Question: Whenever I try to meditate, my mind always seems to come up with excuses not to meditate and I end up getting distracted. I just don’t seem to be able to sit still and meditate. How do I deal with this?
Sadhguru: Your mind does not like meditation. When you want to sit and meditate, the mind will do everything to see that you don’t. First it will say, “Oh, we’ll meditate tomorrow.” “Tomorrow” is the deepest cunning of your mind. The mind will not say, “I won’t do it.” If your mind says, “I won’t do it,” your ego will say, “I will do it.” That is the nature of your ego. If I want to get something done by you, one simple way of getting it done is to say “Please don’t do it. No, you should not do it. Don’t do it.” You will do it because that is the nature of the ego. So the mind will never say, “I will not do it.” It will say, “Let’s do it tomorrow” – and tomorrow never comes.
萨古鲁:你的头脑不喜欢冥想。当你想坐下来冥想时,你的头脑就会竭尽所能让你相信其实你并不想要冥想。首先它会说:“好吧,我们明天再冥想。” “明天”是头脑最狡猾的伎俩。头脑不会说“我不要冥想”。如果你的头脑说“我不要冥想”,你的自我就会说“我要冥想”。这就是你的自我的本性。如果我想要你完成一件什么事,有一个简单的办法,就是告诉你“请不要做此事。不行,你不应该做此事。不要做此事”。你会做这件事的,因为这是自我的本性。所以,头脑永远也不会说“我不会做此事”。它会说“明天再做吧” — 而明天永远不会来。
In the rural areas of South India, there is a belief that evil spirits try to enter your house in the evenings, and because these evil spirits can only see the color red, they go for your blood. So people write “naale baa” in red paint on the front door. “Naale baa” means, “come tomorrow.” Every day, the evil spirit supposedly comes to the doorstep, sees this sign and thinks, “Oh, this house is for tomorrow,” and goes away. Tomorrow never comes, so the evil spirit never enters the house. People have done this to so many things that they should be doing in their life. They have done, “naale baa, naale baa” to their very happiness.
在南印度的农村,人们相信,每当夜幕降临时,恶灵会想进入他们的家里。由于恶灵只能看到红色的东西,所以他们会觊觎你的血。因此人们就在家门上写上几个红色的字“naale baa”。“naale baa”的意思是“明天再来”。也许恶灵每天都来到门口,看到这几个红字,心想“这家人留到明天吧”,然后就走了。明天永远没来,恶灵也永远进不了房子。类似地,人们对于许多他们生命中应该做的事情一拖再拖。他们对自己的幸福写上“明天再来,明天再来”。
When you sit for meditation, if the mind’s “come tomorrow” tactic fails, if you say, “No, no, I am committed. I must sit for meditation. I’ll just settle down,” the mind will try its next trick. Suddenly, that telephone number that you have been trying to remember for the last one week will flash bright and clear in your mind. If you say “Eureka!”, jump up, and run to the telephone, the meditation is finished.
If you don’t run off, but continue to sit and meditate, in two to three minutes, in half a dozen different places, you will suddenly start to itch. If you don’t meditate, nothing will happen, but if you sit for meditation, so many things will start happening everywhere. This is because the mind knows that if you keep the body still, the mind will also naturally become still. And the mind knows that if it allows this to happen, it will become enslaved. This is why in yoga, so much stress has been laid on asanas, because if you just learn how to keep your body absolutely still, then your mind will also become still.
If you just observe yourself, you will see how many unnecessary movements your body is making when you stand, sit, and speak. If you look at your life and see, you will see that probably more than half the time is taken up in this. There is so much unnecessary thought and activity with the body – things that you yourself do not really care for. But if you keep the body still, slowly the mind will start collapsing.
This is when your mind will play the final trick. It asks the question, “What will I get? What is the takeaway from this meditation?” That is the key to all the activity that is happening in the mind. It is all about “what can I get?” If you drop this calculation, ninety percent of the work is over, spiritually. Another ten percent will happen by itself. You don’t have to get anything. You don’t have to benefit from it. This is not about becoming healthy or becoming enlightened or reaching heaven – this is just wasting time. Just learn to waste some time meditating every day. Nothing needs to happen. If you look for the takeaway, you will only take petty things. The real thing will never come with you. If you want the real thing, you just have to drop this one simple calculation. If you just pull the plug, if you just destroy this one calculation, the very foundations of the mind are taken away. Suddenly it is different, it becomes a wonderful slave.
Right now your mind is the boss, you are the slave. The main aspect of meditation is, as you become more meditative, you become the boss, your mind becomes the slave, and that is how it should always be. The mind is a terrible master. He will put you through all kinds of endless suffering. But the mind is a wonderful slave. If you keep your mind in a certain way, you can do anything you want with it.