We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.
In the discovery of a symptom in your physical body, you often then attempt to look at the past or the future of that symptom. You want to know how it came to be and you want to know where it is ultimately going. These types of questions take you from the experience of it. They take you out of the present moment, and in many ways they are attempts to dissociate from the symptom itself.
Your physical symptoms are guides. They are asking you to feel and to explore the feeling that you have on a deeper level. So let us say that you are feeling pain in a certain part of your body. The pain, as a physical sensation, is likely to trigger an emotional response. The emotional response is there because of something that you haven’t been paying attention to in your life, something that you’ve been attempting to avoid and haven’t wanted to face.
So the physical symptom is a wake-up call to something else. When you are willing to feel your physical symptom rather than medicate it, and you are willing to feel your emotional response, rather than running away from it, you have everything that you need then to allow this physical symptom to move through you and to no longer be a part of your experience.
As you allow the physical symptom and the emotional response to be what they are, you also have the opportunity to show yourself some love and some compassion. So if the physical symptom is causing you to slow down and take better care of yourself, then it is serving you in that way as well.
When you love and nurture yourself through these physical hiccups, you give yourself something that only you can give you. Only you can choose to take better care of yourself. And as you show yourself more love and compassion, you also eliminate the need to create more scenarios for yourself to be in physical pain or to have some other physical ailment.
Your symptoms are your blessings in disguise, for they awaken you to something deeper that needs to occur within you. And when you give yourself what you need, they quiet down and become silent.
We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.
昴宿星第七高级委员会 20171019 你的身体症状
翻译:Nick Chan
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wuzROddtAE