SANANDA: Such a wonderful time to be here! There are so many now that feel, things are just so hard. And they are. But what makes them feel so hard is that we focus in on how hard they feel, instead of focusing in on what makes us feel better. So this is what we will talk about in this class. We will talk about what makes us feel better. Let's say, when things start all over again in a different dimension, everything that you could possibly imagine rises in vibration. This can be everything from, hmm… what you like to wear, to (if you like to eat) what you like to eat, to laws. Oh... haven't they gotten a bad reputation lately? Last week you were talking about "structures" and "limitations". Correct? Now, let's talk about how we can CHANGE those structures and limitations.
Let's start with the very basics, yes? We have Ten Commandments here. Correct? Doesn't it seem strange that all ten of those Commandments sound so foreboding? We have all those "Thou shalt nots". So what we're going to decide to do this time is we're going to change them to "Thou shalt", yes? Let's start out with "Thou shalt accept all the Love the Universe has to offer to you".
"Thou shalt enjoy and feel ALL the Joy that you can possibly contain within your Being"… without maybe exploding? What else "Shalt" we do? "We shalt consider all that we do FUN instead of work"! And we SHALL be "gracious" unto ourselves. Yes? That, too, is a big one. We tend to be trained to be gracious to others. Why can we not also be trained to be gracious to our selves? If, we are gracious to ourselves, would it not automatically encompass being gracious to everyone else? For how can someone truly be gracious to others if they cannot be gracious to themselves? . Please explain that these are questions that they're not necessarily going to receive a grade for. *smile* Yes? They are going to be grading their OWN answers, within their hearts, hopefully. How do we count our blessings?
How many blessings can you count (in the "here and now" and where you are in doing this class)?
问题 1
Well, the answer, quite frankly is, you can't count that high... I don't think. Let me see... can we start with the basics? I am thankful that I can breathe? I'm thankful that this wonderful heart of mine beats blood all through the body that feeds it. I am thankful that I have hair that keeps my scalp from getting sunburned when I go outside in the sun. I am thankful that... oh, that's too basic, having a roof over your head. How about I am thankful that I have this marvelously textured roof over my head? I am thankful for a soft chair to sit in. See... I guess the point that I'm trying to make is, if you were to stop, and you were to think back to what it was like to live around... hmm… 2000 years ago? We did not really have comfortable chairs like this to sit in. We had straw mats that stuck you when you moved. We had rocks. We had tree stumps, if we were lucky enough to be around trees. And we had dirt… with "critters". We were thankful then, too. Look at all this. (Looking around the room). It's like when I first came in and arrived... I heard bells tinkling. (Wind chimes). You can hear the wind actually singing! That, too, is something to be most thankful for. We were thankful that we heard the wind singing through leaves and reeds, and now you can totally surround yourself with the music of the wind! Ah, and you have those marvelous things that keep food cold. You do not have to eat "dried meat" all the time. Water that comes in your house! Isn't that WONDERFUL? So you see, even though things are "hard" in some aspects at this point in time, it's also been "designed" to come at a time when you are at your most comfortable... to make it easier on you. So! Let's do another question for the lesson, shall we?
When you walked, on this planet, in this dimension, 2000 years ago, what would you have been most thankful for then?
问题 2
We don't really want to throw people into a tailspin over "past lives" or anything like that. We're just asking you to use your imagination on this question. Yes? When you (Janisel) are transcribing this tape tomorrow, won't it make you MOST grateful that you are not writing on slate? Yes? You have these lovely machines that do most of the work for you, do they not? So... it's the little things that you take for granted the most, which you could find yourself being MOST grateful for. Look at this one (Dolly, the Light Puppy)... this little bundle of joy. It's fine for her to come and see me, however, if everyone could just follow her example… she lives in the NOW... ALL THE TIME! When she is happy, what does she do? She shows you. When she is sad, what does she do? She shows you. If she is sleepy, what does she do? If she is grumpy, what does she do? She does not have to speak the same language as you in order for you to be able to understand her fully when she expresses her feelings, correct?
