(2017-08-05 14:23:20)
I AM Archangel Michael. As always we bring love and light with us. And I bring my Golden Sword of Truth as I share with you now the truths that are coming to you, the many truths that are going to be revealed that are being revealed.
Many are being revealed at this very moment but many still are not yet aware of this. They know something is in the wind. They feel it. They feel it. I’m speaking now of all of the mainstream out there. Not the news but the main population of the planet; the ones you might call the non-light workers although all are light workers.
This is not to differentiate you from all the others out there. You are all light workers except for those who refuse the light. Consciously refuse it. And there are those out there. They will experience whatever they are giving out, they will receive back. Do not be concerned about them. Be concerned about yourselves and about your fellow brothers and sisters as you are all creating, even now, you are creating this world in front of you.
You are creating this new Golden Age with every thought that you have now. But know that as you move into the higher vibrations, into the higher frequency dimension, your thoughts become so much more powerful and your visualization becomes so much more meaningful. And it is all right there in front of all of you.
Seize it now! Carpe diem. Seize the day, for this is your day, this is your time, your moment. As you have heard many times this is what you came here for.
You came to establish this new understanding, this new evolution, or this evolutionary leap. And do not be deceived, this is an evolutionary leap that you are moving toward, all of you. There is not one of you out there that is any lesser than anyone else. You all have a part to play in this process, this ascension process. All of you have a part. Some seemingly greater, some seemingly smaller, but all are looked at the same by the Source, by the Creator. All being of the same importance because all are one.
We are all in this together. I, myself, and all of the Archangels, all of the angelic realm, all of the Ascended Masters, the Galactics, the Agarthans, and so on; many that you have not even begun to realize are a part of this e·xp·ression. We are all here to be a part of this changeover that is developing. And developing it is.
You have heard about the timelines shifting, the timelines splitting, and yes they have. And many who are on the other side of that split, that have refused the light, have already been taken off planet. Many of them. Not all but many have. For the mass arrests that you have heard about many times is no longer needed as it was spoken of previously, because that has been taken care of where many have already been removed or removed themselves.
Now that is not to say that there are not holograms many of those individuals that you know of. Some yes, even some still remain but they are being quickly removed from the situation. Not because they are being punished but because they are being loved. They are being loved back into the light if they so choose. Because no one is denied the light. No matter what they have done no one is ever denied the light and love lest they deny it themselves.
I AM Archangel Michael it is so wonderful to be with you always in these ways. And in these ways still, up until this point, are the way that we can reach you.
But as you have heard many times those times are changing. And soon we, the Archangels, will be there with you. Whether it is on a ship, or in the hollow/inner Earth, or even here on the surface of the planet, we will be here with you. And you will see us.
For remember it is always for those who have the eyes to see and ears to hear that are aware of these many changes that are happening now and still yet coming.
All of my peace and love be with you. Hold always the Sword of Truth in front of you for it will always protect you and guide you.
通灵: James McConnell
翻译:Nick Chan