原创 2018-04-07 大天使麦可 新纪元扬升之光
Special MessageFrom Archangel Michael ~ The Gathering and Unity Consciousness
Greetings DearOnes, I AM here to provide information on the energies of April. The month ofApril has always been about ending and new beginnings. The theme for this monthis about the Gathering of like Hearted people in Unity Consciousness. Manygrand new connections will be made to harness the power of Unity Consciousness,a complete heart based experience. While these are very exciting times, theseenergies will bring up nostalgia, past traumas, unresolved wounds, and deephealing. Let us delve deeper into these energies and embrace the new that is tocome into fruition of the New Earth. As always, awareness transforms intoconsciousness.
The Gathering
The Gathering hasbeen foretold in prophecies of old. It is an intense energy, where those in theheart yearn to be amongst those in like vibration, to Co~Create the New Earth.There has been much mis and dis information with regards to event, as many tryto intemperate this energy or experience with the mind. The Gathering is acomplete Heart based activation, meaning like vibration will attract likevibrations. The Givers (those of the Heart) are Gathering to Unite with MotherEarth, to Co~Create the New Earth. While the Takers (those in the mind), willgather together to Take Themselves Out, through their dysfunctions,conditionings, fantasies, belief systems and other constructs of lowerconsciousness created by the mind, the ego and higher mind.
Those in the Hearthave a deep passion for Harmony, Balance, Unity, Child Like Wonder and Fun, TrueFamily, Spreading Unconditional Love, Honoring Universal Law, To Be of Serviceto Mother Earth, And other experiences of Unity Consciousness. It is theChildren of the Heart that inherit the Earth, and Co~Create the New Earth withMother & Father of All Creation and the rest of Creation.
敞开心的人对于和谐、平衡、团结、孩子般的好奇和乐趣、传播无条件的爱、尊重宇宙规律、为地球母亲服务、以及其他统一意识的体验有着高度的热情。他们是继承地球的用心生活的孩子们,并与所有创造物的母神 / 父亲共同创造着新的地球。
Relationships andTraumas
The new connectionsbeings, which includes Twin Flame connections. These new relationships willbring up residuals of past traumas. This is part of the process, to transformwhat residual dense energies of the old, so that the new can flourish. Suchexamples may include;
会有新的关系,包括了双生火焰的关系。这些新的关系将会带出来以往创伤的残留。这些是这个过程的一部分,用来改变旧的余下的稠密能量,使新的能够可以兴盛起来。这种旧能量的例子可能包括 ;
Power Over, Manipulation,Lack of Integrity, Lack of Honor, Attachments, Fantasies,Immaturity, Belief Systems, Cultural & Social Programming, Disrespect tothe Feminine or Masculine, Superiority, Lone Wolf, Incubus & SuccubusEnergies (Taking of Energies), Unworthiness, Lack of Self Love, And many otherconditionings from the old paradigm. The Truth of the matter is Humanity hasnever experienced Unity Consciousness. As one immerses him or herself in theenergies and experience of Unity Consciousness, past experiences and traumas cometo the surface. This is due to the contrast of how things were in the oldparadigm, and how things are in True Reality.
While there aremany conditionings that may resurface, the deepest of all is Unworthiness andLack of Self Love. These conditionings are heavily ingrained within the HumanCollective, to keep all in lower states of consciousness.
The mind will tryto convince you that “Your in the Heart, Your capable of Feeling, that you haveto balance the mind and heart, that you know something of energetics”. However,these energies of Unity Consciousness will create experiences of your designand put the squeeze on mind, until one becomes aware and accepts theirconditionings, and lets go of the mind completely, as only Truth can moveforward into the New Earth. Nothing of the illusionary matrix is comingforward.
Accept, Embrace andAllow Dear Ones. You are all worthy of All that Love Is, for Love is your veryessence. The key to transforming unworthiness, is Self Love. The Heart feelsand knows it’s Worth, for God is Love, and Love is God. You are Love, a uniqueaspect of Mother & Father of All Creation. Once these energies are fullytransformed, then the Receiving of Unconditional Love will be more fluid andconstant.
接纳,拥抱并容许,亲爱的朋友们。你们都值得拥有所有的爱,因为爱是你的本质。改变无价值感的关键是爱自己。让心感觉到它的价值,因为神是爱,而爱是神。你是爱,是万物的创造者母神 / 父神一个特有的面向。一旦这些能量被完全转化,那么无条件的爱就会变得更加流畅和稳定。
Mother Earth &Unity Consciousness
Mother Earth isfully prepared to make her next vibrational leap, as She is Leading the way inthe Ascension. She is waiting for her children to make the leap with Her. Thismeans the complete embracement of the Heart, of Prime Creator, Source, GreatSpirit, Mother of All Creation, Gaia Sophia, within your Hearts….To Be One with All. We Co~Create the New Earth together in Unity Consciousness.This is Divine Decreed, and part of Universal Law, which All of CreationHonors.
Answer the Call…Take the Leap… Let Go of the Old… Full your Mission and Contract to Love, toPrime Creator, Mother of All Creation, Mother Earth. She is here in PhysicalManifestation. Choose the Heart… Feel from the Heart, and you will know HerPresence of Unconditional Love. Let us move forward and spark The Event of theGolden Age… the Age of Innocence.
I AM ArchangelMichael, always of Service to Love, to All of Creation, to Mother & Fatherof All Creation. Love Fearlessly and Always Unconditionally. Blessings andNamaste.
Your EternallyLoving Brother,
永远爱你们兄长 ,
Archangel Michael