它肯定认为自己是最重要的 --- 至少那些种族划分主义或拥有相同信仰体系的人会这样想。不过当然你们都是地球上生态系统相互依存的面向,当它开始支持活生生有意识的存在。随着时间的推移,这个生态系统经历了许多重大的改变,命运看似逆转
With modern technology and loving intent you can and will establish a vastly improved ecosystem that will support all life forms, while reducing and then eliminating the need for one form to feed off another. The enormous damage that has resulted from mining, drilling, and other industrial activities, plus the massive dumping of waste products of an extremely toxic nature, will be reversed, and the areas in which it has occurred will be cleansed and then restored. Peace and harmony will replace conflict and suffering as you learn to engage ever more fully with your true nature, Love, and treat all life forms with the honor and respect that is their due.
As you have so often been told in recent years: “You are Love.” Love is all that exists, It is eternal, anything else is illusory and will not last. Deep within yourselves you know this, but in order to experience separation you had to lose or forget this and pretend that Love had to be sought from another. The human experience – birth, development from infancy through childhood, to adulthood, maturity, old age, and death – in order to succeed requires love, and so helplessness and dependency, that are the first stages of human development, give rise to the mother’s natural impulse to stroke and caress – love – the little one while she feeds it. Without this loving care and attention it will not survive.
正如在近几年你被经常告知的:“你是爱。”爱是一切,它是永恒,其他的一切是幻象,不会长久。内心深处你知道这些,但为了体验分离你必须忘记或失去它,假装爱必须从他人之中获取。人类的体验 --- 诞生,从婴儿发展到童年,到成年,到成熟,老年以及死亡 --- 为了成功获得爱,如此地无助和依赖,这是人类发展的第一阶段,引起了母亲自然的脉动来抚摸和怜爱 --- 爱 --- 她喂养的小小婴儿。没有这个爱的关照和关注,婴儿无法存活
But the little one also has to be protected because the earthly environment is not safe. Therefore, along with intense and deep love for the helpless infant, fear developed, and means of defense were invented to counteract this inhospitable environment. Fear is the experience of separation, and from that flows distrust and the felt need for preemptive action in the form of attack on anotherto protect one’s space.
Love is, of course, the antidote to fear, being all that is Real, all that exists, because It is eternal, endless, and unchanging. As I said above: “You are Love.” You have hidden from It by placing a veil or screen of forgetfulness between It and yourselves, but because It is your life support system, in fact the life force that flows through you in every moment, It is your one true need. You sense this and go looking for It outside yourselves because, as an infant, you learnt through your actual human experience that it came from your mother, and sometimes from your father. You are really looking for a mother or father replacement to confirm for you that you are lovable and of great value, even if your childhood experiences were bereft of parental love.
Love resides permanently and eternally within you, and it is only there that you will find It. How? By going within and opening your hearts to receive It. Self-acceptance is the first step to finding the Love within yourselves. The world in which you experience yourselves as humans is very judgmental, and there are very few who grow up without to some extent feeling inadequate, not good enough, or even worthless and useless. And of course, as great emphasis is placed on excellence academically or in the arts or in sports, and as only a very few find themselves in that league, the vast majority are prone to low self-esteem.
This why all the channeled messages that are being received these days strongly emphasize the divine truth, forgotten or unknown by the vast majority, that you are all, without any exceptions, the perfect children of God. As such you are infinitely and eternally loved by your heavenly parents – Mother/Father/God – and by going within at least once daily to spend quiet time alone at your own holy inner sanctuary you can find this Love, the life-force, abiding within yourselves by releasing all self-judgment or self-disparagement and allowing It to fill your hearts.
所以所有的通灵信息,这些天被接收的,都强烈地强调神圣的真理,大多数人遗忘或不知道的,你们,无一例外,是神完美的孩子。你被你天堂的父亲 --- 父母神 --- 无限,永恒地爱着,通过进入内在,至少每天一次,花时间安静地独处,在你内在的圣殿中,你会找到这个爱,生命力,通过释放所有自我评判或贬低,让爱充满你的心
Initially the temptation is to tell yourselves that this is foolish, that you are not good enough, that God couldn’t possibly love you because of . . . and here you list for yourselves all the reasons you know this to be true.
最初,诱惑会告诉你这是愚蠢的,你不够好,神是不会爱你的,因为 ... 你就列出了所有你知道这是真的的清单
Well, as I and so many others are telling you, this self disparagement and negative self-judgment is totally invalid. You spend far too much time comparing yourselves to others whom you see as better than you in order to validate your low personal self-assessment. Please don’t! You chose to incarnate as a human for the lessons you chose to learn, and, as a human, you have everything you need to successfully follow your chosen path. And, of course, you cannot change into someone else, in fact you would not want to, so accept yourselves just as you are, a perfect child of God, while at the same time experiencing life as a limited human being, as someone who makes mistakes. In this you are no different from anyone else, because every human, and there are no exceptions, makes mistakes.
Mistakes are part of the human learning experience, and they are the way to wisdom if embraced and understood. You have all no doubt heard the saying: “To err is human, to forgive divine.” Well, as humans you will err, and, because you are indeed divine beings, then forgive yourselves for the errors that you make, after all, God does, instantly, in the moment that you err.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
耶稣 20171109 爱是恐惧的解毒剂
通灵:John Smallman
翻译:Nick Chan
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAdMSjexSLk