Dear Ones,
Many of you are concerned you have a small role to play in the next act of your transition play. Such is not true. For even shining your beacon of love is beyond your original earth expectations in this lifetime. But then, you have been an overachiever throughout your Universal existence. For you were created to create, not merely to hold a place for others.
Of course, you wish for us to relay your new role in more specific words than finding your joy. You wish us to tell Jamie or Steve she/he is to be or do this. We, of the Universes, cannot for you are in an amorphous phase. You have not yet formed anything of substance that directs you to where you wish to be. So it is you are waiting for a current to curse through your veins, directing you to this or that. But until you fully know who you are, we of the Universes do not either.
Many of your guides and angels experienced life on the earth. Their words of wisdom were a result of their understanding of 3D earth. The same was true for you. So it was that crystal ball, Tarot, tea leaf readings, etc. were action plans based on past and current events.
你的许多指导和天使在地球上体验过生活。他们的智慧话语是他们对 3D 地球的理解。你也是这样。所以水晶球、塔罗牌、茶叶阅读等等,是基于过去和当前事件的行动计划
But because your new love-based future continues to be formulated, no one, including you, has definite bearings about what you want to do in the next few months. The outcome is a given – a world of love and joy. The steps to that outcome have not yet been formalized.
但因为你新的基于爱的未来还在制订,没有人,包括你,可以确定你想要在接下来的几个月做什么。结果是肯定的 --- 一个爱与喜悦的世界。朝向这一结果的步伐还未形成
In 3D, the need to claim territory, family, community, social mores, etc. combined with a personality type in a fear-based world significantly reduced the number of probable actions. Even though readings offered possibilities, those possibilities were a repeat of what had occurred for eons.
在 3D ,宣称领土、家庭、社区、社会习俗等等的需求,外加在一个基于恐惧的世界中的人格类型,显著地减少了可能行为的数量。即使会提供可能性的读物,那些可能性是一个对已经发生了恒久之事的重复
In this new earth, there are no givens, not even personality types, to formulate accurate action plans. Discovering your joy and negating fears has created unlimited possibilities.
So the question continues to be, “What and where is your joy?” For as you release your fears, your joys shift. What you loved yesterday is no longer. And what you will love tomorrow is not yet apparent. So it is you cannot yet determine who you are any more than can we of the Universes.
As you shift, your joys shift. And as your joys shift, those around you shift accordingly. For you have likely narrowed your action/companion base to a few. Those few are taking their cues from you. Not because you are their leader, but because you understand this amazing transition better than they do.
随着你转变,你的喜悦转变。随着你的喜悦转变,你周围的人也会相应转变。因为你可能缩小了你的行为 / 伙伴基础到了很少。那几个少数人在从你身上寻找线索。不是因为你是他们的领袖,而是因为你比他们更明白这个惊人的转变
Your role seems to change daily, as do your interests and skills. Allow that to be. Just as you once allowed yourself to be an infant learning to shake a rattle and turn over.
Even though you might smile at the infant analogy, you are in a similar place in your joy tapestry thread. You know you want to be “over there,” but you do not yet have the skills to get there. So day by day, you test this and that joy to find those pieces that make you whole.
Some of you need to allow the phrase “make you whole” roll around a bit in your inner-being. For you know, you are a star creator, a god/goddess of the Universes. But just as it was when you were an earth infant, you are creating your interest areas. Do you wish to fly, walk, or merely be?
你们一些人需要让“使你完整”的话语在你的内心中循环一会儿。因为你知道,你是一个明星创造者,一个神 / 女神。但就像当你是一个地球婴儿的时候那样,你在创造自己感兴趣的领域。你希望飞翔、行走还是只是存在?
You are a new being in a new world. So you cannot determine who you are becoming any more than most toddlers know what their vocation/adult interest areas will be.
你是一个新的存在,处于一个新的世界中。所以你无法确定你在成为谁,就像大多数学步的孩童不知道他们天生 / 成人的兴趣领域会是什么
Perhaps such a thought seems overwhelming for you have wanted to know your role for months, if not years. All the while, believing this transition was merely a blip on your earth screen.
You are a wondrous creator being just beginning to understand your possibilities. For the next few weeks, you will be much like an infant quickly moving from shaking a rattle to stacking blocks to racing on a motorcycle. Yes, racing a motorcycle is the correct phrase. For you will not require years as do humans to shift from infant to adult. You will do so in the next few weeks.
Allow your interests to shift weekly, perhaps daily. For as you shed more and more of your 3D earth being, you will discover layer after layer of creativity and interests. Creative skills that will rebuild the earth in ways you cannot yet imagine. For you have increased your action base from helping 3D earth transition to dimensions beyond, to rebuilding that which now seems lost. Allow yourself to flow with this growth and seemingly constant shift from who you thought you were to your new action being.
让你的兴趣每周,也许每天都转变。因为随着你越来越多地摆脱你 3D 的地球存在,你会发现一层又一层的创造性和兴趣。创造性的能力会在你无法想象的方式中重建地球。因为你增加了你的行动基础,从帮助 3D 地球转变到之上的维度,到重建现在看似丢失的。让自己伴随着这个成长以及看似恒常的转变(从你认为你是谁到你新的行动存在)流动
You are in the processing stage of self-formulation.
You will discover you are not necessarily who you thought you would become based on your 3D reality, but instead someone more magnificent than you can imagine.
你会发现你不一定是你认为你会成为的人(基于你 3D 的现实),而是比你可以想象的更辉煌的人
Perhaps you fear you will not become that new entity until it is too late. A bit like a teen who wants to date at age 13 even if he or she is not ready to do so.
也许你害怕你无法成为那个新的实体直到太晚。有点像青少年想要在 13 岁的时候去约会,即使他 / 她还未准备好去这么做
You are at the beginning stages of your beyond 3D being. Not in terms of beaming your light, but in knowing who you wish to be in this new world. So do not fret if you have no definite direction within yourself – you are evolving minute by minute.
你处于超越你 3D 存在的起始阶段。不是关于辐射你的光,而是关于知晓你希望在这个新的世界成为谁。所以不要担心,如果你还未在内在确定方向 --- 你每时每刻都在进化
Allow yourself to follow your joy, and you will evolve rapidly. Continue to expect this action to be IT, and you will merely slow your progress – as that action might have felt right yesterday, but not necessarily tomorrow.
让自己跟随你的喜悦,你会快速进化。继续期待去成为什么的行为,你只会减缓你的进展 --- 因为那个行为可能会在昨天感觉正确,但明天就不一定了
You are an essential participant in this shift from fear to love. But no one including us, of the Universes, knows precisely what you will “bring to the table.” Your role is to follow your joy, for as you do so, your beacon shines. Worrying or contemplating a future that is not yet time for you to name or describe will merely slow this process.
It’s time to be you. Just as you allow infants to be who they need to be as they explore what they are interested in exploring. So be it. Amen.
通灵:Brenda Hoffman
翻译:Nick Chan