凯西之亚特兰提斯 - 1
凯西的 364 系列解读就是关于令人着迷的亚特兰提斯。在早期的生命解读中,“资源”有零星提到过亚特兰提斯。但直至 1927 年 3 月 2 日的一个为朋友寻宝的解读中,“资源” 明确指出波塞迪亚 (Poseidia) 神庙曾经座落在比谜尼 (Bimini) 岛附近。有多达 700 个的生命解读,提及他们的前世之一是亚特兰提斯人。凯西的 364 系列解读就是探索这一曾经光辉和悲剧性的亚特兰提斯。
我们先简单介绍凯西的人类起源。解读说最简洁精美的描述莫过于约翰福音第一章 1 到 5 节:“太初有道,道与上帝同在,到就是上帝;…生命在他里头,这生命就是人的光;…” 解读 5246-1 说,“如 ( 圣经 ) 开始所述,上帝在运动,说‘让这里有光’ ,於是有了光。那光并不是太阳光,而是通过这一形式,每一个灵魂永远有了存在。” 我们每个个体是纯光体的、非物质的、拥有上帝意识的灵体。佛家称之法身。我们说这是第一人类 (First Root Race) 。人人均有佛性,因为我们是按上帝的形像造的,别忘了上帝是灵,是原创能量。
然后有了黑暗 ( 这句话可以演绎成一本书 ) ,我们与上帝意识的接触渐渐减少,於是时间和空间被安排来让我们经历。解读说地球不是创造给人类居住的。在人类来临之前,地球经历了矿物、植物、动物三个王国的演变。大约一千零五十万年前,人类灵魂开始游历地球这三维空间,第二人类开始 (Second Root Race) 。
解读告诉我们,亚特兰提斯州覆盖广阔。这块大地“西起于墨西哥湾,东至地中海边” 的一个广袤的大陆。她的辉煌时期是从公元前 210 , 000 到公元前 50 , 722 年,这一年这个大陆遭受第一次摧毁。凯西说亚特兰提斯人原是“和平的人们” ,他们的物理和身体的发展很快,“因为他们认识到他们仅是整体的一部分,所以,对那些身体所必需的物质,仅取于自然。” 由於与自然的和谐合一,亚特兰提斯人发展出这样的能力“应被称为航空时代( AERIAL AGE ),或称电力时代,所提供交通的手段是通过存在于每一个体内部的能力 --- 利用思想力” 。他们即可思想旅行,也可身体旅行。令人惊异的是,旅行不仅仅局限在地球三维空间内!凯西说他们可以将“自己的身体从宇宙的一点移动到别处” 。
除了他们的旅行能力,凯西提到亚特兰提斯的晶石 --- 他们的动力源。对这一题目,没有很多信息。从凯西的解读中大概可以了解到亚特兰提斯人在他们的历史上曾经将晶石使用在不同方面。首先,凯西说晶石是用来调谐给予生命的宇宙动力。这种调谐是为了帮助延长他们物理身体的寿命,和帮助他们的思想与原创能量的连接。然后,解读说有 TUAOI 晶石。解读 2072-10 中,凯西说这个晶石原是“用于或提供中央化的能量源,人类的后代和太一的后代均知晓。” 后来,这个晶石系统被用来“引导各种形式的交通和亚特兰提斯人的旅行。在这一时期,空中的交通,水面和水下的旅行均是同样的导航方式。这种能力来自于这个能量中心,或称 TUAOI 晶石,它是以光束工作的。” 在这个黄金时代,上帝之子,就是凯西称为太一之子 (Children of the Law of One) ,与自然和宇宙力和谐地生活。
凯西之亚特兰提斯 - 2
就在这一时期,凯西说我们非常熟悉的耶稣和玛丽亚的灵魂称为阿米琉斯 (Amilius) 和莉丽斯 (Lilith) 来到亚特兰提斯。开始他们是同一灵魂 ( 或称理则 Logos) 。因为他们知道许多同他们一样的灵魂,由於非常喜欢物理刺激 --- 作为灵体是无法体验到的 ---“ 他们的心智长时间、持续地驻足在三维物理界,於是他们成为一部分” 。那些灵魂的振动频率渐渐地降低了,有些甚至固化在他们的物理身体中。为了更好地解脱那些忘记自己身份的灵魂,阿米琉斯和莉丽斯认识到这三维空间的阴阳双重的必要,他们分为二个独立的灵魂, ( 圣经说莉丽斯是阿米琉斯的排骨 ) ,成为彼此的助手。许多灵魂也照这样做了。
悲剧性的是,不仅有灵魂忘了回家之路,更有些投身来的灵魂模仿上帝的创造性将他们的部分投射成一个无独立意志的“自动体 (Automatons)” --- 凯西称之为“东西 (Things)”--- 用来满足自我的荣耀,如劳作,服务和生理需要;有些灵魂 --- 凯西称之为比莱之子 (Son of Belial)--- 一味追求自我利益,越来越少考虑全体和合作的必要。道德的堕落、能力的滥用、对自然的蔑视、无视与原创力量的同一和渐涨的统治阶层的意识,给这块大陆带来了负面能量。爱塞 (Esai) 取代了阿米琉斯成为领袖。负面的能量吸引和创造了毁灭的事件。那些史前的巨型动物 --- 负面灵魂创造出来满足物理需要的 --- 如 sabertooth tigers, mastodons, woolly mammoths 等使有物理身体的人们生活得非常悲惨。於是亚特兰提斯的和平、医疗性的装置被迫变成杀伤性的武器,以保护生命。 Tuaoi 晶石 --- 后来凯西称为火石 (Firestone) --- 变成了武器的能源;恢复青春之晶石发出了死光 (Death Ray) 。渐渐地,失调的晶石的威力,不仅杀死了敌人,同时也搅动这个星球的环境和板块的振动,地极发生了转动,这个大陆的第一次毁灭发生了。 1933 年的凯西说,“这一死光或超级宇宙射线,将在 25 年内被发现。”
