Preparing for Disclosure & Solar Flash Events – Corey Goode at Cosmic Waves
Written by Dr Michael Salla on April 16, 2019. Posted in Featured, Space Programs
以下是 4 月 9 日和 11 日在凯阿拉凯夸举行的宇宙波研讨会上科里·古德两次演讲的主要内容。古德对信息披露过程将如何进行做出了重要的预测,如何为即将发生的 X-100 太阳耀斑范围内的太阳闪光 ( 又名密克罗诺瓦 ) 事件做好准备,以及我们进入一个终结时代。为了验证古德先驱性秘密太空计划 (SSP) 证词的其他方面,将这些预测记录下来是有帮助的,这些证词产生的影响远远超出了 UFO 和外星政治群体。
What follows are the key elements in Corey Goode's two presentations at the Cosmic Waves seminar in Kealakekua, Hawaii on April 9 and 11. Goode made important predictions about how the disclosure process is going to play out, how to prepare for an imminent solar flash (aka micronova) event that would be in the range of an X-100 solar flare, and our entering an End Times era. It is helpful to make a record of such predictions in order to validate other aspects of Goode's pioneering secret space program (SSP) testimony, which has had an impact far beyond the UFO and exopolitics communities.
以下是 4 月 9 日和 11 日在凯阿拉凯夸举行的宇宙波研讨会上科里·古德两次演讲的主要内容。古德对信息披露过程将如何进行做出了重要的预测,如何为即将发生的 X-100 太阳耀斑范围内的太阳闪光 ( 又名密克罗诺瓦 ) 事件做好准备,以及我们进入一个终结时代。为了验证古德先驱性秘密太空计划 (SSP) 证词的其他方面,将这些预测记录下来是有帮助的,这些证词产生的影响远远超出了 UFO 和外星政治群体。
While many of the points Goode made have been stated before, there was new information that casts light on recent events, especially in his April 11 presentation. The first presentation was intended as a summary of Goode's testimony and experiences. I will endeavor to cover the basic points Goode covered for those new to his SSP testimony, and offer a brief commentary on new information.
虽然古德提出的许多观点以前已经阐述过,但有新的信息可以说明最近发生的事件,特别是在他 4 月 11 日的陈述中。第一次发言的目的是总结古德的证词和经验。我将努力涵盖古德为那些新的 SSP 证词所涵盖的基本要点,并对新的信息提供一个简短的评论。
Immediately prior to Goode's April presentation, Elizabeth Wilcock (wife of researcher David Wilcock), made some surprising corroborations of Goode's prior information on an inner Earth civilization called the Anshar. Using a shamanic communication method, she was able to meet and independently confirm the name of the sister of the Anshar Priestess Ka Aree that Goode has previously described as his chief liaison with the Anshar, and who had showed him possible timelines about Earth's future.
就在古德四月份的报告之前,伊丽莎白·威尔科克 ( 研究员大卫·威尔科克的妻子 ) 对古德先前提供的关于地心文明安沙尔的信息提出了一些令人惊讶的佐证。使用萨满通讯方法,她能够会见并独立确认安莎尔女祭司卡阿雷的妹妹的名字,古德曾经描述这个妹妹是他与安沙尔的主要联络人,并向他展示了关于地球未来可能的时间线。
Ka' Aree, the Anshar High Priestess Goode has closely worked with since 2015. Source: SBA
Ka'Aree ,安萨尔高级女祭司与古德自 2015 年以来一直密切合作。资料来源: SBA
She pointed out that the Anshar Priestess was working with her to reintroduce the ideas of the "sacred warrior" and the "sacred feminine" into the mass consciousness, and that she teaches classes on how to achieve this.
她指出,安沙尔女祭司正在与她合作,将 " 神圣战士 " 和 " 神圣女性 " 的思想重新引入群众意识,她教授如何做到这一点。
Wilcock also had a shamanic encounter with a group of Olmecs who had previously inhabited areas of South America, and mysteriously left, like the Mayans, centuries ago. She pointed out that the shamanic encounter happened the same day that Goode had his own experience with Mica, who has described himself as a descendant of the Olmecs who returned to their home world to eventually liberate it from Draconian Reptilian control.
Previously, Goode has described other worlds controlled by Draconians, which go through a similar planetary liberation process where an individual plays a role similar to Enoch described in historic biblical texts, in mediating between conflicting sides in a planetary wide conflict involving extraterrestrials (aka Angels).
此前,古德曾描述过其他由德拉古尼亚人控制的世界,这些世界经历了一个类似的行星解放过程,在这个过程中,个人扮演着一个类似于圣经历史文本中以诺克所描述的角色,在涉及外星人 ( 又名天使 ) 的行星广泛冲突中,在冲突双方之间进行调解。
Goode began his presentation by acknowledging the complimentary nature of his and Wilcock's information about the importance of re-balancing the divine feminine as an essential part of the ascension process.
