2018-04-08 21:40  昴宿星人 新纪元扬升之光

The Pleiadiansvia Christine Day, April 7th, 2018




Beloved ones we greet you, This is a time for a conscioustransformational step forward of reconnection to Self. For each moment youchoose to align through your Heart you reconnect to your inner guidance system.You are being called to begin to create moments of this reconnection byreaching out consciously to this aspect of Self throughrealignment to your Heart.



The floodgates have been opened through the repositioning of theSun and we celebrate with those of you on this awakening path. This process hasmade it possible for you to step towards your self-liberation. As you alignwithin your Heart there is a pathway open for the reconnection to the sacredaspect of Self. Through the lifting and blending of many veils, there is accessto a direct path to your Higher Self guidance.



This time heralds at the beginning of the third phase of the ‘NewDawning’ era. Each one of you on your awakening path is being given the gift ofaccess to Self, this is in full alignment to the opening of a destiny moment onplanet Earth.



Through this shift, the Earth plane is now carrying the sameenergetic pulse as the rest of your resident Universe. This is a huge stepbecause it brings Earth back into an energetic alignment with the rest of theUniverse, fulfilling an aspect within your destiny at this juncture. Yourplanet’s energetic flow can begin a realignment process, holding the element ofconscious light within its sphere for the first time in its history.



This time is sacred, every time you realign consciously to your Heartspace you make a difference within the planet and to humanity. As you choose tolet go you allow the doorway within the vastness of your own Heart to openfurther.



We witness you as you birth.


The Pleiadians.








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