Greetings! We are the Arcturians. We are a specific group called the Arcturian Collective of Light, and we are here today with a transmission that will both activate and energize you.
We see many of you being very curious about the activations, the upgrades, the downloads, the 12 DNA strand that is coming back online, and other more scientific details of this Ascension process. Now while the content of our message will not be specific answers to some of your questions, it will, however, bring you codes and activations into your beings as you listen to or read this message.
And we would also like to say that many of you read different messages from us through other channels. Know that each channel that you trust, that is aligned to love, can bring forth those codes and activations through the words, the meaning of the words, the energy of the words, and even the combination of words that are given.
There are constant upgrades and activations, and waves and shifts going on. And we want you to know that if you aren't ready for the specific waves at any moment, know that you will have an opportunity when the wave comes around again, to integrate that wave into your being. So never worry or fret that you may have missed out, or that you didn't receive a certain upgrade or code that everyone else is talking about. And never worry or fret that if you are not feeling what others are talking about in that moment, then that is your experience. But that does not mean that there is any lack. That does not mean that it is not actually happening. What it means is, that as long as you are open to receiving and if you are opening your heart to love and to the very BEing of life, know that it will settle in when your physical body is ready, and when your soul is ready. And that is why you hear the phrase, "Ride the wave." Just ride the wave, and be and trust and allow all things to fall in Divine Order in your life, and through every single aspect that you carry, across every timeline.
We see that the recent energies have again been very intense for many of you. In fact, some of you felt lost, you even felt like giving up and were wondering what was happening. You questioned yourself, and couldn't understand why it seemed that you were going backwards instead of forwards. But many of you agreed to be the Transmuters and the Carriers of the Codes, and when the Collective needs an extra boost, you agree to go back into a 3D density and experience that for a bit to not only aid the Collective in awakening, but to also give your own souls a chance to have another opportunity to respond the exact same circumstance or person, and to remember who you are, and to have a different by your choice. And many of you will say, "Aha! So that is what has happened." And you will understand now that this was a choice your soul made to experience once again the opportunity to chose love.
Now these cycles may happen to you until you understand and have a moment of clarity that why these cycles happen are simply your soul's expansion. You all are transmuters, you all can transform into pure love the very world in which you live, and the very reality that is around you.
But it is quite often a cycle of life, death and rebirth, so accept that, and know that this is the plan, and that there is nothing "wrong" with you, or there is not anything you could have done better. It just simply is.
In those moments where you feel the lower densities, and the pain and the heartache, and the doubt and the fear, remember to take a step back and observe as Creator of your reality and watch it play out as though it were a screen upon which you can watch a movie. State your intention of the reality you wish to create, watch it play out, remain neutral and balanced, and bring yourself back into the vibration of love, however you must - whether it be watching a movie that makes you feel good, or taking a walk, or being around someone whose energy is easy, and who naturally raises your vibration higher. Even your pets are stepping forward at this time to help you raise your vibration.
Now while many of you reading or listening to this transmission may not understand what vibration is, we would like to say that vibration is simply energy. Everything has been created with energy. The chair upon which you sit, the apple that you would want to eat, the circumstance in your life which bothers you or the friend who helps you feel pure love - all is energy. Matter is energy, love is energy. It is all energy. And that is why you keep hearing about Creatorship and your God Selves. And because YOU are made of energy, you have the power to shift anything that would be of a lower density or negative into something positive. You can even shift the level of pain that is in your body with your intention. You can even shift the ageing process, which you have been told is inevitable, or that you are going to die anyway - you can shift this in your reality and you can change it into something of a high vibration, one that is aligned to your soul's journey here.
Some of you have agreed to take on harder missions such as physical illness or disease, or certain impediments or handicaps, and that is your soul's agreement, to not change that but to live that life. But others have experienced illness and feel that they are destined to the fate of that illness, when in actuality, their soul's agreement is not such that they have to live in that state of illness forever.
So how would you know the difference between the two: whether your soul agreed to carry an illness or a disease in this lifetime to learn a particular lesson, or if your soul agreed to have an illness temporarily but then to shift that illness into physical healing? The answer to that question is going within, and asking questions and seeking the truth and asking for help from those who can see with you, or feel with you or hear with you. It is ok to ask for assistance in your discovery of your soul's agreement, but know that once the blocks are removed, YOU have the power to go within and answer your own questions.
Everything is energy and all is One and all are connected. So be responsible and make sure that your connection to the world is one that brings a high vibrational energy to those around you, to the environment around you, whether it be the people you work with or the tree that you walk by every day. Bring everyone love and compassion, and if you can't yet do that, remain in a neutral state towards all.
Letting go of those lower vibrational energies, such as resentment, fear, anger, or doubt, will bring you more freedom than you can ever imagine. And the more you let go, and create space for love, the more that love will come in, and magic and miracles will happen.
We leave you know with that energy, and with a blessing, and with the reassurance that we are real, and we are here to assist you at any time, and that the very blessing of Creator is upon you and within you.
That is all.
通灵:Kalia Diya
翻译:Nick Chan