2019-08-12 21:08:35
great ones,
2 earth weeks ago, the starseed collective of earth reached a monumental evolutionary point where a major compression breakthrough of divine light was close to occuring for the first time in modern history.
this breakthrough of light caused the few remaining dark forces on the surface to rev up their game as you may well know!
benevolent light forces have been working around the clock for the last 6 months to remove the last blocks preventing humanity's ascension to the new earth!
due to the critical nature of the cosmic battle of light and dark on the surface, benevolent light forces have escalated the removal of these ascension blocks to to a higher level!
so what is this big surprise in store for the remaining dark forces on the surface of earth?
it is three-fold:
1. the dark ones are about to slam into a brick wall of intense celestial light!
you must know that the beings of earth are waking up in mass numbers and starseeds are leading the charge in this great awakening!
there is a strong collective light building in the hearts of the beings of earth that is the most powerful force in the universe!
the beings of love and light doing a good work here on the earth are just not gonna be tread on, enslaved, or abused by nefarious beings any more!
2. as you are aware, intervening, benevolent light forces from higher realms are also here assisting the beings of earth in their ascension!
these light beings have this solar system surrounded and have completely seized back ownership of the earth!
these benovlent angelic forces are in full control now of all systems of this world and are on a mission to ensure that humanity is set on a positive timeline where peace, abundance, and freedom shall prevail on earth!
along with the ground forces of love and light, these higher beings are working fast and hard to completely set this world free from the tyranny and harm that has existed here for eons and which has nearly destroyed the beings here and this beautiful planet!
3. as described below, light forces have deployed a new operation to completely illuminate the 3d matrix with celestial, healing and transforming light from the central sun that is much more potent than what we have been receiving for the last year!
3. 如下所述,光之力量已经展开了一个新的行动,用来自中央太阳的神圣、疗愈、转变之光完全照亮3D矩阵,会比我们在去年所接收的更加强大
this powerful central sunlight will illuminate every dark space in the 3d matrix, it will reveal all hidden things, and will completely eradicate all harmful and dark forces from the planet's surface!
earth alliance intel says, "the gamma light waves coming in that upgrades human dna to a more advanced state are going to increase in power and will become much stronger than what we have seen so far!"
we are direct participating members of the earth alliance and our team of light is responsible for receiving, decoding and re-broadcasting light data given to the earth alliance.
we came to herald grand news to you this day!
dear ones,
in a response to latest failed efforts of the remaining surface archons to manipulate the beings of earth, the councils of light initiated a green-light go, 11 earth hours ago, to commence "operation starlight".
'operation starlight' is fully underway is being carried out by pleiadian delta ground forces with support from 4 primary federation craft docked in earth's atmosphere with oversight by the councils of light!
the primary objective of this operation is to:
1. eradicate any remaining archontic forces from the face of the earth and to create enough light density around the earth to trigger the imminent compression breakthrough of light on the surface.
in common terms great one, the forces of light and the earth alliance have agreed they are going to turn the volume of light coming into earth to a higher level!
the original plan of the councils of light to move things forward on a positive gamma timeline to the new earth involved sending slow bursts of gamma light over a longer a period, so starseeds could integrate it easier!
in an emergency /council of light meeting with the earth alliance yesterday it was agreed that starseeds are now strong enough to handle larger increase in light coming into the human vessel, however, it is known that these higher infusions of gamma light could possibly blow the physical vessel out for any being who resonates too low in frequency! this would primarily be the most debase and harmful beings that exist on the surface of the earth!
the coordinators of "starlight" say its the only sure way to put an end to the tyranny and destruction that has ravished earth for the last 350,000 years!
when will this strong gamma light come to earth?
channeled delta forces intelsays, it has already started and will increase dramatically over the coming days and weeks!
they have advised all starseeds to begin clearing personal energy fields of all toxic, low-vibrating energies and only take natural healthy energies into the body to lessen the effects of taking in large amounts of central sunlight! it is also recommended to disconnect from all energy manipulators in your life and in this world by simply saying 'no' to them!
a built-in natural universal law allows any contract made with archons to siphon off your life force out of trickery, ignorance, fear, bullying or threats to be cancelled at once by simply saying, "no, i do not consent to your intimidations any more!"
benevolent light forces have conveyed they will be using powerful crystal technology to amplify the divine light from the central sun to a level that has not been seen in modern history and will be deflecting it onto earth over the coming days and weeks!
the earth alliance received a large data cache on the pleiadian light technology used on this mission and this data cache will also be released over the coming hours!
be responsible and do your part on this grand mission not only for the sake of humanity's evolution but your own sake!
remember this is the first ascension in all universes where you will be taking your physical container up through faster vibrating dimensions where physical things cant exist normally!
this is what makes this ascension most unique!
the goal is not to lose the physical container and stay in it as it transforms from carbon cells to crystalline cells!
the light is going to do the work but starseeds must lighten their body container to allow this to all work correctly!
one just can't continue to think or act in a negative, debase manner or continue to be exposed too or ingesttoxic 3d toxic substances and expect to transition into the 5th dimensional earth! those lower energies cannot exist in the new-earth dimension!
your body must be prepared now to be able to morph into a crystal light body and it cannot do this unless all 3d toxins and energies are moved out of the way!
you know all the things you must do now so we suggest you get focused on what is most important here!
light forces say to any dark forces remaining on earth, "embrace light or be consumed by it!"
when a light shines in a dark room, where does the darkness go?
light has come into this world great one and things are getting ready to move much faster now!
dear ones, do not be side-tracked by the trauma and drama of 3-d world systems because of all of that just distraction to stop humanity's move towards a better version of the earth where peace, goodness and health, and abundance abound!
a historical and incredible planetary liberation operation is underway regardless of what might still be witnessed in the world around you!
there is a bit of chaos occuring as dimensions continue to clash, but the dust will settle soon!
this entire realm is transforming into a new world of light, from the sky to the ground as powerful forces of light descend down onto the planet's surface!
the collective energy of millions of starseeds stationed here, has finally reached a critical mass state and the most powerful force of light, ever known has come to the earth!
remember that darkness has no power at all over the light!
as it was said in ancient writings, "the light came into the world and the darkness has never been able to put it out!"
thank you for the good work you have done on earth to make this world a better place for all humanity!
without you there would be light or hope here!
we are witnesses to the greatest time in human history and we simply say what we see and hear from higher realms!
prepare your being dear one, for a major influx of pleiadian 5d gamma light over the coming days!
all hands on deck, as all systems are go for "operation starlight"!
通灵:Michael Love
翻译:Nick Chan
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