Beloved Ones,
I come on the wings of love! The cosmic Christ Light permeates the atmosphere around the planet. There has been an alignment of like-minded people and their energies that have initiated through their intention, a new beginning for the people of Earth and all of her lifestreams. In unity with the Galactic realms, this new way has been brought forward in sacred ceremony and has been pivotal in the reset to original Divine plan for the Earth, its people and all its kingdoms who share the joy of life together on this planet. Well done! We are as One on this activity.
There will be other such ceremonies take place in the coming weeks and months in order to ‘cement’ and anchor in this new template. There are many people across the planet who will be participating in ceremonies, meditations and rituals that they personally resonate with that hold a sacred space to make all that they do anchor in the holy and sacred way of life. Celebrate this moment in Earth’s history, for it is an historic occasion! The inhabitants of Earth have spoken through and participated in bringing forth their choice of a new beginning of a new and more enlightened way of living!
We of the Ascended Master realms are so immensely pleased with this collaboration between the people of Earth and the Galactic community. It now behooves the persistent and reinforcing activities of the Lightworkers of the world to continue to solidly anchor in these powerful and special energies of September 28th that were initiated in a focused, enlightened, sacred and loving effort on behalf of all life on Earth. May it continue to be so and may this movement grow exponentially in the coming months! Joy abounds on the higher planes of existence and all hearts are filled with hope!
Let all people from all walks of life take part in such endeavors to work for the future they desire – for it is seen in the etheric realms as a ‘vote’ for moving into this new way of harmonious living in the new Earth reality. A reality where everyone takes responsibility for being self disciplined and open to co-creative efforts together with others for the highest and greatest good of all. It is so good to see more of humanity putting down their constant tools of distraction in order to focus their personal attention and intention on participating during this special time of cosmic opportunity from the realms of the Divine itself.
We ask you to have patience as your physical body is accepting more of the higher Light, for it is stirring things up within your body in its weak points. The great influx of infinity Light that is now coming in will make it easier to heal and once the healing starts, it will be manifest very quickly in your human experience. This is a transformational process and you will see and experience the renewal of health and vitality, strength, clarity and energy in your human body system. Trust in the energies that are coming in now for they are bringing forth the giant leaps in consciousness and miracles you have been intending to take place. All is well. Everything is perfect!
Until next month…
I AM Hilarion
翻译:Nick Chan
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