JJK: This statement was made in the 1960s. Is there a difference on this subject today due to the energy and vibration changes on this earth? Will the body someday become “unimportant” or will we heal with the body and will we swing up with the body to higher and higher levels?
JJK: 以下的话是在 1960 年说的。这个主题在今天会有什么区别吗,出于当今地球上的能量和振动变化?身体会有一天变得“不重要”吗,或者,伴随着身体我们能疗愈吗,我们会伴随着身体上升到更高的层面吗?
PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA: My love is with you, my love is with all people!
PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA: 我的爱与你同在,我的爱与所有人同在
The difference from today to yesterday is that today you can carry your physical body much longer – sometimes even to the end of a life span – well preserved.
今天和昨天的区别在与今天你可以更长时间地携带你的物理身体 --- 有时候甚至到寿命的结束 --- 都保存地完好
The regular energy flow of spiritual light from being allows you a long health and at the same time spiritual growth. From a certain moment of consciousness the body becomes more and more insignificant – you don’t pay attention to it anymore, because your whole being, every fiber of your being, is directed towards God.
定期从存在而来的精神光之能量流动给予了你一个长期的健康,同时精神成长。从意识的某个时刻,身体变得越来越无关紧要 --- 你不再重视它,因为你的整体存在,你存在的每个纤维,都指向神
Beloved people,
please do not believe that if you are plagued by physical symptoms, you have reached this stage of realization. This is not yet the case for most people.
请不要相信 --- 如果你饱受身体症状,你就是到达了这个领悟阶段。大多数人还没有
The one who suffers from physical phenomena is invited to heal them and to track down the connections, the causes. Only when you are completely healthy in mind, soul and body does the path begin back to the source – and gradually the body loses its meaning.
饱受身体症状的人在被邀请去疗愈它们,追踪起因。只有当你的头脑、灵魂、身体完全健康,返回源头的道路才会开始 --- 渐渐地,身体失去它的意义
You can recognize saints by the fact that they make little fuss about their physical condition. They know why, they know the causes and are inspired only by one thought, one wish, one longing – GOD!
你可以通过对自己的身体状况不会大惊小怪来识别圣人。他们知道为什么,他们知道起因,只被一个思想、一个愿望、一个渴望 --- 神! --- 启发
Please do not confuse anything and never conclude from a realized person on yourself – unless – you yourself are realized.
请不要混淆任何东西,永远不要从一个领悟的人那里推断出自己 --- 除非 --- 你已经领悟
JJK: Further on in the same book I read this:
JJK: 在相同的书中我还读到:
“When people make sharp remarks to you, don’t answer immediately. Go into it later in a friendly way. Always think of suffering. If someone speaks badly of you, give him a place of honor in your garden and treat him as a friend. “m (Bhai Sahib, Sufi Master, The Way through the Fire, Irina Tweedie, p. 451)
PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA: Everything is a question of human consciousness. The one who is treated badly and refers to himself, because the ego demands his right, is not able to react to attacks in a sovereign way. Only when a person has created a distance to his ego, when he can oversee and control it, is this possible.
PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA: 一切都是人类意识的问题。被不友好对待的人,指的是自己,因为小我要求他的正确性,无法在一个主权的方式中对攻击做出反应。只有当一个人创造了和小我的一个距离,他才能监视和控制它,这是可能的
Realistic wisdom from true masters is always an order for people to work on themselves, to refine and to perfect themselves.
从真正大师而来的实际(切合实际)智慧总是一个命令( order )去让人们致力于自己,精炼和完美自己
Test what it means to remain calm in attacks and insults, to respond gently, and to give a place of honour in your garden to the one who hurls anger or even hatred at you. This requires a certain awareness.
Today many seekers tend to misjudge their own development. Many think that they have long since been above this or that, but most of the time everything is only pure theory. Many avoid life and have no experience with themselves in critical situations.
Inner peace is not achieved – by appeasing your demons – but by defeating them. This requires the confrontation with them.
内在的平和并未被获得 --- 通过平息你的恶魔 --- 而不是击败它们。这需要与它们对峙
So be truthful in your dealings with yourself. Where do you really stand and what is still to be done? Do you expose yourself to life – or do you avoid elementary experiences that demand true answers from you?
所以在面对自己之中保持诚实。你到底站在哪里,什么依旧需要完成?你是否暴露于生活 --- 还是你回避要求来自于你真正回应的基本体验?
Saints are sublime above it. They have seen, recognized and accepted themselves. They know the shadows and the light, they have transformed the shadows and long only for union with the Source.
God in everything – that is the perception of a saint immersed in infinity.
神无处不在 --- 这是圣人永远沉浸的感知
I bless you in the name of God
通灵:Jahn J Kassl
翻译:Nick Chan