(2017-10-10 03:10:01)
Greetings to You Lightholder! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I AM KejRaj(KayRy).
问候,光之持有者!衷心地,我是 KejRaj(KayRy).
The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message.
Stars Closer
First I will begin by saying that from now on I will do my best to avoid using the words lightWARrior and lightWORKER. These terms are of 3D, they both have negative attachments to them. For we are now leaving WAR and WORK behind.
首先我要说从现在起我会尽力避免使用光战士和光之工作者这两个词。这些术语是 3D 的,它们都有着消极的依附。因为我们正离战争和工作而去
As we move forward, we will find it that our daily tasks are changing. We will no longer be WORKing, for if you LOVE what you do, you do it with JOY, in truth it is not WORK. If you enjoy meditation, if you enjoy visualizing a world of peace, sharing your gifts and enjoy helping others, this is not WORK. This is simply LIGHTLOVE in action, this is our natural self.
You have noticed in the beginning of this writing I greeted you as a lightHOLDER, in truth that is what we are, that is what we have been BEING and doing, holding the light. That is what is needed, really. YOU ARE and hold the light wherever and whenever you are, that light will shine all around and pierce through all that which is not light.
Now we find ourselves in a new wave of light yet again, and there is more waves coming, but let us say that with the new waves you will find a whole lot more joy and peace. You may even begin to NOT see this as a process of some kind but instead just flow with the tsunami of light.
As our hearts and bodies become more pure, as this light continues to increase exponentially, this has all ready created a timeline for a very special event, and now the doors are beginning to open wide, for the “stars are getting closer”. I shall say the hearts of humanity are also expanding for this event. And sooner rather than later, we shall open our arms, for the time to finally meet our family from the stars is here.
It has been a while since I actually stared at the night sky, though it is rarely clear to where you can see the stars. But a week ago I once again begun looking up, during the day but mostly during the night. What I noticed, did and did not surprise me, but certainly brought me joy. I noticed more “stars” moving around, not only that, but they were much larger in size and sometimes flashing, one disappearing while another would appear, and aligning in positions that formed symbols, triangles, which is most common. Once again I must say they were a lot closer than I’ve ever seen them in previous times.
They were, are, will be here. It is a matter of time before they land and we are face to face with the family. We will all begin to see more of what I just described above, all in preparation for what is to come.
In the very near future many lightholders will be contacted by their mentors to prepare for the grand events that are ready to unfold for all of humanity.
Global Currency Reset
When I sometimes stop and review my life, the recent years and months in particular, I can see with clarity that the Universe has plans for myself and that everything that has occurred up until now was by design for my own spiritual growth.
Everything that continues to unfold is by design, I CAN SEE all the pieces falling into place.
For quite a few years now I’ve been finding myself doing and dealing with things differently, in a more peaceful manner, creating new, positive habits, and releasing old ones. But that is not so surprising for me. What has my attention, again I have noticed this for a long time, but it is now that I’m beginning to accept this, what is most astounding is how once again all the pieces are falling into place.
I find myself more and more every day surrendering to the will of the Divine. I understand that I do not have to do things alone. I understand that I have the skills, yes, I have in the past and still continue to break barriers, but I also have the help of Divine Forces whenever I wish to call upon them.
The Universe is here to serve you. BE LOVE AND BELIEVE. And this is what we must understand when it comes to the Global Currency Reset. Everything in our world has reached its boiling point, including Mother Earth. All is ready to erupt, and all will receive different results and be where they are destined to be during these times. And the Global Currency Reset is another, major piece of the puzzle that WILL fall into place in the right moment, and no we are not talking in years or months from now, but days. Obviously the Global Currency Reset is not a piece of just my reality but for millions if not billions that will be affected by this blessing. We tend to run out of patience when we see the outside world, when we still let our old way of thinking interfere in our processes, it is understandable, by all. All hearts are to be calmed now, the wait is over.
One thing we should all think about when we ourselves run out of patience, and that is Mother Earth’s five billion years journey leading into this NOW moment of ascension.
Many of the things that have happened to this heavenly world of a planet are unimaginable by most humans that reside on her body today. Yet, here she is now, because she is destined to BE THE SUN OF THIS GALAXY AND BEYOND, AND YOU ARE DESTINED TO BE A FULLY CONSCIOUS CREATOR GOD, that will continue to assist other worlds, perhaps in much greater ways. This is why you have met and chosen to serve each other, YOU AND EARTA(the Golden One). And now the light from within us all is about to erupt like the Universe has never seen before.
The brightest light shines from within. I AM KejRaj!
最明亮的光来自内在。我是 KejRaj!
原文: https://eraoflight.com/2017/10/09/stars-closer-global-currency-reset/
翻译:Nick Chan
Nick Chan的新博客~ 請大家踴躍支持!!!!!
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAfdM5oeeRs