My dear friends, we love you so very much,
In the dark of night a lamp burned brightly. Centuries ago, a star twinkled in the darkness. Those who focused on fear felt the darkness. Those who focused on the lamp felt the light. Those how focused on the star found light, hope and inspiration for their lives. Those who focused only upon the dark of night missed the miracle that would give hope to countless generations throughout history.
Even today, focusing on the light in any given situation in your life is what allows you to access love and miracles. Focusing on the darkness brings you only more. If you seek it, you can find the “burning lamp,” the “babe in the manger,” or the “guiding star “in any situation? You can look for the love right here, right now, regardless of circumstance.
We never dignify the darkness by focusing upon it. We see only the light and love trying to emerge in any given situation. As we look at the unkind behaviors of so many, we see wounded children inside them crying for love. As we look at the impoverished we see souls striving to find an abundance of love in spite of their circumstance. As we look at the wars and division in your world, we see souls trying to bring their truth to the surface who simply do not yet know how to kindly sort themselves out.
As you focus on the light in any given situation you see it, experience it, and move towards greater light.
For example, in your world today there are a great many stories of abuse coming to the surface. It is a time when the feminine energy is rising up saying, “I want the true masculine, the protector, the do-er, not the oppressor or the abuser.” This is true whether it is a woman on the news speaking up about a man who abused her, or a man quietly sitting at home, unable to cry because his angry mother bullied or abused him. The energies within are not necessarily tied to gender.
When you see these stories on the news you have choice. You can focus on the dark or the light. You can say, “How horrible! How could they do this! Crucify him!” Or you could say, “Handle this situation so it is not repeated, by all means, but dear God please uplift these sad and hurting souls that thought it was OK to abuse another human being. Please uplift and heal the ones who were abused. Dear God heal all hurting hearts.”
You can turn to the light and give thanks that what was once “acceptably hidden” is now coming to light so that hearts, and systems, can heal.
This is why so many of you love the holidays. They give you a time with plenty of permission to be focused upon the light and love and goodness in the world; a time of being kind; a time of being generous, a time to give and receive, and a time to help one another. This season is a time when Love is allowed to shine more clearly into the world than usual. It is a time, every year, to celebrate the rebirth of light in a world that sometimes forgets.
So during the holidays and indeed all year long, look for the light in the darkness. Seek it, see it, and be it. In doing so you will live a light-filled, delightful life!
God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels
天使 20171216 庆祝光的诞生
通灵:Ann Albers
翻译:Nick Chan
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg7pogBvx-c