(2017-09-19 03:57:24)
I AM Ashtar.
There are those moments that come when all things do not seem as they need to be or that you want them to be but yet they are so. Yet they are doing what they need to do in those times, in those moments. I speak now of consciousness. I speak now of the love that you share and you spread throughout all the planet. For it is you as you spread this love and this one consciousness it is you that is making the change here. It is you that is bringing up the vibrations of the planet. It is you that is raising the frequencies.
It is you that is creating the consciousness here; that is making this consciousness, this love, this vibration increase across the planet -You the light workers, the light warriors, those of you that came here to do this.
And now is the time for this to be. Now is the time for you to reach out and help your neighbor wherever you can. Reach out and offer them advice, offer them your understanding, your love wherever you can. That is not to mean that you are to invade their privacy. Not at all. But it does mean that where ever the opportunity arises now is the time to reach out and help your neighbor in any way that is possible in that given situation.
Yet as these storms rage across the planet know that they are not the storms that have been predicted. They are the storms that have been created by the fear mongers across the planet to lower the vibrations. That is their purpose is to lower the vibrations. And your purpose is to raise the vibration so you are going against each other all the time. But know that as you continue to raise vibration, as you continue to do all that you know to do then that is helping the process greatly.
All of those that are working for the light, are spreading the light, are sharing the light, all of you are continuing to raise these vibrations and make everything across the planet come back to the way it was supposed to be, the way it needs to be, the way it is becoming, and the way it will be.
For as you move into this New Golden Age you are the ones that are creating this Age. Do not be mistaken. There are some, yes that are reaching out and doing more, you might say. They’re reaching more people across the planet, they are seemingly doing more than you are doing. But do not be deceived by this because you are doing what you can simply in the meditation, simply in prayer, simply in whatever it is that you know to do, just allow it to be. And allow and know that all is being orchestrated. Even these storms themselves are being orchestrated because it is necessary. It is necessary for the planet to breathe.
It is necessary for the planet for Gaia to purge herself, purge herself of all of the old consciousness here; all of the old ways, the old programming. All of this is being purged out by these storms and these earthquakes and all of these seeming catastrophes. However they are only catastrophes to those that are involved in them. And even those that are involved in them know in those moments that they are also there for a purpose. They may not know it at the conscious level but they know it deep within themselves that they are also part of this great orchestration.
So do not think even for a moment that your part to play in this is minor for it is not. It takes all the parts together — all the parts — to bring the entire picture to come to fruition. It takes all of the pieces of the puzzle to put the puzzle together to complete it as a whole. And you are the ones that are doing that.
Now is the time for you not only to awaken your selves, but to help others begin to awaken as well, as they show the need for it or the desire for it. Do not fall back from this. Take upon this mantle, the consciousness, the oneness, the knowingness that you know to bring to the situation whenever it arises. Find the courage to speak out wherever you can because there are so many out there that are just looking for a spark, are just looking for an ember to begin to rise into a flame or that they can help to rise into a flame themselves just as you have. Just give them that spark and let them take it from there.
But do not fall back from this for this is your mission. At this moment in your lives, this is your mission. This is what you came here to do. And do it you will. And do it you are.
True, the green light has not yet been given by Creator but it is very close to being so. As we have told you before we are ready and waiting and ready to move at a moment’s notice when that signal is given. And as you may know and as you may feel deep within you that signal is really very close now.
I AM Ashtar. It is always wonderful to be with you but even more wonderful when we can join together on our ships in various places on the planet where we can sit and experience with each other and have those wonderful celebrations that have been spoken of. For those celebrations are ready to be put into operation.
All of my peace and love be with all of you.
通灵:John McConnell
翻译:Nick Chan
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5LBGeNBNJo