凯西解释道:“这种自然爆发是来自于渐冷的地球的内部,现在被称为 Sargasso 海的亚特兰提斯的一部分,沉入海底” 。这次毁坏将亚特兰提斯大陆分成 5 个岛屿。世界的伊甸园不复存在。有 21 个解读指出那是 50 , 000 年前。
尽管星球的剧烈反应,比莱之子 (Son of Belial) 仍然持续与太一之子 (Children of the Law of One) 争夺控制权。如果相信太一的人们继续留下,他们就不得不发展一些他们不想发展的态度和能量。许多人则迁徙到别的洲继续学习和教导他们的信念 --- 与原创能量的同一。那些留下的则不停地与黑暗的 Belial, Baal, Baalila, Beelzebub( 解读用词 ) 抗争。直到亚特兰提斯管理阶层完全为负面能量和欲望所控制。许多祭司,试图通过与比莱之子合作来提醒他们认识真理,但他们一个个陷入黑暗。有三位祭司, Atlan, Iltar, Hept-supht 认识到亚特兰提斯时代已经结束。他们收集整理所以记录,分别带往各地。 Iltar 前往 Yucatan 地区, Atlan 则将记录存放在比谜尼 (Bimini) 岛附近的波塞迪亚 (Poseidia) 神庙里, Hept-supht 前往埃及。
科技在亚特兰提斯继续发展,也是太一之子与比莱之子的冲突焦点。凯西说许多现代科技只是再发现,并在解读中警告人们认真理解他们的能力的使用目的,不使悲剧重现。有 52 个解读涉及到大陆的第二次毁灭,时间是“出埃及记之前 22 , 500 年前,或是基督诞生前 28 , 000 年。” 这次的火山爆发、地震及地极变化,亚特兰提斯只剩下了 3 个的岛屿: Poseidia, Aryan 和 Og 。巨大的海浪淹没了其它陆地。解读说这是圣经中描述的远古大洪荒,聆听上帝之音 (Small Still Voice) 的诺亚们得以在方舟中存活。
先进的科技在第二次大陆毁坏后仍然得以保留,太一之子与比莱之子都拥有一部分。物理和意识层次上的战争一直在持续。冲突搅动着这个大陆,终於,约在公元前 10 , 700 ,亚特兰提斯最后的一个岛沉入海底。
解读 1159-1 提到过,现在被成为 Sargasso 海 ( 在北大西洋 ) 的曾经是亚特兰提斯五个重要地区之一波塞迪亚 ---“ 世界之伊甸园”。“资源” 指引我们将目光投向那些亚特兰提斯文化迁徙的地方“遗失的文明的证据可以在比利牛斯山脉( Pyrenees )和摩洛哥( Morocco )地区,以及英属洪都拉斯, Yucatan 和美国发现” 。例如,在解读 1219-1 中,“资源” 说,美国有一个叫 Iroquois 的印第安部落,就是纯粹的亚特兰提斯人的后裔。 ( 1776 年 6 月 11 日关于美国独立的论证时, Iroquois 部落酋长被正式邀请参加。 )
在 1932 年,凯西说许多亚特兰提斯人选择在这个世纪转世,促成了 20 世纪科技的一个飞跃。例如,哈佛大学的一个年轻人 Mitchell Hastings 被“资源” 指出曾经是亚特兰提斯的能源中心“火石” 的安装和运行人之一。所以他发明 FM 调频电台,并拥有许多专利也就成为自然的结果。 ( 他公开宣称凯西对他的帮助,同时不遗余力地支持凯西。 ) 迅速临近的新世纪,带来亚特兰提斯已知的所有能力和意识。亚特兰提斯的好与坏、荣与辱、同一和自我、与自然力和宇宙力合一还是利用意识实现我们的物质需求等等,选择再一次升起,摆在人类面前。一如伊甸园中的生命之树和智慧之树,在水瓶世纪到来的前夕,我们的选择是什么?
SOURCE: 凯西中国 http://blog.sina.com.cn/searchforgod
Edgar Cayce’s Story of Atlantis
By Kevin J. Todeschi and Henry Reed
Although the vast majority of topics contained within the Cayce material explore practical and researchable topics such as healthcare and wellness, improving personal relationships, transforming attitudes and emotions, and learning the effectiveness of meditation, arguably one of the most discussed subject within the readings – for some it may border on myth and fantasy – is the story of Atlantis. Over a period of more than twenty years in almost 1,000 different readings, Edgar Cayce discussed the possibility of a civilization whose technological achievements and accumulation of knowledge rivaled our own. However, in spite of their collective knowledge, the