He pointed out that the blue spheres that he had initially interacted with and transported him to different off-planet locations, were not technologies but were actually higher density beings, that can morph into different shapes for any purpose.
Goode being transported by a blue sphere. Credit: SBA
古德被一个蓝色的球体传送。来源: SBA
Goode described the beginning of his SSP service to when he was identified at the age of 6 as having the requisite genetic traits, and was enrolled in a special needs children program at his elementary school. He was subsequently exposed to an extensive training routine for children marked for SSP service over the next decade. At 16 years of age, during the Xmas school break, he was formally taken into the SSP service, and had to sign draft papers even though it was illegal for minors to join a military service.
古德描述了他的 SSP 服务的开始,直到他在 6 岁时被确认为具有必要的遗传特征,并在他的小学注册了一个特殊需求儿童项目。随后,他接触到了广泛的训练程序的儿童标记为特别警察服务在未来十年。 16 岁的时候,在圣诞学校放假期间,他被正式纳入了 SSP 服务,并且必须签署文件草案,尽管未成年人参军是违法的。
Goode then switched to recent events and talked about the ambush and assassination at Lunar Operations Command (LOC) of Sigmund, who was his former military abductor from an SSP run by the USAF/DIA/NRO/NSA, who eventually joined the SSP alliance that Goode has been working with since early 2015. Sigmund had confirmed the veracity of Goode's testimony and realized that the USAF SSP had been deceived by the Deep State about the existence of other SSPs and their more advanced technologies.
古德接着谈到了最近发生的事件,并谈到了西格蒙德在月球行动指挥部 (LOC) 遭遇的伏击和暗杀。西格蒙德曾被美国空军 / 国防情报局 / 国家侦察局 / 国家安全局领导的特种安全部队绑架,后来加入了自 2015 年初以来一直与古德合作的特种安全部队联盟。西格蒙德证实了古德证词的真实性,并意识到美国空军南太平洋空间站被深海国家所欺骗,以为其他南太平洋空间站及其更先进的技术的存在。
Goode described how an electromagnetic bomb that would discharge a brief burst of deadly radiation, was placed in the ceiling of a room, and detonated when Sigmund and other meeting participants were killed without any structural damage to the LOC.
Goode went on to mentioned that some high level Earth Alliance sources, comprising senior officials, who he was working with, had been introduced to David Wilcock, Jordan Sather and myself. I can confirm that I have met a senior military intelligence official from a NATO country who Goode introduced me to, and upon whom I conducted due diligence.
古德接着提到,一些地球联盟的高级官员已经被介绍给大卫·威尔科克、乔丹·萨瑟和我。我可以证实,我遇到了一位来自北约 (NATO) 国家的高级军事情报官员,他是古德介绍给我的,我对他进行了尽职调查。
I was able to confirm his rank as a general, but have been asked not to reveal more about his identity. What I can confirm is that the general was convinced about the reality of Goode's SSP information and was actively helping him gather intelligence information that would support his mission.
我能够确认他作为将军的军衔,但是被要求不要透露更多关于他的身份。我可以确认的是,这位将军相信古德掌握的 SSP 情报的真实性,并积极帮助他收集情报信息,以支持他的任务。
Goode pointed out that the people who handed him two Defense Intelligence Reference Documents were able to print off the documents directly from the Defense Intelligence Agency database. This was a significant admission since it showed his contact still retains security clearances and access to highly classified government documents.
The fact that Goode was the first to publicly release these documents is highly significant since it helps verify his status as a genuine insider who is being helped in his SSP disclosure efforts by DIA personnel.
古德是第一个公开发布这些文件的人,这一事实具有重大意义,因为这有助于核实他作为一名真正的内部人士的身份,他在内务部情报局人员的帮助下披露了自己的 SSP 。
Goode pointed out that Q Anon is an intelligence operation backed by the Earth Alliance (an assortment of White Hats from the world's militaries). This suggests that at some point in the future, Q Anon will elaborate upon previous posts referring to secret space programs and extraterrestrial life.
古德指出, Q Anon 是一个由地球联盟 ( 一个来自世界军队的白帽分类 ) 支持的情报行动。这意味着在未来的某个时刻, Q Anon 将会详细阐述之前提到的秘密太空计划和外星生命空间计划的文章。
Goode described similarities between his contact experiences and those described by Enoch – the pre-Flood patriarch. He pointed out that this kind of catastrophic event is something that happens at the end of every cycle. These cycles are described in the Law of One book series where a planet's population has an opportunity to ascend after a 25,000 year period.
