Dear Ones,
Perhaps it seems as if you have no true friends for those you once thought of as friends are in different transition stages. So it is you cannot understand them and them, you.
Such is so because you have completed many of the phases they are just starting to address. Which is neither good nor bad, merely different. A difference that is displayed in ways you did not anticipate.
You believed you would become more like a parent gently leading those you love to a particular arena of spirituality and belief. Instead, you are discovering that compatibility has become almost a friendship liability.
Should you continue the friendship hoping they will finally embrace your point of view or end the friendship as you have done with others?
Most of you want us to tell you to continue the friendship for you already feel lonely in your new world.
But we cannot tell you what to do or when because we do not have the knowledge you have. Perhaps your current interactions are based in difficulties you had with them in previous lifetimes, or indicate you are no longer on the same frequency and may never be again. Only you know. What does your heart tell you to do?
Some of you in long-term relationships have fallen in love with your partner several times within decades of togetherness, just as you might have fallen out of love. Your heart guided you then and your heart will guide you now.
Some of your friends are ending their evolutional development out of fear. Others are doing so because they need to review their current status, and still others because they are tired of climbing their mountain of clearings. All are appropriate actions for them. Your decision is whether they have moved so far beyond you or your frequency that you no longer have an interest in maintaining the friendship.
That decision is your fear.For your current friendship pool is smaller than you would like and yet, you feel you need to make painful friendship decisions when you wish to be in joy.
This is not a time for final decisions for so many are evolving in so many different directions that what was true for them yesterday may not be tomorrow.
At the same time, you do not have the energy to wait until they blend perfectly with you as they once did.
Your decision is to be true to yourself whatever that means to you.
Perhaps you will wish to prolong the time between connections. Or eliminate connections. Or choose different connections. All are possible –the deciding factor is you.
As a forerunner, your thoughts and beliefs are no longer of 3D fear. Even though thoughts of losing a friend might produce fear, you no longer base your decisions in fear. So it is if interacting with someone makes you upset or fearful, you know deep within you that such interactions are not what you wish.
But then, are those interactions permanent or temporary?Only your inner being can inform you of the advantages of either delaying your decision or ending the relationship.
The decisions you make now are your decisions. Not ours of the Universes nor any one of the earth. Just as we cannot force you to do anything, you cannot force yourself. And continuing the same close relationship despite great discomfort forces you into a box of denial which is no longer appropriate.
You, of course, are wondering where is the joy in loneliness?
Your forefront role created a foregone conclusion that you will be lonely at times, especially at the beginning. As you become stronger in yourself, you will discover others who better understand you or better blend with your frequency.
You cannot force someone to blend frequencies with you, nor can you allow yourself to make decisions on small tidbits as you once did. It is time to review the whole –including you. Are you more or less sensitive than you used to be? Are you accepting that those just beginning their new you transition might be a bit rough around the edges? Or are you tired of being around others who do not understand why they are shifting?
You have the power to decide how if at all, you wish to continue relationships.There is no right answer other than the one you find within you. An answer that might change from day-to-day, which will confuse you more. For you are used to having someone tell you that such a person is wrong for you or to drop a friendship based on some words of wrongness in your mind.
We will remind you that it is likely 99% of the earth’s inhabitants do not yet think or act as you do. And that the 99 % are stunned daily as they evolve, just as was true for you. Do you remember how quickly your needs and tastes changed during your dark night of the soul? So it is now for many –including those closest to you.
Your shift encouraged those closest to you to shift also. The difference is you were almost forced to change by your pre-earth entry decisions. Those shifting now are doing so because of you.
As you radiate more, those following are picking up your light, so to speak, causing them to want to shift also. But their shift is more of the moment than was true for you so they will flounder a bit more than you did. You did so because you had to. Those following are doing so because they want to.
As your loved ones shift their beliefs and thought processes they will continuously return to 3D fears, not because they have to but because it is more comfortable for them to do so.Allow that to be. They are deciding what is best for them in this lifetime. You must honor their decisions even though you wish to jump in and carry them through, so your friend connections are as delightful as before.
You forerunners are the only ones now of the earth who had to evolve to new you. Allow others the freedom to choose just as we allowed you that freedom eons ago.
If your friends decide not to evolve to a frequency similar to yours, honor that or end the relationship. And if they decide to continue the frequency relationship that holds them dear in your heart, allow them time to do so. You are not in control of them, just as they are no longer in control of you. So be it. Amen.
通灵:Brenda Hoffman
翻译:Nick Chan