Atlanteans brought a series of destructions upon themselves by their misuse of power and their disregard of Divine law – a fate, the readings suggest, that is possible for every civilization. The story woven together by the Cayce information is essentially gleamed from the personal soul histories of individuals who had Life readings – those readings dealing with the topic of reincarnation and soul growth – and suggests that records of this mythic civilization may still be found, proving once and for all that humankind has inhabited the planet longer than science has yet to understand.
根据解读,亚特兰蒂斯大陆原是位于大西洋的巨大地域。亚特兰蒂斯文明出现于大约在 20 万年前。由于他们追求知识,他们积累智慧以及技术创新能力,亚特兰提斯人远远超出了同期世界各地的文明,因为那时其他地域尚处于原始文明阶段。解读表明,亚特兰蒂斯文明的成就包括多样化的文化、代议政制的重大进步、宏伟的教育体系,还有道路建设、交通运输、可再生能源,以及对医学的深刻见解,甚至飞行器等等。不幸的是,这些成就使得一些亚特兰蒂斯人看到自己高于其他大陆的人类。大陆的一些人成为奴隶 --- 自动人,像奴仆一样服务民众。此外,尽管有一段时期,这个大陆的灵性进展巨大,但许多人开始失去了方向和生命目的感,变得越来越依赖于物理身体和物质世界。曾经是一个几乎乌托邦式的社会,变得分裂,失去前进的道路。
According to the readings, the continent of Atlantis was an enormous land mass situated in the Atlantic Ocean. The first appearance of an Atlantean civilization occurred approximately 200,000 years ago. Because of their quest for knowledge, their ability to build upon the wisdom of others, and their capacity for technological innovation, in time the people of Atlantis advanced far beyond the rest of what were essentially primitive civilizations throughout the world. The readings suggest that the civilization’s achievements included a diverse culture, major advances in representative government, a vast system of education, road-building, transportation, renewable energy, major insights into medicine, even flight (!) – the list goes on and on. Unfortunately, however, these achievements eventually caused some of the Atlanteans to see themselves as just a little better than the rest of humankind. Some of the people of the continents – referred to as automatons – became enslaved, serving in subservient roles to the general populace. Additionally, although for a time the people of the continent had advanced spiritually, many began to lose their direction and sense of purpose by becoming too attached to physicality and the material world. What had once been an almost Utopian society became splintered and lost its way.
