Can a family member’s karma affect you? Sadhguru reminds, whatever happens in your life is your doing.
Question: Are people who are close to me contributing to my karma? If yes, how do I deal with this?
Sadhguru: Don’t think it is your family that needs to be cleaned up! Who knows who is suffering whose karma. Maybe they would say something else! If you feel your family is bad – they may have become like that, but they may not stay that way. They have phases like the moon. They have pleasant faces and unpleasant ones. This happens because there is a lot of proximity in a family.
萨古鲁:不要认为你的家人需要被清理 —— 你并不知道是谁在承受谁的业力。他们的说法可能会跟你的不同。如果你觉得你的家庭不好 —— 他们可能的确如此,但他们不会一直如此。他们像月亮一样有阴晴圆缺。他们有愉快的面孔也有不愉快的面孔。事情会这样是因为在一个家庭中人们之间的距离非常近。
Your Life, Your Responsibility
Whatever happens in your life is your responsibility. That means it is your karma, your doing. When you are on the spiritual path and you utter the word “karma,” it should always refer to yourself. It is a completely wrong approach to judge someone who is going through something nasty and think it is his or her karma. You will lose your fundamental humanity. Someone else’s karma is never ever your business. It is your karma that you have to witness something unpleasant happening to another human being.
无论你的生命中发生任何事情,全都是你的责任。这意味着全都是你自己的业力,你自己的行为。当你走在灵性道路上,你说出 “ 业力 ” 这个词时,应该总是指你自己。评价一个正在经历困境的人,认为这是由他 / 她的业力所致,这是完全错误的态度。你将失去你基本的人性。他人的业力从来都与你无关。你不得不目睹一些不愉快的事情发生在另一个人身上,这其实是你的业力。
No matter what happens, it is you. It happens in your life, so it is your karma. Whether you are suffering or enjoying people around you, it is your karma.
The moment you refer to someone else’s karma, you will become an evil force. Evil does not always mean by intent. Evil means you are such that no matter what you do, it will turn out negatively for people around you. The moment you start thinking about someone else’s karma, you are moving in that direction.
一旦你指向别人的业力,你将变成一股邪恶的力量。邪恶并不一定都是出于有意的。邪恶意味着你是这样的 —— 无论你做什么,最后都会对周围的人产生负面影响。当你开始琢磨别人的业力时,你就是在朝着那个方向发展。
This is what we are trying to fix in spirituality, that you realize that no matter what happens, it is you. It happens in your life, so it is your karma. Whether you are suffering or enjoying people around you, it is your karma.
So do not worry about karma that comes from your family – there is no such thing. “Family” is only in your mind. The idea of who is your family and who is not, who is dear to you and who is not, is entirely manufactured in your mind. If you did not have a mind, the concept of family would not exist for you. That means they are your doing, your karma. You need to realize that whatever happens in your life, it is you. Once you are aware of that, you become an individual. Otherwise, you remain scattered. Because people are so scattered, so identified with so many things around them, it takes them a long time to gather themselves into one organic whole. Once that happens, what you are seeking can be yours in an instant.
所以不要担心来自你家庭的业力,没有这样的东西。 “ 家庭 ” 这个概念仅存在于你的头脑中。谁是你的家人,谁不是你的家人,孰亲孰远,这样的想法完全是你头脑制造出来的。如果你没有头脑,家庭的概念对你就不存在。这意味着他们就是你的行为,你的业力。你需要认识到,生命中无论发生什么,都是你的事。一旦你觉知到这一点,你就会成为一个个体。否则,你一直是散乱的。正是因为人们如此散乱,如此认同于周围诸多的事物,他们得需要很长时间才能将自己聚集成一个有机的整体。而一旦你成为一个有机整体,你一直在寻求的东西就会即刻实现。