My dear friends, we love you so very much,
When you find yourselves wondering about how to change your outer world, go inward. When you don't know what to do, focus on who to be. When life isn't going your way, go inside and find your own way.
Dear ones, attempting to control your outer world is often futile. Inside of yourself, however, you can tap into the energy that creates universe. You can attune your inner being to any feeling or situation you like, thereby attuning yourself to the outer circumstances that will mirror your inner worlds.
If you are having difficulty with a relationship, don't try to change the other person. Instead, go within and imagine a loving relationship with them, or feeling peaceful about this person. From that place of loving calm you will either affect their behavior or your own reaction to it.
If you are feeling lack but don't know how to earn more, go within and give thanks for all the abundance in your life until you feel your own wealth. In that space, ideas will flow, people will respond to you differently, and money will come in miraculous ways.
If you are feeling sick, by all means do what you know to do to be healthy in your physical world, but then go inward. Remember a time when you were healthy. Imagine it until you feel it in your inner world. Are you walking, dancing, hugging friends? What does health feel like in your inner world.
Within you you find the depths and presence of the Divine. Within you, you can tune into any reality in the field of infinite possibility.
The greatest thing you can seek to control, dear ones, is not your outer life, nor others around you, but rather your very own mind. As you learn to control your focus in your inner world, you will begin to see changes in your external life as well. You will become conscious creators, directors of the very force of life itself, and deliberate travelers through a field of infinite possibility.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels
通灵:Ann Albers
翻译:Nick Chan