普通民众最终分为两大派系:“一法则之子和比莱后裔( Children of the Law of One and the Sons of Belial )”。 那些“一的法则之子们”坚守其灵性传统,仍然记得自己与神的连接,至少部分地了解他们对那些不那么幸运的人的责任。 第二派系称自己是比莱之子。 这个团体的重点是自我:自我保护、满足个人想法、贪婪和自私。
The general populace eventually divided themselves into two major factions: the Children of the Law of One and the Sons of Belial. Those numbered among the Law of One carried on the spiritual traditions of their forefathers, remembered their connection to the divine, and at least partially understood their responsibility to those less fortunate than themselves. The second faction called themselves the Sons of Belial. The focus of this group was on the self: self-preservation, the satisfying of personal appetites, greed and selfishness.
显然,那个大陆人民之间的分歧,至少部分地是对三次大规模毁灭性灾难负责的,这些将会永远改变这片大陆。 第一次发生在大约 5 万年前,由于其能量源的巨大爆炸而引发的 ; 第二次发生在大约 28,500 年前,导致巨大的大陆沉陷,变为三个较小的岛屿 ; 而第三次发生在大约 10,500 年前,剩下的岛屿沉没在海洋表面之下。 在最终沉没之前,人们大量移民到世界其他各地,包括埃及、中美洲和欧洲。 据凯西资料,该大陆唯一剩下的可见证据就是比米尼群岛,它曾经是亚特兰蒂斯山脉的一部分。
Apparently, the division between the people of the continent was at least partially responsible for a series of three massive destructions that would forever change the continent. The first occurred about 50,000 years ago and came as a result of a massive explosion from their power source; the second occurred about 28,500 years ago, causing the enormous continent to break into three smaller islands; and, the third occurred around 10,500 years ago when the remaining islands sank beneath the surface of the ocean. Prior to the final destruction, there was a massive emigration of the people to various parts of the world, including Egypt, Central America and Europe. According to Cayce, the only remaining visible evidence of the continent is the Bimini Islands, which had once been a portion of the Atlantean mountain range.
如果我们问,亚特兰蒂斯古文明的故事与我和我现在的生活有什么关系呢? 答案很简单:不要忘记我们与神圣的联系! 显然,我们必须面对物质世界的需求和挑战,但即使在这些挑战中,我们也需要包含对神圣永恒的实相,有一种不断演进的觉知。 这个观点体现在美国土著文化中,他们相信我们处于“第四世界”之中,以前的世界被自然灾害所摧毁,因为上帝被人类忽略了。
If we ask, how might Cayce’s story of the ancient civilization of Atlantis be relevant to me and my life in the present? The answer is simply don’t forget our connection to Spirit! Obviously, we have to address the demands and challenges of the physical world but we need to incorporate an ongoing awareness of the ever-present reality of the divine even in the midst of those challenges. It is this very idea that is reflected in the fact that indigenous peoples of America believe that we are in a “fourth world,” previous worlds being destroyed by natural disasters created by a God upset with being ignored by humans.
