


ArcturianTransmissions --- Connecting Realities 2

Saturday, February 9, 2013    Channel: Suzanne Lie 2-9-13

中文翻译: 林琚月20130210

Transmissions from the Mothership

Connecting Realities 2

Our Final Briefing






Mytria and I both had a strange sadness before our meeting this time. We even walked to the Holosuite to soak in each lovely memory of the times we had shared there with the Arcturian. We did not know why we felt that way, but we felt as if something would be changing. We even gave each other a long hug before we entered our Holoschool. The reason for our feelings became evident with the Arcturians greeted us by saying,

Mytria 和我同时都有一个奇怪的悲伤的感觉在我们今天的会议之前 . 我们甚至走到 全息室 去浸泡在过去我们在这里与 大角星人 渡过的每一个快乐的回忆 . 我们不知道为什么我们会这样感觉 --- 但我们感应到某些事要改变了 . 我们甚至给予彼此一个长长的拥抱 --- 在我们走进我们的 全息学校 之前 .--- 很快的 , 我们所感应到的事情的原由马上就很清楚了 --- 大角星人 走过来告诉我们


“Our dear friends, Mytria and Mytre, you are coming to the culmination of your training period. Hence, there is some information that we wish to impart before you bi-locate to the Pleiadian and Earth ascending worlds. First, you will visit Earth. Then, eventually, you will also bi-locate to your Pleiadian Homeworld’s ascension timeline. Even though these two realities resonate to very different timelines, you will find many similarities.

亲爱的朋友们 ,Mytria Mytre, 你们已经到达你们训练期的高点 . 因此 , 在你们即将 双重维度 停留入昴宿星以及地球的扬升世界之中时 , 我们有些事情要告诉你们 .--- 首先 , 你们会拜访地球 . 然后 , 最终 , 你们会 双重维度 停留入昴宿星的家乡世界的扬升时间线 . 虽然这两个 现实 共鸣的是非常不同的时间线 , 你们还是会看到许多相似之处 .



“Just as we have spoken to the ascending ones about having to connect their third/fourth dimensional self with their fifth dimensional SELF, you will need to connect your fifth dimensional SELF with your third/fourth dimensional self. We, the formless ones, are asking those who are more accustomed to wearing a form to interface between the higher, formless realities and lower realities of form.

而且就像我们告诉 扬升的一们 时所说的 --- 他们必须先将他们 第三与第四维度的自我 第五维度的高我 连接上一样 , 你们也必须先将你们 第三与第四维度的自我 第五维度的高我 连接上 ! 我们 --- 这些无形象的一们 , 请求你们这些习惯于穿着一个形象的一们 --- 去串联你们 高维度的无形象实相 以及你们 低维度的形象实相 .’




 “We ask you to observe as we give our Transmission. We will be telling our Guests about their Lightbody. Since you will be doing much of your work via your Lightbody. We asked you to observe our transmission, as what we will be saying is similar to what you will also be sharing with Earth’s ascending ones.”

我们请你们观察我们今天的讯息传输 . 我们将会告诉客人们关于他们的光体 .--- 因为你们将会 透过你们的光体 做许多工作 . 所以请你们观察我们今天的讯息传输 --- 因为我们说的就是你们会告诉地球上的 扬升的一们 的讯息 .



As the Arcturian communed with us there seemed to be something akin to sadness in Its communication. Would the Arcturian miss us as much as we would miss It?

大角星人 跟我们说话时 , 那里好像有些带着哀伤的味道 .‘ 大角星人 也会像我们想念祂一样的想念我们吗 ?


The Arcturian chose not to answer my unspoken question and turned toward the Transmission Screen to address the guests,

大角星人 没有回答我未说出口的问题 , 而转向 传输银幕 开始跟客人说话 ,


“Welcome. We on the Mothership are greatly pleased that you could tune into our transmission. During this visit, we will address the topic of your Lightbody. The element of your Multidimensional SELF who serves as that interface between your Multidimensional SELF and your earth vessel is your Lightbody. Your Lightbody connects the physical body with the Higher Expressions of SELF.

欢迎 . 我们母舰上的人很高兴你们可以接收我们的传输 . 在这个拜访中 , 我们要谈到关于你们的 光体 的主题 .---‘ 光体 是在你们 多维度高我 以及你们 地球载体 之间的 介质面 ’! 你们的 光体 连接了 物质身体 以及你们的 高我 ’.



“The physical body is NOT capable of accepting the full download of your Multidimensional SELF. Fortunately, your Lightbody serves as the buffer and connecting energy field between your physical body and your higher dimensional expressions. The fourth dimension is an etheric interface between the third dimension and the higher worlds, but it is too riddled with polarity and fear to effectively connect the third dimension with the higher worlds.

