Sadhguru looks at the mechanics and cause of human suffering, and gives us a tool to move out of the “garbage bin” our mind is.
萨古鲁分析了痛苦产生的机制和原因,并且给出了逃离这个 “ 垃圾桶 ”—— 我们的头脑的方法。
Sadhguru: There are two ways people can suffer. Generally, people think in terms of physical suffering and mental suffering. Physical suffering could be caused in different ways but 90% of human suffering is mental, which is caused within ourselves. People create suffering for themselves everyday – suffering anger, fear, hatred, jealousy, insecurity and so many other things. This is the maximum suffering in the world.
萨古鲁:人们遭受痛苦的方式有两种。通常来说,也就是身体层面的痛苦和精神层面的痛苦。产生身体上的痛苦的原因各异,但人类 90% 的痛苦都是精神层面的,即源自我们的内在。人们每天都给自己创造痛苦 —— 受苦于愤怒、恐惧、仇恨、嫉妒、不安或是很多其他的事情。这是这个世界上最大的痛苦。
The Mechanics of Suffering
Why is humanity suffering? Let us understand the mechanics of suffering. Today morning, did you see that the sun came up wonderfully well? The flowers blossomed, no stars fell down, the galaxies are functioning very well. Everything is in order. The whole cosmos is happening wonderfully well today but just a worm of a thought worming through your head makes you believe it is a bad day today. Suffering is happening essentially because most human beings have lost perspective as to what this life is about. Their psychological process has become far larger than the existential process, or to put it bluntly, you’ve made your petty creation far more important than the Creator’s creation. That is the fundamental source of all suffering. We have missed the complete sense of what it means to be alive here. A thought in your head or an emotion within you determines the nature of your experience right now. The whole creation is happening wonderfully well but just one thought or emotion can destroy everything. And your thought and emotion may have nothing to do even with the limited reality of your life.
What you call as “my mind” is not yours actually. You don’t have a mind of your own. Please look at it carefully. What you call as “my mind” is just society’s garbage bin. Anyone and everyone who passes by you stuffs something into your head. You really have no choice about whom to receive from and whom not to receive from. If you say, “I don’t like this person,” you will receive a lot more from that person than anyone else. You really don’t have a choice. If you know how to process and use it, this garbage is useful. This accumulation of impressions and information that you have gathered is only useful for survival in the world. It has got nothing to do with who you are.
你所称为的 “ 我的头脑 ” 实际上并不是你的。没有一个想法是你的。请仔细审查它。你所称为的 “ 我的头脑 ” 只是社会的垃圾桶。每个人和每个路过的人都会往你的头脑里塞一点东西。你真的无法选择去接收谁的,或不接收谁的。如果你说, “ 我不喜欢这个人 ” ,你会从他那里接收地比其他任何人更多。你真的没有选择。如果你懂得如何处理和使用它,这个垃圾桶(你的头脑)是有用的。你的头脑所积累的印象和信息只是对你在这个世界的生存有用。但这跟你是谁没有丝毫关系。
From Psychological to Existential
When we talk about a spiritual process, we are talking about shifting from psychological to existential. Life is about the creation that is here, knowing it absolutely and experiencing it the way it is; not distorting it the way you want. If you want to move into existential reality, to put it very simply, you just have to see that what you think is not important, what you feel is not important. What you think has nothing to do with reality. It has no great relevance to life. It is just chattering away with nonsense that you have gathered from somewhere else. If you think it is important, you will never look beyond that. Your attention naturally flows in the direction of whatever you hold as important. If your thought and your emotion is important, naturally your whole attention will be right there. But that is a psychological reality. That has nothing to do with the existential.
Suffering is not showered upon us, it is manufactured. And the manufacturing unit is in your mind. It is time to shut down the manufacturing unit.