神话和文学包含许多人类集体或整个文化的例子,他们“因为太过于自我膨胀”而崩溃。 在人类发展中,就像孩子成熟长大成人,他们通过制定防御性生存策略来应对不可避免的伤痛,突出了错误的积极面。 在生活的某个时刻,由于片面的局限,事情不可继续,例如“中年”危机会让生命停顿,直到新的方向发展出来。 我们经常在科学、历史、文学、神话、圣经以及其他文化的形而上学著作中遇到诸如“堕落之前的骄傲”,“吃一堑长一智”、“当条件走向极端时,反馈循环本质上会产生恢复性平衡”等等。换句话说,当我们忘记我们的灵性本质或以任何方式失去平衡时,生活往往提供封装好的学习过程。
Myth and literature contain many examples of human enterprises or whole cultures that “get too big for their britches” and collapse. In human development, as children mature into adults, they respond to inevitable wounding by developing defensive strategies of survival, accentuating the positive to a fault. At some point in life, events become unworkable given that one-sided orientation, and a “mid-life” crisis brings life to a halt until a new orientation is developed. We often encounter in science, in history, in literature, in mythology, in the Bible, and in the metaphysical writings of other cultures the idea that “pride goes before a fall,” or “developing a virtue to a fault,” or “feedback loops in nature create restorative balances when conditions become too extreme.” In other words, there life often encapsulates an inherent learning process when we forget our spiritual connection or get out of balance in any way.
As a contemporary example of this phenomenon, John grew up a sensitive youngster, often finding his feelings hurt by others. He found that he could “get even” by being the smartest kid. He developed a straight-A lifestyle in school, and earned a Ph.D. at a very young age. He received an offer to be a professor at a prestigious university. He was at the top of his game. Only he wasn’t. His “drinking habit” had developed into an extreme alcoholic pattern with the result that he trashed his life and lost his academic position. At the bottom of his barrel, he went to Alcoholics Anonymous and learned how he had denied major aspects of his nature, especially his feeling side and his need for relationships with others. Whereas he had developed the defensive attitude that he could “go it alone,” the truth of the matter was that John needed other people, and especially needed to be aware of and accept this need. John’s “Atlantis” was his intellectual conceit that he was an island unto himself. John is not alone in finding himself going through such an “Enantiodromia,” or an abrupt change of fortunes and attitude brought about by conditions evolving to extremes.
在圣经中,由破坏性的人性引起的最显著的变化,就是大洪水的故事(创世记 5-9 )。 这个故事讲述了,上帝最终对人类的恶性感到厌恶,他最终淹没了整个地球。 只有挪亚和他的家人,是值得的在洪水后生存的。 诺亚与圣洁的生活是一致的,结果被提供了如何创建方舟。这个方舟,使他能够前往新世界。
In the Bible, perhaps the most notable tale of widespread change brought about by destructive human nature is the story of the Flood (Genesis 5-9). According to the story, God eventually became so disgusted with humankind that He eventually flooded the entire planet. Only Noah and his family were found to be worthy enough to survive the Deluge. Noah lived in accord with the divine and as a result was provided with instructions on how to create an Ark – an Ark that enabled him to travel to the New World.
先不管这个故事可能包含事实(爱德加·凯西确认说这个故事是真实的,当然他也说诺亚和他的家人不是唯一的幸存者),我们来看看几个关于方舟神话的有趣观点。首先,有趣的是,几乎每个文化和大陆都有自己的洪水神话。事实上,世界上已知存在的有 200 多种大洪水传说。其次,在大多数这些传说中,当然也包括诺亚的故事,幸存者几乎把他们的世界的所有东西(例如动物)搬上了方舟。之后,方舟遇到巨量雨水、洪水,是一种毁灭性的灾难,这是幸存者无法控制的,但最终他们存活下来,落在较高的高地上,从旧世界带来的一切都融入新的世界。作为一个原型的传说,这个故事本质上是说,个体经历无法控制的体验,然后在更高级的层面上,学习如何将生命的体验提升,作为理解的一部分,重新认识与上帝和我们的神圣联系融合。从根本上来说,亚特兰蒂斯的文明故事是关于一个忘记其灵性来源的经典。
Setting aside how much basis in fact the story may contain (and Edgar Cayce did state that the story was real, although Noah and his family were not the only survivors), there are several interesting points about the Ark Myth. First of all, it is interesting to note that virtually every culture and continent has its own flood myth. In fact, there are more than 200 flood traditions that are known to exist around the world. Secondly, in most of these accounts – and certainly in the story of Noah – the survivors take with them virtually everything that is a part of their world (e.g. the animals get on the ark). Afterwards the ark is inundated from above and below with cataclysmic events over which the inhabitants have no control but in the end they survive, land upon higher ground and everything that was brought from the old world is incorporated in the new. As an archetypal tale, the story is essentially about being overwhelmed by experiences over which individuals have no control, and then learning how to incorporate life’s experiences to rise to a new level of understanding with God and our divine connection as a part of that understanding. Ultimately, the story of Atlantis is about a civilization that forgot its spiritual source.
