新纪元扬升之光 今天
The 9D Arcturian Council: The Oversoul Activation , Channel:Daniel Scranton
“Greetings.We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have the ability to sense when you are all ready for a newactivation, and we have that sense right now. You are ready to receive theactivation of the frequency of your oversouls,and that activation is occurring on a physical level. You are ready to receivea transmission that will activate the cellular memory of what it was likefor you to fully be your oversoul.
Thisis taking you beyond the experience of your higher self, which is almost fullyintegrated into you physically and energetically. This next step in yourevolution is what you are ready for now because of the integration you havedone of your galactic selves. Now that you have almost completed the fullyintegration of your past lives in other parts of the galaxy, you are ready forthe oversoul activation.
Onceyou become aware of this message, this transmission, you can expect to receivethe activation the next time you fall asleep. And when you wake up, we want youto take note of how you feel. We want you to notice that there is more of youavailable.
Weencourage you to seek past life recall. We encourage you to access more of yourfifth dimensional abilities, and we also just want you to feel how much closeryou are to Source Energy. You are, of course, Source Energy beings, no matterhow you are perceiving yourselves, but with the oversoul activation, you aregoing to feel closer to Source than ever. You are going to feel that you canhouse more of Source within you than ever before.
Andyou are going to want more. This is a natural by-product of any evolutionaryprocess that you experience. You are always going to want more. You are alwaysgoing to desire to feel something new and different. So we encourage you to dosome acknowledging of the oversoul activation once you receive it. Do somefeeling around inside yourselves, and take note of the difference in how you feel.
Thatis what gets you more. What gets you more is always noticing what you alreadyhave, and this holds true spiritually, as well as physically.
Weare the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”