My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Your life upon the earth, whether it is only a few years or a hundred, is so very short in the span of eternity. It is a precious gift and an experience that each and every one of you desired before you were born. You wanted to shift your awareness from the world of spirit into the physical because you saw it as an opportunity to learn, to grow, to love, and to expand in your awareness of the love that lives within all things.
There is and never has been anything small or insignificant about you. In every moment you choose to love yourself, another, or even the ground beneath your feet, the entire fabric of creation knows more love. In every moment you overcome a challenge, the entirety of the human race will have easier opportunities to overcome similar challenges. In every desperate moment, when you think one loving thought, the entire collective human consciousness is infused with greater love.
You are not separate. You never were, and you never will be. The energy that abides in you connects all of you in the invisible realms. It is in only in moments of deep Presence, or when you take your leave of this physical existence that you will see the subtle, loving, fabric of creation that unites you as One.
Your life in this physical existence, no matter how challenging is precious. Can you imagine that the Infinite has taken form within you, and allowed you to direct it in any way you choose? Through your choices, you give God experiences in the physical world. Through your actions, you allow the Divine to witness and experience itself. As you gaze upon a rose, the Divine looks through your eyes and sees its own beauty. As you gaze in the mirror, the Divine sees one of its own beautiful faces.
Your life is a gift. Treasure it dear ones. Don’t worry so much about the state of the world. Be more concerned with the state of your inner being. Don’t worry so much if others can’t love you or one another. Be more concerned with loving yourself, loving others, and allowing yourself the most amazing experience you can here upon your earth. Savor your moments. Savor your interactions. Savor the challenges because they lead to love’s ultimate victories. Be an example of God’s love for one another for this is how you will uplift and educate those for whom you care.
When you eventually leave your bodies you will look back and see that every moment of your human life was rich with potential to experience and expand love. Make use of your time here on earth. Enjoy your life to the fullest, and look for the love you can receive or contribute to each moment, for in doing so you embrace heaven, right here, right now.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels
天使 20180113 人类的生命
通灵:Ann Albers
翻译:Nick Chan