凯西资料最重要的信息之一,就是我们每个人都有能力找到指导。 这种指导的根源在个体感官上的意识边界之外。 这个指导的根源就是全能的智慧,即智能创造者。 其对人类意识演进的目的,是为智能创造者创造一种自我反思或自我意识的手段。 换句话说,上帝创造了我们,使 神能意识到自己。 当我们使用我们上帝给予的才能时,我们可以很聪明、机智,但除非我们也与创造者保持着关系,我们会让自己陷入困境。 正如当今许多观察家们所指出的那样,我们的技术进步远远超过了我们的道德的演进。
One of the most essential messages in the Cayce material is that each of us has a capacity to find guidance. The source of that guidance lies outside the boundaries of the individual as experienced as separated by sensory-based consciousness. The source of that guidance is the universal intelligence, the Creator intelligence. Its purpose in evolving the consciousness of the human being was to create a means of self-reflection or self-awareness of the Creator intelligence. In other words, God created us so God could become self-aware. When we use our God-given talents, we can be so clever, so ingenious, that we can actually get ourselves into trouble unless we also maintain a relationship with the Creator. As so many observers today have noted, our advances in technology have far outpaced our moral development.
除了爱德加·凯西之外,还有其他关于这个古老的大陆的参考资料。事实上,对照凯西解读提及的第三次破坏的时间,柏拉图在对话录《 Critias 》和《 Timaeus 》中提到的亚特兰蒂斯的故事。这些是柏拉图在公元前 4 世纪写的,讲述了一个征服了非洲和欧洲大陆的大部分地区的巨大的海陆帝国的故事。然而,这个大陆在一天之内不幸的沉没在海洋之下。根据柏拉图记录的故事,亚特兰蒂斯人掌握了航海技术,使跨越大西洋成为可行。那块大陆远在赫丘利斯石柱之外,面积大于亚洲和利比亚之和。由于它位于大西洋中,故事断言亚特兰蒂斯也作为远离岛屿以外的另一个大陆(北美洲?)的休息点。在这个版本的故事中,破坏是由洪水和地震这样灾难造成的,所有的文明纪录消失在海洋之下。
Beyond Edgar Cayce, there are additional references to this ancient continent. In fact, corresponding to Cayce’s timing of the third destruction is the story of Plato’s Atlantis mentioned in his dialogues Critias and Timaeus. Written in the 4th century BC, Plato tells the story of a massive land and sea empire that had conquered large portions of the African and European continents. However the continent sank beneath the ocean “in a single day and night of misfortune.” According to the tale recorded by Plato, the Atlanteans had mastered ship navigation making the Atlantic Ocean passable. The continent was beyond the Pillars of Hercules and was larger than Asia and Libya combined. Because of its location in the Atlantic, the story asserts that Atlantis also served as a resting point for excursions to another continent beyond the islands [North America?]. In this version of the story, the destruction was caused by floods and earthquakes so violent that all records of the civilization disappeared beneath the ocean.
