原创 2018-03-18 天使 新纪元扬升之光
Message from the Angels via Ann Albers, March 17th,2018
My dear friends, we loveyou so very much,
Our channel asked us to saysomething that felt “festive” in light of the holiday that so many of you celebrate today!So in honor of her wishes we’lltalk about “luck! “
You talk about lucky pennies, lucky charms, Lady luck,the Luck of the Irish! You say you feel lucky, or you’ve had anunlucky streak. In reality dear ones, luckcomes to those who look for it and those who believe in it.
The entire universe is in abeautiful and harmonious vibrational dance. You will always see mirrored back to youin the external world, what you consciously and unconsciously project. That bothers some of you because consciouslyyou project very good intentions, but unconsciously you may be harboringbeliefs to the contrary. You may consciously want to be lucky, butunconscious you believe “others have all the luck,” or “I never get lucky,” or“luck only comes to those who wait.”
What you call luck – thingsthat show up in your life with no effort on your part – is really simply thelaw of cause and effect.
So if you want to be lucky,have a little fun with it. Find yourselves a stone, or a coin, or a charm, apiece of jewelry, a piece of paper, a photo, or really anything at all that youcan carry with you. Make sure you like the way it looks and feels.
Now declare with us:
“This is mylucky charm. I – the Divine presence within me – grant it the powerto raise my vibration! Whenever I carry it, look at it our touch it, my energywill go up. I’ll feel better! I’ll attract goodness in my life! This littlecharm is now my lucky charm, not because it has any power in and of itself, butbecause I am granting it power through my willing intent!”
Then, play along with us. Every time something good happens toyou when you’re carrying your lucky charm, say to yourself, “Oh yes! I have mylucky charm! It helps me raise my vibration! No wonder this good thinghappened.”
You will, in effect, be creating your own self-fulfillingprophecy of luck!
Now if you lose your little charm, does that mean your luck disappears? Not at all, because you were, areand always will be the power behind your own luck. It is through your belief ingoodness, that you find more. It is through your belief in good luck, that youattract more.
Play with the energies this week. Createyour own little “lucky charm,” knowing all the while that it is your intent andbelief that make” Lady luck”, a rather predictable and cooperative little girl!
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
神保佑你们!我们非常爱你们。— The Angels