One of the greatest disservices you have experienced has been being taught to dismiss your imagination. We cannot stress enough the importance of your imagination!
The imagination is a vital tool to create, to expand, to grow, and to ex·press yourselves. It is also the part of you that is very connected to your inner child and loves to have fun and sees the magic in everything. It is the part of you that allows the now moment to become everything it can be and more.
The imagination is the bridge to the psychic part of your mind. It moves you beyond your inner controller into your inner creator and into a flow that effortlessly aligns with Source. So many of you start to connect beautifully with spirit and then immediately dismiss any success as “just your imagination.” This immediately cuts off that flow. Trust. Flow. Allow your imagination to take the lead.
What will happen, if you understand the importance of your imagination as the bridge to the psychic part of your mind, is you will allow yourself to keep flowing to the place where the magic happens. And eventually something will happen that you could never possibly imagine and that is when you will know you have entered the realm of your own innate psychic ability.
Dear Ones, connect with that beautiful imagination of yours! Dust it off. Bring it forward to play. Integrate it back into its role as a very important part of who you are. Give it free rein and allow it to lead you to brand new exciting ideas and potentials. Let it bring the lightness and fun of wonder and creation back into your life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
翻译:Nick Chan
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8rfSBduek4