Do You Have Crystal Energy? by Brenda Hoffman
Crystal energy is a profoundly spiritual, highly empathic energetic imprint that has come to the forefront with adults born in the 1950s and 1960s and the younger generations born after 1976. The early Crystals brought a highly concentrated form of the Crystal energy to the planet, preparing it for the children who would come later. Crystal energy is thoughtful, sensitive, highly intuitive and very spiritually connected. This energy does not integrate well into the third dimension and having it can be burdensome, especially in a world that is so materially focused.
水晶能量是一种具有深远的灵性意涵的, 非常慈悲的能量印记 --- 大部份存在于在1950—1960年代出生的光工身上, 以及在1976年代之后出生的年轻世代光工身上. 早期的水晶为地球带来了非常高度集中的水晶能量 --- 为后期的水晶们铺路. 水晶能量的人思考周全缜密, 敏感, 拥有高度直觉力, 而且拥有非常高度的灵性连接力. 这能量与第三维度能量非常无法相合, --- 所以对水晶们而言 --- 是一个沉重负担, 特别是在一个如此物质主义的世界上.
Crystals are highly empathic, which compels them to stay out of the mainstream because they simply feel too much. While Indigos are rebels and action oriented, Crystals are more quiet, patient and while they are not as aggressive as Indigos, they are no less persistent. They prefer to act when they feel the energy is right for them, rather than leading the charge. Crystal adults began the spiritual movement in the 1970s and 1980s, writing about topics that no one knew about or understood, but persisted in their efforts, content to stay in the background, knowing that eventually what was once considered ‘weird’ would be mainstream, as it is today.
水晶们非常具有同情心 --- 这强迫了他们远离‘主流社会’ --- 因为他们太敏感了, ‘感觉得’太多了. 当大部份湛蓝人都是‘叛逆者’而且是‘行动反对派’时, 水晶们通常比较安静, 有耐性, --- 虽然他们不像湛蓝人叛逆冲动, 但是他们的坚持度是一样的. 他们会选择在能量适合他们时采取行动, 而不是领头去做改变. 水晶族群在1970&1980年代开始发起了一个灵性运动, 著作了许多大家听都没听说过的书和没了解过的主题, 但是很坚持在他们的道路上, 而且也不介意委身幕后, --- 他们很清楚的知道 --- 最后 --- 过去被认为是‘奇怪’的东西未来会成为‘主流学说’ --- 就像今天一样.
Crystals are here to create spiritual balance, to teach us how to integrate our spiritual and material aspects, to live in heaven while on earth. But the increasing polarity of the ascension process has been hard for them and they felt that they entered the earth’s energetic space long before it was ready for them. They are more comfortable in an inviting, welcoming, gentle, and highly spiritual environment and what they encountered feels like anything but that. They can feel like they are living in two worlds, the quiet, safe world of their own energy and the outside world they feel doesn’t understand or appreciate them. Being energetically sensitive can create a false sense of fear as they don’t often know how to separate their energy from that which they feel is around them. Being natural healers compels them to rush in and heal energy, rather than stepping back and applying healing energy at a higher level that they are more comfortable with.
水晶们是到地球来创造一个灵性的平衡的, 来教导我们如何去整合我们灵性与物质的层面, 而能够把天堂带到地球. 但是这增强的‘二元性’现象在整个扬升程序上对他们是很辛苦的 --- 他们觉得他们进来在地球的能量空间尚未准备好的时候. 他们对于一个友善的, 欢迎的, 温和的, 高度灵性的环境会觉得比较舒服 --- 可是他们进入了地球所遇到的却完全不是那么回事. 他们觉得他们好像住在两个世界里, --- 他们自己能量的安静与安全的世界, 与外面那个不了解他们不欢迎不欣赏他们的外在世界. --- 由于能量上的敏感度太高, 所以会制造出‘恐惧’的假象出来--- 让他们常常不知道如何区分他们自己与身旁别人的能量. --- 而由于他们是‘天生的疗愈者’ --- 所以直觉会强迫驱动他们冲出去治疗磁场能量(而不自知), 而不是后退回去, 然后用让他们自己比较舒服的高层次方式来传输‘疗愈的能量’出去.
