Humanity’s progress towards awakening is quite phenomenal! God’s divine plan is for you to awaken, and it always has been since the moment that you chose to experience an unreal state of separation from Source, the Source with Whom ALL are One. Therefore it is inevitable that you awaken, and all that you can do is choose when this will be by choosing when to open your hearts to let Love enter. Here in the non physical or spiritual realms we are fully aware of the plan and have been observing its progress from the beginning, knowing that it would be totally successful, but we did not fully understand how incredibly rapidly it would be brought to completion. Completion is now very close indeed, far closer than we realized, and for this all of you in form are to be most heartily congratulated! You are all doing phenomenal work.
At this moment much is arising worldwide that is very unsettling for all of humanity, indeed it is very painful and frightening for many of you. Hang in there! You are all, without any exception, most fully and lovingly supported as your awareness of your divine nature intensifies and, along with that, your feelings of unworthiness, of not being good enough, even of being sinners deserving punishment also arise into your conscious awareness. These are thoughts of a negative and very self judging kind that are utterly and completely invalid!
Over the eons, as you have entered and exited the dream of unreality to learn lessons that, with much loving guidance, you had chosen to place on your life paths, you have – of course – made mistakes and errors because that is part of being a human in form, seemingly separated from Source. But they are all unreal! They only seemed to happen, as things do in dreams, and, there in the dream, they do seem totally real, even though they never happen because dreams are unreal. And in Reality they most certainly could never even be imagined let alone happen!
You are all going to remember that you are perfect divine beings, permanently and eternally One with Source, just as you were created. You are Love, and Love is always wholly, utterly, and most joyfully loving of Itself in every moment – in that It is COMPLETE – and as there is nothing other than Love, nothing else is possible. Consequently there can be no blame, disapproval, judgment, or punishment of any kind, because those states are unreal, and thus cannot and do not exist.
What is occurring now is the arising into your awareness of all the seeming mistakes, errors, and sins that it appears that you collectively committed during all of your previous life times in the unreal dream environment that you built for yourselves so very long ago. You have been clinging to them, although they are hidden deep within yourselves – denied, buried out of sight, made invisible and inaccessible – because to acknowledge them would have caused you unhealable and relentless pain and suffering of an order of magnitude so enormous that you firmly believed that it would have destroyed you. Thus you buried it deeply and denied it. However, it was/is UNREAL! Consequently you remain Perfect just as you were created
But because you have you have held all this fear, hatred, resentment, and bitterness buried deep within yourselves it has blocked out Love. When you hold onto any of those feelings you are effectively choosing not to be Love. To be Love means that you totally, utterly, and completely, without any exceptions whatsoever, unconditionally accept and Love yourselves and all sentient beings. But when you attempt to set conditions for being Love, for offering Love, for being loving, you are blocking It out because there is no such thing as conditional Love, there is only Love!
The awakening process is the arising into your conscious human awareness of all these sins and errors it seems you have collectively committed over the eons so that you may acknowledge them, realize that they are unreal, that in Reality – your eternal state of joyful existence – they never happened and never could happen, and in that full awareness release those overriding and utterly invalid feelings of shame, guilt, and unworthiness.
How could even one of you, who are all without exception of any kind, the perfect divine creations of God – the beloved children of God, Beings of infinite perfection created like unto that Source, which is LOVE – be in any way unworthy of the Love from which and in which you were created?
Being One with God you are perfect, and therefore all that you have to do is to let go of any sense of guilt or shame, and allow your hearts, which are always totally worthy of Love, to open to receive It, delight in It, and share It with all with whom you interact in any way at all. Doing just that brings all to awakening, to full remembrance, and to full participation in the Oneness that is God. The infinite joy of that most wondrous moment awaits you.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
通灵:John Smallman
翻译:Nick Chan