古德描述了他的接触经验之间的相似性和那些描述的伊诺克 - 前洪水族长。他指出,这种灾难性事件发生在每个周期的末尾。这些周期被描述在一个星球的人口在 25,000 年后有机会提升的系列丛书中。
In my recent book, Antarctica's Hidden History, I explain some of the similarities between Goode and Enoch, and how these point to extraterrestrial civilization choosing to work with an individual during an End Times scenario as a witness and truth teller of planetary events.
He emphasized that full disclosure of SSPs and extraterrestrial life can't be averted due to the disclosures that have happened so far with Goode's and other people's testimony. There are simply too many people who would ask questions about bases on Mars, extraterrestrial life, galactic slave trade, a Navy SSP, etc., for a limited disclosure scenario to work as it was originally envisaged by the Deep State.
他强调,由于古德和其他人的证词已经被披露, SSP 和外星生命的全面披露是不能避免的。有太多的人会问关于火星基地、外星生命、银河奴隶贸易、海军 SSP 等等的问题,因为只有有限的披露才能像深海之州最初设想的那样发挥作用。
Goode asserted that even though he attempts to be as faithful to accuracy as possible when reporting about events and his contact experiences, his info is influenced by his personal perceptions and distortions. This echoes what the Law of One material says about the information transmitted by RA.
古德声称,尽管他试图尽可能准确地报道事件和他的联系经历,他的信息是受他个人的看法和扭曲的影响。这与一的法则材料中关于 RA 传递的信息的说法相呼应。
He affirmed that Earth is a mixing point for a great variety of 3rd density souls who travel here for multiple purposes and missions. Incarnation on Earth is an accelerated opportunity for individual souls to ascend with the help of a planet, Earth, undergoing its own ascension process.
Goode described the former super-Earth "Maldek", whose remnants today make up the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. He pointed out that a major part of Maldek's destruction was solar activity associated with a solar flash/micronova.
古德描述了前超级地球 " 马尔戴克 " ,它的遗迹今天构成了火星和木星之间的小行星带。他指出,马尔戴克毁灭的主要原因是与太阳闪光 / 密克罗诺瓦有关的太阳活动。
A significant number of Maldekians fled to our Moon (which was a satellite of Maldek up to its destruction) which subsequently traveled here as a refugee ship. Goode pointed out, however, that the bulk of the Maldekian population died, and transferred to Earth through death and the reincarnation process
相当数量的马尔代夫人逃到我们的月球 (Maldek 的一颗卫星,直到它被摧毁 ) ,随后以难民船的身份来到这里。古德指出,然而,大部分的马尔代夫人口死亡,并通过死亡和再生过程转移到地球
Goode emphasized that Earth has historically been a refugee planet for the inhabitants of former civilizations on Maldek and Mars who had to escape planet wide catastrophes. He also affirmed that Earth has been a refugee planet for different extraterrestrial races over its history. The Olmec and the Mayans are examples of extraterrestrial civilizations that escaped to Earth to escape destruction or tyranny on their home worlds, and eventually returned.
古德强调,对于 Maldek 和火星上的前文明居民来说,地球在历史上一直是一个难民星球,他们不得不逃离全球性的灾难。他还肯定地球在其历史上曾是不同外星种族的难民星球。奥尔梅克人和玛雅人是外星文明逃到地球以逃避对他们家园的毁灭和暴政的例子,并最终返回。
Illustration of Mayan SSP representatives. Credit: SBA
玛雅国家安全战略计划代表的插图。来源: SBA
He said that the Mayans spent thousands of years on Earth before returning to their home. All the Mayan pure bloods returned back to their homeworld, and left behind those who were mixed blood. This group is currently the native Mayan populations found in Central America.
Goode's information parallels the traditions of many indigenous peoples, including the native Hawaiians, who believe that they are descended from travelers from star systems such as the Pleiades, who visited, started a civilization, and then mysteriously left.
Goode pointed out that there are approximately 60 human-like extraterrestrial groups that make up the Confederation of Planets, which has been directly interacting with humanity. The vast majority of these are multicultural in appearance, and only a minority are white.
古德指出,大约有 60 个类似人类的外星团体组成了行星联盟,与人类直接相互作用。其中绝大多数在外表上是多元文化的,只有少数是白人。
He met representatives of these different extraterrestrial groups when he served as an intuitive empath for SSP factions at Confederation meetings.
He discussed the 22 genetic programs that have been run by the 60 human-like extraterrestrial groups. These have been run for approximately 500,000 years. Goode asserted that these are competing programs and that the extraterrestrials will sabotage rival programs by creating viruses, war, or other means to decimate a rival's genetic program. The Confederation of Planets is a representative body that historically regulated the behaviors of the different extraterrestrial groups in conducting their programs.