除了凯西和柏拉图外,也许最着名的亚特兰蒂斯学者就是塞克斯( Egerton Sykes 1894-1983 )。 赛克斯是世界上亚特兰蒂斯最大的私人收藏的创始人 ; 他是一位神话学家,业余考古学家,人类学家,讲师,作家和编辑,他认识从 1912 年到 1950 年在全球范围内的亚特兰蒂斯学者,并以此为骄傲。他参加了数十次考古挖掘,撰写了数百篇文章。 1945 年,赛克斯发表了一个综合的《古典来源清单》,列出了与亚特兰蒂斯有关的所有现有手稿。 他还出版了一本修订版的 Ignatius Donnelly 的 1882 年经典《亚特兰蒂斯:古老的世界》。 塞克斯收录的亚特兰蒂斯资料包含 6,000 多本书( 15 种语言),还有诸多杂志、小册子、照片、幻灯片、录像带、个人信件、未发表的手稿和剪报书等。这些资料在赛克斯去世前,全部由凯西总部的探索领悟协会( A.R.E )获得。
In addition to Cayce and Plato, probably the most notable “Atlantologist” was Egerton Sykes (1894-1983). Sykes was the creator of the largest private collection on Atlantis in the world; he was a mythologist, amateur archaeologist, anthropologist, lecturer, writer and editor, who prided himself on knowing every scientist around the world in the field of Atlantology from 1912 to 1950. He took part in dozens of archaeological digs and wrote hundreds of articles. In 1945, Sykes issued a comprehensive “List of Classical Sources,” tabulating all of the existing manuscripts pertaining to Atlantis. He also published a revised edition of Ignatius Donnelly’s 1882 classic, Atlantis: The Antediluvian World. In time, Syke’s collection on Atlantis would include over 6,000 books (in 15 languages), magazines, pamphlets, photos, slides, tapes, personal letters, unpublished manuscripts, and newspaper clippings, all acquired by Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. before Sykes death.
赛克斯创立了亚特兰蒂斯研究中心,这是一个国际交流中心,提供有关亚特兰蒂斯的信息。在接下来的 30 年间,他和他的妻子出版了一本双月刊研究杂志《亚特兰蒂斯》,鼓励全球学者撰写研究论文。赛克斯提出,全球各种神话谈及的“天堂”,本质上长期被遗忘了的、与亚特兰蒂斯有关的民间记忆。他对被大西洋和太平洋分离的各大陆文化之间的相似之处着迷。他认为,这些相似之处,其实是亚特兰蒂斯文明的延伸。因为大陆的崩坏,使其公民(具有相似的知识和想法的人们)流到世界各地。例如,古墨西哥和古埃及的日历非常相似,它们建筑金字塔的做法也是如此。同样的木乃伊制作技术在埃及、智利、秘鲁和加纳利群岛同时出现。刻意的颅骨变形的做法可以在美州以及地中海地域发现。 塞克斯保留了这些全球相似之处的完整的卡片文件索引系统。
Sykes founded the Atlantis Research Center, an international clearinghouse for information on Atlantis, and for the next 30 years he and his wife published a bimonthly research magazine, Atlantis, encouraging scholars worldwide to contribute papers. Sykes proposed that global myths related to an earthly “Paradise” were essentially long-forgotten remnants of folk memories related to Atlantis. He was fascinated by similarities among cultures separated by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans – similarities, he contended that gave credence to an Atlantean civilization whose destruction had sent citizens (with similar knowledge and ideas) to the four corners of the world. A few examples include the fact the calendars of ancient Mexico and Egypt were remarkably similar, as was the practice of building pyramids. Mummification was developed simultaneously in Egypt, Chili, Peru and the Canaries. The practice of intentional cranial deformation can be found all over America as well as the Mediterranean Sea. Sykes kept a complete card file index system of these global similarities.
赛克斯还认为,该大陆的位置靠近海豚岭,也是大西洋的中脊。 1936 年美国海岸和大西洋底部的大地测量表明,大西洋中脊可能曾经在海平面以上。 赛克斯认为,该大陆被一场灾难性事件淹没,如小行星撞击类似的大灾难使得幸存者存留在大西洋的两岸。
Sykes also theorized that the location of the continent was near the Dolphin Ridge, the backbone of the Atlantic Ridge, in part because a 1936 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey of the bottom of the Atlantic indicated that the mid-Atlantic Ridge was possibly once above sea level. Sykes believed that the continent was submerged by a cataclysmic event, such as an asteroid, leaving survivors on both sides of the Atlantic.