我们不是真的想使人们通过“前世”或诸如此类陷入混乱。我们只是要你们用想象来回答这个问题。当你(Janisel)明天抄录这个磁带时,你会感恩你在岩板上抄录吗?你们有这些可爱的机器可以为你们做大部分的工作,不是吗?这些你们认为理所当然的小事,你们会为它们感恩吗?看看这个(Dolly, 小狗)......这个快乐的小东西。它来这里见我很好,如果每个人都可以跟随它的例子......它一直活在当下!它开心时做什么?它让你知道它开心。它伤心时做什么?让你知道它伤心。如果它困了,它做什么?如果它生气,做什么?当它在表达自己的感受时不需要用你的语言就能让你完全的明白,对吗?
There was an "exercise" that I was a part of this morning (AAUM Temple Gathering), to where some of you were able to be put in touch with some of the energies that you help co-create... WAY BACK before any of this was a twinkle in anybody's eyes. This is part of the reason why some of you were allowed to do that exercise... for the sheer fact that you need to get back in touch with some of those most "baser" ideas and ideals and concepts that you came up with way back when. Yes?
If you were to pick what some people would classify as a "baser" life form from this world, which of those baser life forms would you pick and why? Let us stick to "animals" for this question… and not include the amoebas and insects, yes?
问题 3
We consider this little furry creature here (Dolly) as a wonderful Light Being. However, those that are having a really hard time with the energies right now may consider her a "lower" or "baser" life form. Yes? So... let's look at it this way. Is there not ONE baser life form on this planet that cannot fully and completely express itself? Are they baser or lower life forms than humans? They are "different"; however, the "thing" that really differentiates YOU as humans from them as animals, is the thought processes. It's the thought processes that allow those limitations that allowed the "guilt" from the last lesson. This one (Dolly) has a brain. She also has thought processes. YOU have thought processes also. You say, "Hmm... I am hungry. What of the many THOUSANDS of things can I choose from to eat?" Whereas THIS one (Dolly), she thinks "Hmm… I'm hungry. What did she put in my food bowl? Or, I could always go eat a lizard!" Therefore, who has the most choices? Who has the most to be grateful for? Now, that is just one example. If you felt like taking a nap, you could sleep in your chair, yes? You could sleep in your bed, you could sleep on the floor. You could sleep anywhere you wanted to. So can she. But the only limitation she has is the limitations you impose upon her. Yes? This is more of a more "baser" way of showing you the limitations you set upon yourselves or allow others to set upon you. Just look at the way you interact with her. They are pure examples of "limitations". Now, this one (Dolly) has a mighty voice! And if she wants something to change, does she not know how to push your buttons?
JANISEL: Oh yes! She lets me know!
SANANDA: I think she lets ALL of you know, yes? Maybe even the neighbors at times? And definitely the other critters that run around outside...THEY know! Therefore, she is speaking what she feels, from her heart. Sometimes her stomach! Mainly, from her heart. Therefore, could humans not learn lessons from the animals? This is, in part, the answer to that last question. Therefore, whatever animal they picked, that they would appreciate being for a small period of time, (I'm sure it would be wise to go through and find the characteristics of that animal); is the animal "predator" or "prey"? If they were predator or prey, how high would they consider themselves on the food chain? Ego stipulates... "Oh, the King of Beasts!". Depends on which continent you're talking of, of course. Every continent does have its "King of Beasts" whether they're fully acknowledged or not. Unfortunately, I don't think that the cougar has the same, shall we say, "status" as the lion from Africa? Let's consider the person that picks the "King of the carnivores", yes? This person sees themself as very aggressive, very domineering. Then let's compare that to the person that sees themself as a deer… the shy, the timid, the fleet of foot.
"If It Feels Good - DO IT!"
扬升课 #2撒南达 如果感觉好就做!’(简译)