原创 2017-09-24 萨南达 新纪元扬升之光
Sananda viaJames McConnell, September 17th, 2017
I AM Sananda.
And we wonder now as we look down upon all of you down from our perch,you might say, up on our ships. We look down and we see all that is happeningall of the consciousness that is shifting and changing. And we wonder now areyou feeling it? Are you feeling this new expression coming into you? Areyou feeling this consciousness shift? Are you feeling this sense ofanticipation that is coming over many across the planet?
Are you beginning to see and know the finish linethat is right there in front of you? For it is right there in front of you.
Many of you have been feeling a sense of gleefulness, you might say, asense of anticipation certainly, that all is coming to a crescendo. Many thingsare about to shift. And you are feeling this sense, you are feeling the endingof what you came here for. In other words you have been working toward thistime for a very long long time period. You have been working toward this shiftof consciousness, this frequency movement for a very long time. Anticipatingthis.
You came into this particular lifetime knowing that this is thatlifetime, this is that one. And this is the one that will have the finish line.And you can look back on many of the lives that you have had wondering in thoselifetimes whenever a conscious knowing came over you in a moment knowing whenwill this be? When will we reach the end? When will we reach the finish line?
And we can tell you now that you have reached this finish line. It isright there now. It only takes a little bit more to push you across. We arespeaking not only of the ascension but of the transition that you are movingthrough now and this transition is pushing so many, many more souls across thisfinish line or coming close to it. And you are the ones that are needing tocontinue to work with this.
As you are beginning to see and feel and know the energies that areawakening across the planet, the energies that are awakening in the animals,and the insects as you have been speaking of. They are here.
They are part of the Elemental Kingdom. Those of the dragonflies, thehummingbirds, the butterflies, all of these are showing themselves now to youin various ways. They are not showing themselves as they are yet but they areshowing themselves in ways that you can understand, in ways that you can beable to comprehend, and be able to know and feel the energy connection withthem. And they are going to increase this process as well. Many of you, manymore are going to be experiencing this.
And when you feel a butterfly, when you feel and sense a hummingbirdcoming close and you see that it is attempting to contact you open your eyes,open your ears and allow this process to happen because they have much toimpart to you. To you personally, not to the collective as we are doing here,but personally to each individual, they will begin more and more to communicateto you. Because the time is now for this to happen. The time is now for theseenergies to increase, for the frequencies to increase across the planet and youyourselves, each one to begin to feel these frequencies more and more so thatyou are experiencing all that is possible in the moment that you canexperience.
There is so much that is in the process. Yes you hear many things. Youuse your discernment in all of these situations so that you know thateverything that is happening now is happening for a reason. So many things thatare about to shift and change with your, those of the dark forces, what youcall the cabal, they have come to an end. You are hearing this more and moreyet you do not see it yet. You do not see it with your eyes, as of yet, thatthey have ended because you still see certain signs within the skies. You seecertain things that happen on your newsreels. You see certainly storms thatcome upon you. But you also begin to know more and more that these storms, thesesigns that are showing and that have shown themselves for years and years andyears and even lifetimes, are now showing themselves as much less than whatthey were before ,as theprogramming is being reduced more and more dissipating the veil. Dissipatingand disappearing completely.
And my dear Nada telling you that there is no veil. And that is thetruth: There is no veil. It is only there in your imagination or rather in yourprogramming that it is there. It is only part of the illusion.
So know that as everything around you is an illusion, begin to seethrough that illusion more and more. And as you do that you will communicatewith those of the other forces out there, the Elemental forces especially.
You will begin to experience contact and communication with thesedragonflies and these butterflies and the dragons and all of this. You willbegin to experience and communicate more with because they are there. And theyare aware of you. And they are ready to welcome you into their world.
And that is important to know because you are moving out of this world.Not that you are going to leave the planet, step off the planet and onto otherplanets — although yes that will be possible when the times and the frequenciesare right. But for now know that you are evolving. You are evolving into a higherform of life and this higher form of life is going to take you into this nextGolden Age.
I AM Sananda. I always enjoy these times that I can be with you andthese times are going to increase more and more as we as a collective begin towork with you more and more directly, more and more individually. Yes we areworking with you as a group, but we are going to begin to work more with you asindividuals beginning to prepare you for that which is coming very shortlywhere those of you that have come here and have your missions set in front ofyou are going to begin to work more on those missions. And you will begin toknow and understand exactly what those missions are.
我是萨南达。在这个时刻我总是感到喜悦,我和你们在一起的这些时间将会越来越多,因为我们作为一个集体开始与你们越来越直接地合作,与更多的个体合作。是的,我们正在与你成为一个团体,当你开始为即将到来的时刻做准备的时候, 会把你们的任务摆在你们面前,你们将开始在这些任务上做大量的工作。你们将会开始了解和理解这些任务是什么。
All of my peace and love be with all of you now as I take my leave.