他讨论了由 60 个类似人类的外星团体运行的 22 个基因项目。这些已经运行了大约 50 万年。古德断言,这些都是相互竞争的程序,外星人会通过制造病毒、战争或其他方式来破坏对手的程序,以消灭对手的基因程序。行星联盟是一个代表性的机构,历史上管理行为的不同的外星团体进行他们的计划。
He emphasized that the genetic experiments were heavily compartmentalized by the social conditioning of the human population to stay apart from one another. Factors such as religious/spiritual belief systems, cultural practices, genetics, etc., were all used to maintain separation between the ethnic groups found around the planet.
他强调,基因实验被严重分割,因为人类的社会条件使他们彼此分开。宗教 / 精神信仰体系、文化习俗、遗传等因素都被用来维持地球上各民族之间的分离。
Goode elaborated on an earlier disclosure he had made that the Confederation of Planets comprising the 60 extraterrestrial races running the genetic experiments has been disbanded. After the next solar flash event, humanity will take on full responsibility for its own evolution. This suggested that despite widespread destruction, enough of humanity and its infrastructure would survive for us to take our place as a full member of the galactic community.
古德详细说明了他早些时候披露的信息,即由运行基因实验的 60 个外星种族组成的行星联盟已经解散。在下一次太阳闪光事件之后,人类将为自己的进化承担全部责任。这表明,尽管普遍的破坏,足够的人类及其基础设施将生存下来,人类及其基础设施仍然足以让我们成为银河社区的正式成员。
Goode gave an outline of how the "partial disclosure" process will play out beginning with Space Force. The ultimate goal of Space Force is to roll out the existence of flying triangles, flying rectangles and stealth space stations that were covertly built and deployed by the MIC SSP. Some of these craft have been photographed by one of my sources, JP, who has been encouraged to reveal these by USAF personnel.
古德概述了 " 部分披露 " 过程将如何发挥开始与空间力量。空间力量的最终目标是推出飞行三角形、飞行矩形和隐形空间站的存在,这些都是由军事情报部的 SSP 秘密建造和部署的。我的消息来源之一 JP 拍摄了其中一些飞行器的照片,美国空军鼓励他公布这些照片。
Space Force will allow the USAF to aggregate military technologies deployed in space under the one authority. Nevertheless, this will be a partial disclosure according to Goode since the Navy's Solar Warden program would not be included.
He affirmed that ruins of a civilization in Antarctica will be announced as part of the disclosure process. Eventually, these ruins will be connected to extraterrestrials who arrived on motherships that Goode has previously referred to as the Pre-Adamites.
He pointed out that the 13 ruling bloodlines will make an effort to identify themselves as the genetic descendants of the extraterrestrial groups found in Antarctica. He believed that this connection is largely fictional and that the elites have been lied to about their genetic ancestry. Nevertheless, the global elite has accepted such lies since it sets them apart from the general population, and helps them justify their political and economic dominance.
他指出,这 13 个统治血统将努力确认自己是在南极洲发现的外星人群体的基因后裔。他认为这种联系在很大程度上是虚构的,精英们在他们的基因血统上被欺骗了。尽管如此,全球精英阶层还是接受了这些谎言,因为它将他们与普通民众区分开来,帮助他们证明自己在政治和经济上的主导地位。
In addition, Goode said that the ruins of an ancient civilization buried underwater between Australia and Antarctica, and also between South America and Antarctica will be disclosed. These civilizations were formally located on islands, that were submerged by the last great flood, approximately 9600 BCE.
此外,古德说,埋葬在澳大利亚和南极洲之间以及南美洲和南极洲之间的一个古代文明遗址将被披露。这些文明正式定位在岛屿上,那些岛屿被最后一次大洪水淹没了,大约是在公元前 9600 年。
Goode said that he saw some of the sonar images of the civilization found between South America and Antarctica. Advanced sonar on submarines were used to provide highly detailed images of the ruins that have been extensively examined by scientists.
He said that a new whistleblower is being groomed for disclosures about ancient civilizations found in Grand Canyon. Goode described underground cities, and extraterrestrial artifacts that will substantiate Hopi and Zuni folklore. The whistleblower will discuss the discovery of extraterrestrial bodies that match what the Hopi/Zuni said about the Ant people.
他说,一个新的告密者正在培养,以揭露在大峡谷发现的古代文明。古德描述了地下城市和外星文物,将证实霍皮和祖尼民间传说。告密者将讨论与霍皮人 / 祖尼人关于蚂蚁人的说法相符的外星人的发现。
Goode summarized some of his previous disclosures about ruins found on Mars, which included pyramids. He affirmed the current existence of plant and animal life on Mars. Most importantly, he pointed out that SSP scientists had found remnants of a solar flash event on Mars.
