









this channeled light data transmission is intended solely for the light worker community!




note about craft photo:




the photo below is a screenshot of the actual local video we recorded two days ago!




the only editing of the photo is a slight adjustment in the brightness, contrast, and tone.




the photo may look a bit ominous, but we simply darkened it to show the detail of the ship!




the black line in the middle of the photo is a light pole!




dear ones,




as some of you may know by now, pleiadian scout ships, used as shuttles to move delta ground forces from the 5d solar portal to the surface of earth, have been cloaked in earth's atmosphere since at least 9-11-2018!


正如你们一些人现在可能已经知晓的,昴宿星侦察飞船,作为穿梭机将三角洲地面部队从 5D 太阳门户运输到地表,从 2018 9 11 日起就隐身在地球的大气层中


this is the earth date when all the major solar observatory telescopes around the globe detected, filmed and photographed close-up images of these benevolent, extra-terrestial lightships around earth's sun!




the main ships are massive in size and where filmed moving in and out of a multi-dimensional portal near the sun, and were also filmed siphoning-off plasma from the corona of the sun, then deflecting it towards the earth!




this is being done for the purpose of upgrading the dna of the human species to a more advanced level!


这是为了升级人类的 DNA 到更加高级的水平


these amazing pleadian lightships use a technology called 'spectral cloaking' and in this state they will either be invisible to a lower light spectrum or they will simply be disguised as part of the background of the skies, often as atmospheric clouds!




recent talks with key light beings who are earth alliance members in high positions in the governments of earth have now moved into a final phase where the first open disclosure in modern history, of these angelic beings to earth, has been planned and is already underway!


最近与关键光之存有的谈话(在地球政府中处于高位的地球联盟成员)表明现在已经进入最终的阶段 --- 现代历史中的第一次公开揭露,关于这些天使存在的,已被计划,已经在进行!


the information given to the earth alliance is this:




these great beings, their crafts, and their technology will only be disclosed at first, to surface light beings, resonating near or at the 5d level, and who are mature and evolved enough to start interfacing with their galactic family!


这些伟大的存在,他们的飞船,他们的科技会先揭露给地表的光之存有(在 5D 或接近 5D 水平共振的,足够成熟和进化可以开始与他们的银河家人交互的)


this is not a joke or some made up nonsense but a very real endeavor that is unfolding right now, on the planet!




you may have noticed an escalation in earth's mainstream news stories recently




where respected and noted military pilots are stepping forward in an open way to publically report their amazing flight encounters with these e.t. crafts, recently!




these incredible ships will be witnessed now by many with un-deniable proof however it will happen very slow and subtle at first!




the higher beings have said, "this is part of a grand divine plan that has been set and a slow, gentle unveiling is the way it must be in the best interest of all who are involved!




several earth days ago as part of a soft disclosure effort, first to 5d starseeds stationed on gaia, pleiadian delegates to earth, in cooperation with the earth alliance began a plan to slowly begin decloaking tens of thousands of pljaren shuttle craft that are parked in earth's atmosphere! this soft disclosure has already started!


几天前,作为温柔揭露的一部分,先对地球上 5D 的星际种子,昴宿星代表团与地球联盟合作,开始了一个计划来缓慢地开始显现数以万计隐藏在大气层中的飞船!这个温柔的揭露已经开始


the recent pleiadian disclosure is this:




these ships are cloaked in the high-vibrational cloud cover above the surface by a process known as spectral cloaking, and can only be seen by beings resonating close to thier 40 hertz gamma light spectrum!


这些飞船隐藏在高振动的云彩中,通过光谱隐身科技,只能被接近 40 赫兹伽玛光谱共振的存在看到


5d starseeds are just now fully ready, vibrationally, to make first physical contact with their star family so it is a historical and exciting time to be here on earth!


5D 星际种子已经完全准备好,振动上,与他们的星际家人进行第一次物理接触,所以这是一个史诗般和激动人心的时刻处于地球上


3d humans on an average resonate around 7.8 hertz which is an entirely different dimensional reality than 5d, 40 hertz so it is not possible for them to see these ships or to even give much notice to the skies or thought to the fact that these ships even exist!


3D 人类,平均在 7.8 赫兹共振的,和 5D 40 赫兹完全不是一个维度现实,所以他们不可能看到这些飞船或甚至去关注天空或思考这些飞船是存在的


we hear the questions before they are asked!




can this be real?




is there any physical proof of this?




yes, but only if you have the eyes to see!




how to see these ships and what you will see?




first and foremost, you have to look up more through the day hours!




if you notice, the clouds have much more detail now than they ever have!




these ships respond to consciousness which means a couple of things:




1. the intent to see them causes them to start appearing right before your eyes!


1. 想要看到它们会导致它们开始出现在你的眼前


2. the more you place your focus on them and the closer and harder you look, the more they will start to manifest as well!


2. 你越多地关注它们,你越仔细和努力地去看,它们会更多地开始显现


atmospheric clouds have been known to take on shapes of disks and other shapes that look like e.t. craft, however in this new disclosure effort you will witness these cloudships begin to materialize into heavier dense matter.




the shapes of these cloud-cloaked-ships will have too many un-natural shapes to be just a cloud.




these intelligent shapes will be mostly straight lines, squares and other forms of geometry and may repeat in not-so random patterns.




a stronger-than -normal bas-relief, effect showing third-dimensional depth, shadow, and detail of the ship!




3. features of the ship such as windows, doors, engines, wings and heavy metalic machinery...


3. 飞船的特征,比如窗户、大门、引擎、翅膀和重金属机械


on a side note there are not only ships showing up in the sky, but celestial cities!




they can be seen with just as much detail as the ships described above!




why are cities showing up in the clouds?




because you are starting to pear into the celestial temples and landscapes of the 5th dimension that is commonly known as heaven!




a disclaimer:




the beings aboard these intergalactic ships are 100% benevolent and are here to assist humanity in their great spiritual and technological evolution!


处于这些星际飞船之上的存在是 100% 仁慈的,是来协助人类伟大的精神和科技进化的


there are literally trillions of beings and ships here now in this solar system




that have come from all around this universe for the finalization of the ascension event that is about to happen here!




these angelic beings are also here to keep things from going sour at this time, considering that one million new species are about to become extinct on this planet, not to mention the ecological damage humans have done to planet earth over the last century!




the shocking reality here is, without some higher intervention at this time, humanity is on a sure path to become extinct itself within the next 50 earth years for a variety of obvious reasons!


令人震惊的现实就是,此刻没有一些更高的干预,人类肯定会在 50 年内自我灭绝,出于各种原因


anyone who creates fear or doubt around these ships being the real deal, or who says 'this is darkness' or not the truth and tries to scare others, should not even be here reading this and they are absolutely not ready to evolve their being to a more advanced, loving state!




the earth alliance is encouraging starseeds to keep their eyes on clouds in the skies and be on the look for these ships to start to materialize, with phone cameras in hand!




also, when you get a good photo or video that shows one of these ships materializing, please post it here in the comments below!




you may edit contrast and brightness but please keep original photo in tact!




we have been told that everyone will be quite surprised at what is revealed right here!




also, positive comments of your own encounters with these ships are welcome here as well!




standby as operation freedom earth continues...




we look forward!




god-speed great ones!





通灵:Michael Love

翻译:Nick Chan


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