你们的 物质身体 没有能力承受你们 多维度高我 的完全下载 . 幸运的 --- 你们的 光体 做为一个 缓冲器 以及 连接能量的接口 来串联你们的 物质身体 以及你们 多维度高我 ’.--- 第四维度是个 以太接口 ’--- 介于第三维度以及更高维度之间 , 但是它太充斥了 二元性 恐惧 ’--- 因此无法有效率的连接第三维度以及更高的世界 .


“However, your Lightbody can easily move through the fourth dimension and directly connect the fifth-dimensional realms with your physical body. Still, there is often the sensation of crossing many voids as your Multidimensional SELF extends your Lightbody down from the higher worlds, through the fourth dimension and into your earth vessel.

但是 , 你们的 光体 可以轻易的穿越第四维度并直接连接第五维度世界与你们的 物质身体 ’. 但是 , 仍然 , 当你们 多维度高我 从高维度延伸你们的 光体 到第四维度然后到达你们 地球载体 --- 会感觉到好像穿透了许多层 虚空 的感觉 .




“These voids are actually initiations to assist you to release yet another component of your ego from your fourth, then third dimensional aura. Sometimes, these initiations are primarily experienced in your body, other times in your mind, your emotions or even your spiritual life. These initiations occur because you are bending down to jump higher. In other words, you are clearing out old anchors of fear so that you can more easily sore into the higher worlds.

这些 虚空层 是来 启动 协助 你去释放一层层的 小我意识 从你的第四维度外光体 , 然后你的第三维度外光体 (aura). 有时候 , 这些 释放的启动 主要是感应在你的物质身体 , 而有时是你心里的一种 释怀 ’--- 你的情绪的解放 , 甚至你的灵性生活的 解套 ’!--- 这些 释放的启动 的发生是因为你已经弯下腰来准备要往上跳 . 换言之 , 你在清除那 顽固的恐惧 ’--- 你才能一跃而入更高的维度世界 .



“Another challenge/initiation that occurs when your Lightbody is fully connected to your earth vessel is that you will likely experience great perceptual confusion. When your fifth dimensional senses begin to overtake your physical senses may perceive both frequencies, but in a jumbled and confusing manner. However, with practice you will be able to discern the difference between the physically based input and the higher dimensional input. Then, by constantly choosing to attend to your higher dimensional input, you are consciously choosing to release your physical world and attach your attention to the higher frequency of reality.

另外一个会发生的 挑战 释放的启动 --- 当你的 光体 已经完全与你的 地球载具 连接时 --- 你可能会经验到 很大的理解上的紊乱 ’!!!--- 当你 第五维度 的感觉开始接管超越你 物质体的感受 ,--- 你会同时感应到两种频率 --- 可是是以种乱跳 \ 跳针的混乱景象 .--- 但是 , 随着多次练习之后 , 你将会能够分辨 以物理身体为基础的感受 以及 来自高维度的讯息 ’.--- 然后 , 随着你持续的选择跟随你 来自高维度的讯息 ’, 你就会有意识的选择 释放 你的物质世界 , 并把你的注意力连接到 更高维度的实相 中去 .



“Please remember, the reality that you choose to perceive is the reality that you choose to live. Therefore, you are creating your own reality by the choices you make about the frequency of stimuli to which you attend. As you remember that you have the Power to make this choice and the Wisdom to primarily focus on that, which feels like Love, your formerly unconscious ascension process becomes conscious.

请记得你选择去感应理解的现实 --- 就是你选择去生活的现实 . 因此 , 你是透过 自己的选择 在创造自己的现实 !--- 因为你选择去 接收 刺激频率 就是你 创造的现实 ’!--- 而随着你逐渐记得 --- 自己所拥有的权力来做 实相选择 ’--- 以及你自己有 智慧 去选择你要 专注 --- 那就是 爱的实相 ’--- 你以前对于 扬升 过程的不知不觉就会变成 很有觉知的扬升过程 ’!


“Your ability to make a conscious perceptual choice is, also, an antidote to fear. If you are consistently conscious of the fact that you have a choice about what you wish to perceive, you will fully realize that that YOU are creating your reality. Additionally, if you are in constant contact with your Higher Expression, you will be able to ask questions in order to clarify your process. This sense of control of your ascension, as well as the constant source of enlightenment, will greatly expand your ability to attend to love and ignore fear.

你的能力去做一个 有觉知的 , 有感应理解的 ,‘ 选择 就是 ---‘ 恐惧的解毒剂 ’!!!--- 如果你持续的 , 有清楚意识的 , 知道 --- 事实是你有一个选择 --- 关于你想要的 感受 ’, 你就能完全领悟 --- 你真的是创造自己现实的人 .--- 除此而外 , 如果你一直与你的 高我 持续的连接着 --- 你就可以在过程当中问问题来清楚自己的方向 .--- 这种 对自己扬升 掌控感觉 ’--- 以及 持续的开悟 的协助来源 --- 可以大大的扩大你进入 爱的能量 中的能力 , 同时可以有能力去 忽视恐惧 ’!!!


  • 轉自:Rebecca_林琚月的博客  



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