古德总结了他之前披露的一些关于火星上发现的废墟的信息,其中包括金字塔。他肯定了火星上目前存在的植物和动物生命。最重要的是,他指出 SSP 的科学家已经在火星上发现了太阳闪光事件的遗迹。
During Q & A, he elaborated on how SSP scientists learned about legends of a micronova destroying much of solar system on cyclic basis. The SSP sent missions to confirm this and found it on Mars and the Moon.
在问答环节中,他详细阐述了 SSP 的科学家们是如何了解到关于密克罗诺瓦在循环基础上摧毁太阳系大部分的传说的。太空探测卫星发射任务确认了这一点,并在火星和月球上发现了它。
In order to prepare humanity for the shocking news that our sun has periodically generated enormous solar flash (micronova) events that have wiped out civilizations on different planets, it was arranged for NASA to send lunar missions to find "black glass". This was the residue of an enormous plasma discharge that heavily impacted the Moon and Mars during an earlier solar flash event.
为了让人类做好准备,应对太阳周期性地产生巨大的太阳闪光 (microova) 事件,摧毁不同行星上的文明这一令人震惊的消息,美国宇航局安排了月球任务,以寻找 " 黑色玻璃 " 。这是一个巨大的等离子体放电的残余物,严重影响了月球和火星在早期的太阳闪光事件。
Indeed, scientific papers have appeared confirming that black glass found on the Moon was the residue of an enormous coronal mass ejection from the sun. Article link
Importantly, Goode stated that our collective consciousness can mitigate how the solar flash plays out. He emphasized that we have the power to influence reality around us by our thoughts. Therefore, our mass consciousness can influence the sun while it goes through the solar flash event that will happen in a relatively short period of time.
In subsequent personal discussion, he stated that the window for this happening is approximately 13 years, and it would occur during a solar minimum when the Sun's heliosphere was weak enough for a solar flash to be triggered by incoming cosmic waves. The current solar cycle 24 is about to enter a solar minimum predicted to start around 2019/2020, and this window would end with the next solar minimum (starting solar cycle 26) around 2031/2032.
在随后的个人讨论中,他指出,这种情况发生的时间窗口大约是 13 年,而且会发生在太阳活动极小期,当时太阳的日光层足够弱,以至于入射的宇宙波触发了太阳闪光。当前的太阳活动周期 24 即将进入预计将在 2019/2020 年左右开始的太阳活动极小期,这个窗口将在下一个太阳活动极小期 ( 开始的太阳活动周期 26) 在 2031/2032 年左右结束。
Graphs showing relationship between sunspot cycles and cosmic rays
He said that after the solar flash there will be a major consciousness event on the planet. A wall of electromagnetic plasma energy from the Sun will trigger ascension, which is the expansion of consciousness according to Goode.
This will make it much easy for humanity to resolve age-old problems. This will be literally the start of the long predicted thousand years of peace on Earth. He stated that this process happens on every planet going through an ascension event.
Goode asserted that all technology will be destroyed by the solar flash in the timeline the Anshar showed him during a visit. In this timeline, the extraterrestrials show up en masse to help humanity. Many of those that die in the cataclysms caused by the solar flash will be recycled to other planets.
He emphasized the importance of making preparations for the solar flash event, both physical and spiritual. Goode endorsed "prepper" recommendations to live in high mountainous areas, away from low lying ocean areas, and to have enough food and water to survive a collapse of the electrical grid. He concluded that the spiritual preparations were the most important and that this would directly impact how the solar flash event itself would play out.
他强调了为太阳闪光事件做准备的重要性,无论是身体上还是精神上。古德同意 " 准备者 " 的建议,住在高山地区,远离低洼的海洋地区,并有足够的食物和水来抵御电网的坍塌。他的结论是,精神准备是最重要的,这将直接影响太阳闪光事件本身将如何发展。
Lecture 2 – April 11, 2019
第二讲 - 二○一九年四月十一日
Goode's second presentation at the Cosmic Waves seminar focused on information he has received about End Times prophesy, and what he was shown by a variety of extraterrestrials and secret space programs about possible cataclysmic events associated with the end of various historic cycles associated with the Earth and Sun.
Goode began by first acknowledging David Wilcock and myself for supporting his secret space program disclosures despite pressure from peers and groups opposed to his ground breaking testimony. Wilcock in particular has been subjected much harassment and financial pressure to disassociate himself with Goode, but has refused all financial incentives to do so. In my own case, I have received much peer pressure to abandon Goode's testimony and to accept a more limited SSP disclosure narrative by those advocating a science-based UFOlogy that excludes whistleblower testimony.