More than others, they feel today’s powerful energy shifts and releases, and the fear that many people are going through at this time. Because they are so empathic and have such strong healing potential, they must work hard to not integrate the negativity around them and try to transmute it themselves, which can create depression, anxiety, physical distress and illness, and energetic burnout.
他们对现在的强大能量的提升与释放的感觉比别人深刻许多, --- 他们也感应到许多人在此时所经历的恐惧. 由于他们如此有爱心, 而且拥有如此强烈的‘疗愈’潜力, 他们必须很努力的去拒绝身旁负面能量的入侵与干扰, 并且自己去转变负面能量 --- 而这为他们自己往往制造出了‘忧郁症’‘焦虑’‘身体的压力’和疾病, 以及精疲力竭!
Crystals feel like old souls, wise in spiritual matters but often very child-like when it comes to matters of the material world. Their biggest life challenge is to stay grounded, focused and within their energy but not exclude the world and retreat into their own safe energetic space. By balancing their empathy with detachment, setting strong energetic boundaries and using their healing abilities from a point of empowerment, rather than as martyrs, they offer solutions to many of the world’s problems and can help others find empowerment from within their own spiritual centers. Without detachment though, they can easy lose their focus, become ungrounded and float through life in a sort of energetic limbo.
水晶们感觉自己像个老灵魂一样, 在灵性事物上非常有智慧, 但是对物质世界的一切却像个孩子一样. 他们人生最大的挑战就是去稳住自己的能量, 专注并停留在自己能量里面, 但也不能完全把世界隔绝在外, 而只隐遁在自己安全的能量空间里. 透过平衡他们的慈悲心与保持距离, 定出严格的能量界限, 并从‘加持’的角度来使用他们的‘疗愈能力’, 而不是去做‘烈士’, 他们为这世界的许多问题提供了解决的方法, 而且可以协助别人在自己的灵性空间中寻找到自己的‘加持力’. 但是如果不与外界保持距离, 他们很容易失去焦距, 变成不稳定, 而游离在人生中像个能量的悠悠球一样四处随波逐流不知所以.
Crystal and Indigo energy work together to offer a complete solution to the world, identifying challenges and providing transformational alternatives. Given time, space and encouragement, Crystal energy enlightens, supports, guides and directs profound transformation of the most dense energy into its highest octaves. The Crystal message emphasizes healing and unconditional love, when they can stay focused on the value of their gifts and use them to uplift the world around them. Their gifts lie in the arts, music, sharing information, teaching, channeling, empathy, compassion and healing at a soul level.
水晶能量与湛蓝能量合作在一起可以为这世界提供一个完全的解答, 指出所有问题之所在, 并且提供改变的方法与选项. 只要给他们一些时间, 空间与鼓励 --- 水晶能量人能够指点迷津, 支持, 引导并指导出最深刻的改变而能把最稠密的能量转变为非常高频率的能量. 当水晶人可以专注在他们天份的价值上时, 并使用他们的才华来改变周围的世界时 --- 水晶能量讯息会注重在‘疗愈’与‘无条件的爱’上面. 他们的才华通常都在艺术, 音乐, 讯息分享, 教学, 通灵, 同理心疗愈, 大悲心与其它灵魂层面的疗愈工作上.
Encouraging the of Crystal energy in yourself, your children and others creates energetic openings into a world that is being birthed as the old world is dying to create the powerful transformation of heaven on earth, emphasizing empathy and compassion, and finding spiritual balance in a materially focused world.
在你自己身上, 孩子身上和其它人身上鼓励这种水晶能量的显现吧! --- 创造新能量进去这个转变中的旧世界--- 这个重新在出生中的世界非常需要一个强力的转变去把地球转变为天堂, 并重新重视‘同理心’和‘大悲心’, 并在物质世界里寻找到灵性平衡点.
Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, translate or share this message as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses is strictly prohibited.
Posted by Greg Giles
By Brenda Hoffman
中文翻译: 林琚月