爱德加·凯西自己的灵魂历史,也与亚特兰蒂斯的故事有关。在他的解读里,指出了大约公元前 10,500 年, 他曾经是埃及的大祭司,名叫拉 - 塔。他与亚特兰蒂斯大陆的人有交往。 在那一世里,他与一些亚特兰提斯人一起工作,在埃及的吉萨高原之下保存了他们的文明纪录。这个“记录殿”尚待发现。 凯西解读说,除了在埃及隐藏的记录,类似的记录还藏在尤卡坦地区和亚特兰蒂斯大陆的山区。
Edgar Cayce’s own soul history is also connected to the story of Atlantis in that his readings state that approximately 10,500 years B.C. he was a High Priest in Egypt by the name of Ra Ta who had dealings with the people of the continent of Atlantis. During that incarnation, he was instrumental in working with the Atlanteans to preserve a record of their civilization in a yet-to-be-found “Hall of Records” located beneath the Giza Plateau. In addition to the records hidden in Egypt, simultaneously records were reportedly hidden in the Yucatan and in the mountains of the Atlantean continent.
凯西解读预测,失落的亚特兰蒂斯大陆和亚特兰蒂斯文明的记录,最终将会被发现。并赞助了在埃及以及比米尼和大西洋周围的地区进行考古研究的多年。并且有一次解读具体说明了关于这片遥远的大陆的证据会“在 68 和 69 出现,不那么遥远!”
The Cayce readings predicted that evidence of the lost continent of Atlantis and a record of the Atlantean civilization would eventually be found – spearheading years of sponsored archaeological research in both Egypt and areas around Bimini and the Atlantic Ocean – and specifically stated on one occasion that evidence of the former continent would be found in “sixty-eight and sixty-nine (‘68 and ‘69); not so far away!”
无论凯西指的到底是什么,有趣的是,在 1968 年 9 月 2 日,在北比米尼的西北海岸 5½ 米深的水下,三名潜水员遇到物体,后来这被称为“比米尼大道“或”比米尼墙“,是水下的各种尺寸和厚度的圆形石头。有人认为是人造的,不过,也有人表示这是自然形成的。
Whether or not what occurred was specifically what Cayce was referring to it is interesting to note that on September 2, 1968 while diving in 5 ½ meters of water off the northwest coast of North Bimini, three divers encountered what later became known as the “Bimini Road” or the “Bimini Wall” an underwater formation of rounded stones of various sizes and thicknesses that some claim appears to be man-made. Others suggest it is a natural formation.
As the debate over Atlantis continues in terms of whether the continent was an actual part of the earth’s physical history, or is it but one example of a universal human idea – an archetype – concerning the limits of human ingenuity in the context of a larger life intelligence (or both), the readings would encourage us to find that which is applicable in our own lives in the here and now: remembering the importance of spirit as we collectively create the world in which we wish to live.
亚特兰蒂斯的故事是一个警示性的传说。发现我们的缘起是人的本性使然,无论是通过物理遗迹的考古,还是人类思想中的图像发掘。 不管怀疑或领悟,人类历史远远超过我们教科书描述的几千年,这使我们更加尊重进化,和我们的意识成长的挑战。 我们无视我们的内心指导和我们与神的最终联系,是非常危险的。 在当今不断变化的世界中,灵性的意义正在转向对内在指引的一种臣服和尊崇,并且尊重地和谦虚地将这种指导实践出来,呈现出高于自我的品质。 这个不断发展的过程可能是凯西资料关于创造我们新世界的最重要的工具之一。
The story of Atlantis serves as a cautionary tale. It is the nature of the human to inquire into our origins, whether by the archaeology of physical remnants or by the archaeology of images in the human mind. To suspect, or realize, that human history is much greater than the few thousand years explored in our textbooks gives us greater respect for the challenge of evolution, of the growth of our own consciousness. We ignore at our peril our inner guidance and our ultimate connection to the Divine. In today’s changing world, the meaning of spirituality is shifting to mean an allegiance, an honoring of inner guidance and the respectful and humble application of that guidance toward something higher than self alone. That ever-evolving process is perhaps one of the most essential tools from the Cayce material for creating our new world.
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