古德首先承认大卫·威尔科克和我支持他的秘密太空计划的披露,尽管来自同行和团体的压力,反对他开创性的证词。特别是威尔科克一直受到许多骚扰和财政压力,要求他与古德断绝关系,但他拒绝了所有这样做的财政奖励。在我自己的案例中,我受到了很大的同行压力,要求我放弃古德的证词,并接受那些倡导以科学为基础的不明飞行物学、排除告密者证词的人所提供的更为有限的 SSP 披露叙述。
Goode then launched into the main theme of his presentation concerning end times prophecy. He began by pointing out that his grandfather was a Nazarene Minister who elaborated upon the End Times, and many revelations that would occur during this period. Goode defined "apocalypse" a great revealing, which we can understand in modern terms as full disclosure.
古德然后开始进入他演讲的主要主题有关终结时代的预言。他开始指出,他的祖父是一个拿撒勒部长,详细阐述了 " 终结时代 " 和许多启示将发生在这一时期。古德把 " 天启 " 定义为一个很好的启示,我们可以用现代术语理解为充分披露。
He pointed out that during a solar flash event that devastates a planetary civilization, it is allowed under cosmic law for extraterrestrials to openly reveal themselves and interact with the population.
Goode referred to end times prophecy in Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim and Christian prophetic traditions that point to a massive solar event occurring during the end times. In addition, he referred to Hopi prophecy about the Blue Star (Kachina) that will herald a major cataclysmic event associated with the sun.
古德提到了印度教、佛教、穆斯林和基督教预言传统中的末日预言,这些传统指出在末日期间会发生一个大规模的太阳活动。此外,他还提到了霍皮人关于蓝星 (Kachina) 的预言,这预示着一个与太阳有关的重大灾难性事件。
NASA was created to research a massive solar event, according to Goode. Continuity of species was the carrot used to bring nations together in a joint scientific effort to study a possible solar flash/micronova event that could wipe out much of a planet's population and infrastructure.
根据古德的说法, NASA 的创立是为了研究一次大规模的太阳活动。物种的连续性是一种胡萝卜,用来把各国聚集在一起,共同进行科学努力,研究可能发生的太阳闪光 / 密克罗诺瓦事件,这一事件可能会消灭地球上的大部分人口和基础设施。
Scientist are now talking about the solar minimum – when sunspot activity is minimal thereby creating a weak solar wind and heliosphere shielding our solar system from cosmic rays – as the most likely time for a massive solar event. We are currently at the end of solar cycle 24, and waiting for the start of solar cycle 25
科学家现在正在讨论太阳活动极小期——当太阳黑子活动极小时,从而产生一个微弱的太阳风和日球层,使我们的太阳系免受宇宙射线的影响——这是最有可能发生大规模太阳活动的时间。我们目前正处于太阳活动周期 24 的末期,等待太阳活动周期 25 的开始
Scientists are desperately trying to predict when the solar minimum begins and ends in order to better understand the window when a micronova is most likely going to happen.
Goode referred to a geophysical pole shift having been recently detected on Mars.
All major nations with indigenous space industries have pledged to commit a percentage of their GDPs to the multinational secret space program that Goode has previously described as the "Global Galactic League of Nations". The movie 2012 was a soft disclosure initiative since it showed the multinational attempt to preserve the species by building massive arks, and how this was kept secret from humanity.
所有拥有本土航天工业的主要国家都承诺将其国内生产总值的一定比例用于多国秘密太空计划,古德此前称之为 " 全球银河国际联盟 " 。电影《 2012 》是一个温和披露的倡议,因为它展示了跨国公司试图通过建造巨大的方舟来保护物种,以及这是如何对人类保密的。
Trillions of dollars go every year into funding the multinational SSP to build similar massive ships, according to Goode.
古德说,每年有数万亿美元用于资助跨国公司 SSP 建造类似的大型船舶。
He explained that in other star systems there has been solar flash events that have impacted their planetary systems. Goode said that the giant electromagnetic filaments (aka Birkeland currents) that connect different stars in our Cosmic Web create a feedback loop, which is triggering other stars, including our sun, to experience solar flash events.
他解释说,在其他恒星系统中,有太阳闪光事件影响了它们的行星系统。古德说,在我们的宇宙网络中,连接不同恒星的巨大电磁丝状体 ( 又名伯克兰电流 ) 创造了一个反馈回路,从而触发包括太阳在内的其他恒星经历太阳闪光事件。
The Electric Universe model is one that different SSPs have adopted as most accurate, and that concepts such as "dark matter" and "dark energy", used to explain shortfalls within the Standard Model's understanding of the mass of the universe, will be shortly disproved.
电子宇宙模型是不同的 SSP 采用的最准确的模型之一,用来解释标准模型对宇宙质量理解不足的 " 暗物质 " 和 " 暗能量 " 等概念很快就会被推翻。
SSP scientists understand that there is an energetic relationship between each star through giant electromagnetic filaments. The SSP's uses this energetic relationship to travel throughout the galaxy.
