原创 2017-10-10 加百列 新纪元扬升之光
Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel, October 8th, 2017
The release of fear is a small price to pay for the ecstasy of fullmerging with the Divine.
This is anexample of Angelic humor. When Archangel Gabriel suggested that the “release offear is a small price to pay,” he was pointing out my old propensity forholding on to what is uncomfortable but familiar. It also is a gentle chidingto help me notice what might be my experience if I were ready to trust enoughto release the fear and open up to new possibilities for my life.
For somereason, our culture seems to think that the responsible thing for us to do isto focus on our fears, as if worrying about the future is the preparation weneed to make good things happen. We know from the study of magnetism that thisattitude is exactly opposite from what is the truth in our lives.
Ourspiritual journey is a path of surrendering our thoughts of fear and allowingthem to be replaced by the infinitely creative intelligence of the Universe.When we are engrossed in thoughts that are fear-based, it overshadows thepossibilities that also exist at the same time.
We live in a field of Pure Potential. There is so muchopportunity waiting for us to claim and acknowledge, but we cannot see clearlyuntil we are willing to open the door to the possibilities for CreativeSolutions. It becomes simply our focus of attention.
Full merging with the Divine means I align myself with thespaciousness of Infinite Intelligence where miracles occur. To do this, I needto create a dedicated space where I can go to pray and have a quiet time tofocus on the spiritual truths that exist beyond appearances. It does not haveto be elaborate, but it does require my commitment to take the time to raise myvibrational frequencies so I can begin to see from a heightened perspective.
This meditation time soothes my nervous system; my calm deepbreathing centers me, and the Infinite Wisdom within my heart begins to feed mewith new ideas and Creative Solutions. I am demonstrating a new willingness toask for what I truly want to experience and invite the support of those beingsof Light who are always with me. This is called prayer. Prayer can help usacknowledge and accept our experience, while creating a focus on newpossibilities and miraculous outcomes. Here is my prayer for today:
Divine Presence,
Please release me from thisfear that clouds the truth of my being. I am willing to open my mind and trustthat I am always divinely inspired and guided in every moment. I am grateful toknow that when I open my heart to love, I allow new life to spring from withinme, creating new beginnings on every level. I dedicate to you my talents andabilities that they be used as service for the highest good. I am open to fullmerging with my most illumined and exalted inner being.
I turn my concerns over tothe Angels of Divine Light and trust in this process to bring me the clarity Ineed to see Creative Solutions in every area of my life. I open the way toreceive miracles in my way of thinking, behaving and belief system.
Please help me to remember that I am not alone, that I candwell in Well-Being, and to allow myself to feel surrounded by Wings of PureLove always. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
October 8, 2017
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbWj1yw-iQA