Today we would like to take this time to discuss the manifestation of abundance. Certainly, abundance can come in many forms, but we will primarily be speaking about financial abundance, as this is a topic we are asked most often to elaborate upon. Let us begin.
We often say that all of you are always manifesting abundance at all times, you may just not particularly like what you are abundant in. Remember you can be abundant in problems, lack, and challenges just as easily as you can be abundant in finances, joy, love, bliss and friendships. This is why we say, all of you are always manifesting abundance however we would like to further explain how you can consciously direct what you wish to be abundant in.
Those of you who are drawn to this message are already well aware that you are the creators of your reality. So why then is their still lack, disease, suffering and heartache? To this we reply, because though you have become consciously aware that you are the creators of your reality, most often humans find the absence of what they want to be their dominant focus. When you are focused upon lack while you yearn for abundance, you can only attract lack. We often say the Universe doesn’t respond to your wishes, dreams or greatest desires anymore so than a mirror does not show you what you wish to look like. A mirror can only reflect what you are right now and so it is with the Universe; it responds to one thing and that is your focus which in turn dictates your vibration.
When you tune your vibration to any positive feeling, such as happiness, joy, optimism, excitement, exhilaration or love, the Universe responds with more feelings, circumstances, experiences that match the vibration you are pulsing out. It doesn’t matter why you feel these positive feelings, all that matters is that you do. Use any excuse you can find to feel good.
We often use the analogy of your television because you understand that you are not mandated to remain on any channel that you do not prefer. You do not doubt the existence of the many other channels available simply because you are not watching them. You know that as soon as you pick up the remote and tune to a new channel, you will experience a new program. And so it is with your thoughts. You are never mandated to stay tuned to one thought any longer than you choose. You know you are always able to choose new thoughts and when you do, you naturally change the “channel” of your vibration.
You see, your ability to create abundance has never gone away, it merely has been blocked due to the focus on its opposite, which is lack. We are not denying that your reality is captivating and it is often times difficult to direct your attention away from the biggest problems in your life however we can assure you, you will never be able to create something new unless you learn to direct your focus deliberately upon what you want, making a conscious decision to feel differently.
As you begin to deliberately choose your focus and therefore your vibration regardless of the experiences that are manifesting before you, that is when you truly become the conscious deliberate creator of your reality. You came here to manifest every desire fully into your physical reality. You did not come here to struggle, or yearn hopelessly for something you could not achieve. If you want something, it is yours. But your thoughts, vibrations and emotions must align with what you want in order to receive it.
Often times, we are asked “what beliefs do I have that are blocking abundance?” Our reply is always the same. It is the constant focus, and awareness of lack that blocks abundance. We will tell you this, it does you no good to dig up any limiting beliefs, even if your intention is to weed them out; as everything in your Universe responds to the universal law of expansion. What you focus on, will always expand. So when you seek to find a problem, often times you are frustrated as it only magnifies the belief. You cannot remove a belief by focusing upon it. You can only shut its power source off; by removing your focus. By removing your focus from the problem and focusing all of your attention upon what is going right, what you appreciate, what you enjoy, what brings you peace, you remove the power that has given it momentum.
We offer you this simple analogy. If you were to walk into a room, with the ceiling fan on high, and flip the switch to turn it off, would the fan stop rotating? Yes, of course, because you shut the power source off providing the momentum. But the fan would not instantaneously stop rotating the very instant you flipped the switch; it would slowly stop rotating until it had no more momentum left. And so it is with your thoughts. Just because you stop focusing on the negative experiences in your life does not mean there will be instantaneous change in your physical reality. The momentum needs a few revolutions to come to a stop. We use this analogy to show you that, just because lack still manifests for a little while even though you have successfully shifted your thoughts to a new, more positive “channel” doesn’t mean it doesn’t work, or that you are doing something wrong. It just takes a little bit of time for the momentum to stop.
Each of you are divine creator beings who are without question deserving and capable of creating abundance in every form. You are meant to be abundant in love, energy, health, finance, friends, peace and bliss.
The Universe is infinitely abundant and it seeks to serve. Allow your heart to open to all possibilities that abundance can come to you. It may be a gift, it may be an idea, it may be a stranger, it may even come in the form of a trade but you must tune yourself to the “channel” of abundance in order to hear the Universes message.
We hope that we have served in you in some way.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides
通灵:Taryn Crimi
翻译:Nick Chan