SSP 的科学家们了解到,每颗恒星之间通过巨大的电磁丝存在着能量上的关系。 SSP 利用这种能量关系在整个星系中旅行。
Goode asserted that the cosmic web comprising giant electromagnetic filaments between stars, has an important connection with human consciousness. Consciousness is linked in ways that are very similar to these electromagnetic filaments.
He stated that we are being acclimated to the electric universe model to prepare humanity for new technologies that will be shortly introduced and future SSP disclosures.
他表示,我们正在适应电子宇宙模型,以使人类为即将引入的新技术和未来的 SSP 披露做好准备。
He predicted that cosmic rays will increasingly hit the Earth and cause major earthquakes. Super volcanoes such as Yellowstone are likely to be triggered by the cosmic waves that are pouring into our planet due to the current solar minimum and the weakening of the Earth's magnetosphere.
Goode cited the Adam and Eve document that was discussed in Ben Davidson's Earth Catastrophe Cycle Series. Scientists state every 200,000 to 300,000 years, the Earth's physical poles flip. The poles attempted to flip 40,000 years ago but this was unsuccessful.
古德引用了在本·戴维森的地球灾难周期系列中讨论过的亚当和夏娃的文件。科学家们说,每隔 20 万到 30 万年,地球的物理极点就会翻转一次。 40,000 年前,极地人曾尝试翻转,但没有成功。
He said there was a pole shift about 11,000 years ago. This corresponds to the catastrophic end of Atlantis around 9600 BC.
他说大约 11000 年前发生了极移。这相当于公元前 9600 年左右亚特兰蒂斯的毁灭。
The Pre-Adamite civilization that Goode previously described as having landed in Antarctica around 55,000 years ago, and which subsequently established a highly advanced technological civilization with colonies all over the planet (Atlantis), experienced cataclysmic events prior to the one that destroyed Atlantis. He affirmed that we are overdue for this to happen again.
古德先前描述的亚当前文明大约在 55000 年前在南极登陆,随后建立了一个高度先进的科技文明,在亚特兰蒂斯毁灭之前经历了灾难性事件。他断言,我们早就应该让这种事情再次发生。
He cited a 1986 scientific paper published by the Royal Astronomical Society, authored by Professor James Deardorff with the title "Possible Extraterrestrial Strategy for Earth", as accurately illustrating how extraterrestrials have chosen to work with individual contactees as the optimal way to influence our planet's evolution.
他引用了英国皇家天文学会 1986 年发表的一篇题为《地球上可能的外星战略》的科学论文,该论文由 James Deardorff 教授撰写,准确地说明了外星人如何选择与个体接触者合作,以此作为影响地球进化的最佳方式。
The Galactic Super Wave theory, Goode explained, was first published by Paul LaViolette in 1983. Different SSP factions began looking at evidence of this in 1987, and sent expeditions to study the wall of energy approaching our solar system.
古德解释说,银河超级波理论最早是在 1983 年由保罗·拉维奥莱特发表的。不同的 SSP 派别在 1987 年开始寻找这种现象的证据,并派遣探险队去研究接近我们太阳系的能量墙。
Goode described how people on the science missions were affected by the incoming cosmic waves. People that were temperamentally relaxed became even more mellow and genial, while those temperamentally more tense would become aggressive and violent. This led to the idea of "End Times madness", which is only going to increase according to Goode, as predicted in different religious and indigenous traditions.
古德描述了参与科学任务的人们是如何受到宇宙波的影响的。那些性格放松的人变得更加成熟和善,而那些性格紧张的人会变得好斗和暴力。这导致了 " 末日疯狂 " 的想法,这只会增加根据古德,在不同的宗教和土著传统预测。
The different SSP's know that our star system is entering into this region of the galaxy. He pointed out that there is a feedback between our sun, cosmic waves and other star systems linked through the cosmic web.
不同的 SSP 知道我们的恒星系统正在进入星系的这个区域。他指出,在我们的太阳、宇宙波和通过宇宙网络连接起来的其他恒星系统之间存在着反馈。
Goode affirmed that giant Blue Spheres have been actively assisting in buffering the energy from these cosmic waves until very recently. They first appeared in the 1930s, and were buffering the solar energies at the time, which could have otherwise led to solar events that humanity would have been unprepared for. He believes that humanity would have self-destructed if the blue spheres had not buffered these solar and cosmic energies.
古德确认,直到最近,巨大的蓝色球体一直在积极地帮助缓冲来自这些宇宙波的能量。它们最早出现在 20 世纪 30 年代,当时正在缓冲太阳能,否则可能会导致太阳活动,而人类对此毫无准备。他认为,如果蓝色星球没有缓冲这些太阳能和宇宙能,人类将会自我毁灭。
The Mandela Effect, according to Goode, indicates that multiple times lines are converging in our present era. These different timelines were created by elites wanting to change the course of human history, but they are doomed to fail as time is elastic, he explained.
