Quan Yin says, dear heart, I am Quan Yin. I come today with important news. Divine has decreed that Gaia’s ascension has been going well lately. Divine wants to keep the momentum going so that the path for ascension only gets better and smoother for every one involved. That is the message. And that is what we will do, make sure Gaia’s journey home smooth and pleasant.
I love you dear heart, I am Quan Yin. In the recent shift, Divine and the company of heaven, noticed some strange behaviors among our light workers, and I want to address that here so you know what to do in the future. What we have noticed is that some of our light workers are noticeably absent in terms of their ascension. In other words, there are some light workers who are not participating in the shift even though they know the shift is happening. In other words, they started to ignore their Divine mission and their own ascension. The reason I say they ignore is that if you know you are on the path, and if you know you are the participant in this Divine mission, and yet, you choose to pretend you are not knowing it, or totally check out and pretend nothing happens. That is actively ignoring your Divine duty, and as a result you may have to leave the post, or give up the light workers duty. So, that is what we saw happening and that is why I bring it up for you to reflect on it, and decide what to do next.
Divine and the company of heaven, have given you plenty of opportunities. But if you choose to ignore them, or simply give up, then we will have to make decisions and do what is necessary to get the bottom of it and decide what to do. After such a long journey, you may not realize that now is not the time to quit. You have indeed contributed a great deal to this ascension project. You have come and go over eons of time. And now is the time to harvest. Time to harvest from your huge effort, and reap the rewards for your hard work. So, I sincerely advice that you take the time and think about what you want to do. Either give it up all together, or pick up the pieces, continue your good work and bring home the gold. It is up to you dear heart.
I love you dear ones. In the next few days and weeks, Divine is going to start the process of choosing. We are going to select a few hundred souls on the planet to be the leaders. We need leaders dear heart. Not just the leaders for the governments, but the leaders for the societies and ascension leaders in general. What we look for in the leaders is the desire to help Gaia and to serve, serve the Divine, the company of heaven and humanity. We need those leaders to be ready because the next phase is here. We need to start. We need to put those leaders into position so that they can begin to serve. We have roughly one hundred established positions which are available. We also will create a couple of hundred more positions around the world, and we definitely need more souls to fill those positions. So, if you feel you are ready, if you know your mission, please send your desire to us, let us know that you are ready to serve. We will take it under consideration. We know there are some souls who are truly ready, and we can not wait to pick them and give them more responsibilities. Of course, when we do that, we will always make sure that their mission can get completed. In other words, we will make sure they conduct and complete their mission. That is the team work, and we are proud of that kind of partnership, and how Divine and the ground crew work together to get the job done.
Besides choosing leaders, Divine also wants to make sure the newly awakened light workers have our attention. We need to make sure they do their job as well. We are a team. you do your mission, we are here to help. That is the key. The key is that we both have to work together to get the Divine mission done. None of the light workers can accomplish what they set out to accomplish without Divine’s help, because the design is that we work together. You are here on earth, in boots and we are here to support and help. Together, we get the job done. That is the design.
I love you dear ones. I am Quan Yin. So it is
观音 20180227 成为神圣使命的一部分,盖亚的扬升
通灵:Linda Li
翻译:Nick Chan