Angels from Heaven surround you now, skies are filled with the joyful spirits readying to welcome you into the new dimensions. The higher dimensions as you call them. The opening is occurring as we speak. Doors are opening in the veil of forgetfulness and we see you being able to walk between worlds –through the openings that are now occurring. This may sound fantastical to many of you, we understand this but still, there are so many developments occurring and so many skills returning that you have no conscious memory of being able to do.
We ask for your open mindedness as the changes come flooding in.
For change will be coming swiftly once it begins.
And we are here to tell you that it will be sooner than you think.
We know you have been watching and waiting for what seems an interminable amount of time from your perspective, and that all seems as if it has been in vain.
We wish to implore you to keep the faith.
There is ever more happening than we can yet display.
So much behind the scenes –you will be in dismay.
For once the stage has finished being set, the doors will open and the world as a grand theatre will be on full display.
It will be from this grand stage that the grand finale will take place. A bowing out of the controllers of the human race, the plants, the trees, the animals –all will be freed from tyranny, violence, and all the negative aspects of life that fear creates.
It will be at this time that you will welcome home spirits of the rainbow race with all of the facets of humanity’s kindness that it takes. For there are many spirits of many races –all belonging to this glorious tribe of light and the spirit of non-judgement will be needed at that time.
This is the reason so many groups that have been denied acceptance are rising up to the surface of your awareness and asking for acceptance and love / unconditional love –it is to prepare you for even greater leaps of consciousness in the acceptance of those who may not meet societies current ‘norms’in terms of appearance, attitude, artistic nature, and so forth. Please be aware that some of the rules put forth by religions and other groups are based on smaller notions of reality than where you are headed and universally speaking you will need to open up the concepts of love a bit more to ensure all who are living and breathing in this universe are welcomed with open arms in the spirit of love and free from the constraints of fear so that a peaceful new era can begin.
It is with our hearts and our wings that we welcome you into the family of light and know that so many have already been travelling with us.You are the newcomers to our world, not the other way around. With humility and grace we welcome you in with open arms. We hope that you understand that the norms around you are about to be challenged and you need to be ready to ensure a harmonious transition into the larger family of our universe. You are the children that have been lost and you are now returning to your rightful home, alongside many cultures not yet known. This will require a tremendous leap of faith for many and will challenge everything you thought you knew. We are waiting until you have reached a high enough vibration to prevent a discordant interruption to the universal family of love and worlds of the higher octave which you will now become part of.It is not the disturbance on the ground that is being averted, but a disturbance to the higher realities that is of concern if you were to merge with us too early and cause disruption to the harmonious vibration of the higher octaves of love.
So many have travelled to witness the great transition dear ones.We are surrounding you with love and lifting you up so that you may now join us, when you are ready to be embraced in harmony and love. Until then, we wish you well in your endeavors and encourage you to ‘lighten up’ –all is well and all has been planned in the higher dimensions –we are getting ready to welcome you home and understand that you will need a period of transition, of continuing to clean up, before you are at the right vibration to integrate seamlessly with the greater star nations.
Blessings of love and peace to you all –We are the Galactic Federation and we welcome you now.
通灵:Karen Vivenzio
翻译:Nick Chan