








The warming of the Earth has been a gradual process, beginning when the first emissions hit the atmosphere in the late 1700s. The pollution of the atmosphere is nothing new, but the calibre of the chemicals, toxins and poisons within them over the decades have caused an escalation of their destructive effect on the ozone layer and on the weather cycle.




The claim that climate change is not the only cause of global warming has merit, because the law of physics dictates it. The sun itself is increasing in temperature as it continues along its path towards burning out; the population on Earth has increased dramatically over the past century; and the Earth’s orbit has shifted ever so slightly, having a dramatic effect on the stability of the polar caps. In addition, the huge crystals underneath the earth have splintered and cracked, changing their frequencies and causing other large shifts deep underground. The cycles of evolution would continue with or without Man, but as humanity evolves, so it is that the impact of his technological advancement increases. Overall, the sum contribution of humanity on climate change is not far below 100%. With every single percent of human impact on the Earth’s climate, the ramifications inexplicably and devastatingly increase. However, let the debate about the cause of climate change cease! This is only wasted energy. What is urgently needed now is practical, positive action towards stopping and reversing the effects of climate change on the planet.




Australia is one example of a country who is experiencing the devastating effects of the warming of planet Earth. Droughts, floods, unseasonable temperatures, and the worst bushfires ever experienced are just some of the events that are alerting people to the fact that something is terribly wrong. The loss of life and property has been unprecedented and has prompted an outpouring of grief and charitable response across the globe. Scientists have been raising the alarm for some time, but it is only now, on the brink of irreversible damage, that humanity is realising how much time has been wasted ignoring the warning signs.




As the polar caps melt and the seas rise, the incidents of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and extreme weather conditions increase, human and animal lives and habitats alike are seriously at risk. The ways of life of the past cannot continue if humans wish to continue existing on Earth. Whilst the balance of energy remains on the edge of chaos, only chaos will reign!




There is much you can do individually to help the Earth’s plight. Yes, of course, reduce, reuse and recycle, reduce emissions and lobby those in power to listen, but you can assist much more powerfully through your spiritual connection to the All. Sending love and healing energy to Mother Earth herself has never been more important, as her imbalances are sending every system existing upon her into a state of chaos. Praying for rain to quench the bushfires is not enough! Mother Earth needs healing. Please try this meditation.




Close your eyes. Take a few breaths to centre yourself and to feel yourself connected to the earth. Imagine a beautiful white light with golden flecks descending around and through you, cleansing, grounding and protecting you. This is Divine energy and will protect you throughout this meditation.




Divine energy is unconditional love. To be in this energy gives a feeling of being totally loved; you feel peaceful, calm and in a state of bliss. If you need healing, hold the intention that the light heals and protects you and see, feel or imagine it happening. Stay in this energy until you are ready to share this love with the world.




In your mind, hold the intention that love and healing be sent to Mother Earth to rebalance her energies and to realign her to the natural world. Now, in your mind’s eye, see the world in front of you surrounded by a ring of energy, which represents the Universal Collective Consciousness. Gathering the light and love of the Creator’s energy, which is surrounding you, project it towards the Earth and watch as it fills the globe and the collective energy, all the while holding the intention that Mother Earth be rebalanced and realigned in her energies. Imagine wrapping your arms around her and giving her a warm, loving embrace. Tell her how much you love and appreciate her while still projecting Divine love to her. Feel, see or imagine as her energy becomes lighter.




Now focus on the Universal Collective Consciousness, projecting light and unconditional love into it. See, feel or imagine the light sweeping through the collective energy, healing hatred, anger and negativity and changing it to love, patience, understanding and tolerance. Hold the intention that the violet light of forgiveness permeate the darkest parts of the consciousness and hold the energy until it looks or feels lighter.




Now focus on healing areas of the world affected by natural disasters. Hold innocent people and animals in your mind as you send light and unconditional love to help them heal. You can also ask that all souls lost in the disasters be offered soul release and guidance as they move forward in their soul journey. Then do the same for the countries, cities, rural areas and communities that have been affected, sending healing to the trees, plants, waterways, mountains… be as global or as specific as you wish.




Now give love to yourself. Hold yourself in the warm embrace of the Divine. Say, “I am loved, I give love, I receive love, I am love Divine.” See the light as it turns deep golden and feel your heart expand.




When you are ready, bring your awareness back to the room. Allow the light to recede and feel yourself completely present in your body. Break your energy from the world by brushing your hand through your chakras and then zipping up your aura.




Remember, love is the only energy that is real.




I AM Archangel Metatron




通灵:Victoria Cochrane

翻译:Nick Chan




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