Goode described what he was shown by the Anshar about an asteroid, or possible coronal mass ejection, hitting the earths atmosphere just prior to a polar shift, tsunamis, extreme winds and global wild fires. Impact happens in the Atlantic Ocean near Europe and Africa. He then witnessed stars coming out of the sky, which were in fact extraterrestrial spacecraft arriving to help the surface population.
Extraterrestrials have been compelling the different SSPs to share their advanced technology with the rest of humanity to maximize the numbers that could survive the upcoming solar flash event. This helps explain why the USAF SSP has been increasingly allowing its antigravity craft to be photographed by private individuals.
外星人一直在迫使不同的 SSP 与其他人类分享他们的先进技术,以最大限度地增加能够在即将到来的太阳闪光事件中幸存下来的人数。这有助于解释为什么美国空军 SSP 越来越多地允许私人拍摄其反重力飞行器。
Goode then spent time on how humanity can prepare themselves for the solar flash and end times events. He said that we need to detox our bodies of metals so that we don't react to increasing solar plasma pouring into our planet. Spontaneous combustion is very possible during a Solar flash due to the accumulation of different metals in our bodies.
He recommended vegetables such as celery, cilantro, kale, etc. for detoxing our bodies. A vegetarian diet is also very helpful for detoxing and a more general cleansing.
In addition, we need to clear our karma and traumas through forgiveness and much inner work. This is especially important for negative emotions which store in our bodies as mass that will react to heightened solar and cosmic radiation. He emphasized that the incoming cosmic energies will cause us to judge ourselves so it's good to start practicing forgiveness.
He discussed some additional ways we to become physically and mentally prepared for these solar events: stay out of fear; join mass meditations; and build off-grid communities. He mentioned high altitude mountainous regions such as Boulder, Colorado and the Ozark Mountain as good locations for surviving Earth changes.
他还讨论了一些让我们在身体和精神上为这些太阳活动做好准备的其他方法 : 远离恐惧 ; 加入大规模的冥想 ; 以及建立远离电网的社区。他提到,像科罗拉多州的博尔德和 Ozark Mountain 这样的高海拔山区是适应地球变化的好地方。
During the Q & A, Goode described how the Zulu-looking dwellers of a planet that practiced shamanism who were never conquered by the Draconians, were able to consciously collapse their physical bodies and utilize micro-wormholes in their bodies to travel anywhere. This was an example individuals learning how to use their physical bodies as stagnates, something which I discussed in detail during my first presentation.
After the solar flash event, those that have sufficiently raised their consciousness and developed their abilities will be able to similarly used their physical bodies as stargates.
In response to a question about QAnon, Goode said that he is receiving the same briefings that are going through the QAnon channel, and also being briefed about the Q Anon codes. As mentioned above, Goode is being advised by a group of military intelligence officials, one of whom is a general from a NATO country I met in 2017.
在回答一个关于 QAnon 的问题时,古德说,他正在通过 QAnon 频道收到同样的简报,也正在收到 Q Anon 代码的简报。如上所述,古德正在接受一组军事情报官员的建议,其中一位是我在 2017 年遇到的一个北约国家的将军。
QAnon is directly tied to President Trump, and the three generals that persuaded him to run for the Presidency. While the generals are retired, they still have strong ties with the military intelligence community. Goode said he has been involved with people directly tied to QAnon for a long time.
Qanon 与特朗普总统以及说服他竞选总统的三位将军有直接联系。虽然将军们已经退休,但他们仍然与军事情报界保持着密切的联系。古德说,他与 QAnon 直接联系的人有关系已经很长一段时间了。
On the recent arrest of Julian Assange and his likely extradition to the USA, Goode said Assange is going to have a hard time with dark actors inside the British justice system, before ending up in the US where he can trade his intelligence for a deal. It has long been rumored that Assange was given data from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) servers from Seth Rich, a former DNC employee, who was murdered. If true, it is very possible that Assange can leverage such information for a deal with U.S. prosecutors.
关于最近逮捕朱利安•阿桑奇 (Julian Assange) 并有可能被引渡到美国,古德表示,阿桑奇在英国司法系统内部与黑暗势力打交道将会非常艰难,最终他将来到美国,在那里他可以用自己的情报换取交易。长期以来一直有传言称,阿桑奇从民主党全国委员会 (DNC) 的服务器获得的数据来自于被谋杀的民主党全国委员会前雇员赛斯·里奇。如果情况属实,阿桑奇很有可能利用这些信息与美国检察官达成协议。
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