I am Judas Iscariot and I wish you all a merry continuation on the festivity that you are celebrating. I hope that you have taken some time for yourselves and not let the stress take over your lives. Stress is not good for your body. It lowers your vibration since the body has to work so hard handling the stress and the feelings that this condition creates. In order to hold the higher vibration that you have achieved you need to keep your body and mind in balance. It can be a good idea to take some deep breathes in order to let go of feelings of stress and to regain your balance. Nothing goes faster just because you stress yourself. This you have all experienced at times. Work done calmly and methodically contributes to a higher quality and a quicker result. It is the same with the transformation that you are in the midst of. You do not get the result by being stressed. Everything has to be done calmly and methodically to yield the best sustainable result – a result that benefits the largest number of people and the Earth as a whole in the best way. The whole and the quality must here be considered, as well as the permanent result. The Earth is moving forward now so it is no time to backtracking, but everything must slowly yield progress – Progress for our Earth and the large humanity that is now on its way in its large transformation. This is where the difficulty lies – you are ascending as a collective and there are many pieces of the puzzle that have to be fitted with each other. There are not that many pieces of the puzzle missing now and this is why you have already started to ascend a bit. If you try you can feel how you already have some air under your feet. (smile)
The New Year is at the doorstep and it will become a fantastic year for you dear Earthlings. It will start with a bang and then move on with my much love and light. Be prepared dear Earthlings for your world will kind of be turned upside down at the beginning of this year. Stand steady with your feet on the ground and hold the light in your hands and in your heart and the New Year will become the year of peace that you have longed for so long. Peace on Earth will now arrive and the people can start to work for a better and healthier life for all and the Earth they live on. The light shines in many a heart now. It is the light that is leading the way on Earth today. The light has power and love for all things living and spread balsam wherever it goes – Balsam for all that have suffered and died. New harvests will be sown and everything will be living again. Feel how everything tingles within you, feel the energy in the air, nature yes, in everything that you can sense around you. It is a new era that has started – a new era of love and peace. Yes, it is an odd time that you live in now and it is the time of the great transformation. Take care of yourselves and each other now as it is now that you are to form a unit of love and light. You will then let this light and this love transform yourselves and your Earth. It is a strange time, a historical moment of transformation from one dimension to another. Feel the energy, feel the joy, feel the light that now enters your bodies. Stand in your light and your love as you are a part of this process of transformation that your Earth is in right now.
I just want to end with thanking all people on Earth for the light that you have anchored on our dear Earth. It is with much love and light in my heart that I humbly bow to the light that you now are spreading on Earth.
Much love,Judas
犹大 20171226 这是历史性的时刻
通灵:Ann Dahlberg
翻译:Nick Chan