
原创 2017-08-12 圣哲曼新纪元扬升之光

Saint Germain and the Angelic Kingdom via Natale Glasson, 11th August 2017




 Accessing Your Inner Powerby Saint Germain and the Angelic Kingdom





Greetings and love extends to you. We, SaintGermain and the Angelic Kingdom come forth as acollective consciousness emanating the Creator’s qualities of transformation,peace and grace, these are the qualities we wish to awaken within your being.To do so there is a need to direct your focus within with the purpose ofactivating your inner power. When you access your inner power and are in constantcommunication with your inner power, you become all you wish to be. You becomeyour truth, the essence of the Creator you embody and the loving qualities youwish to share with the world. Without the activation of your power and yourconstant communication with your power, all the qualities of theCreator you activate within you lack strengthand impact. It is as if you are seeing, sensing and acknowledging the core ofyour being without fully embodying it.





Your Inner Power is a Reflection of Your Truth

There is a need, even adivine requirement for you to access your inner power and reform the constantconnection and communication with your inner power. In order to do so there isa need first to acknowledge what your personal power means and what you arereferring to when you use the word, ‘inner power.’ Your inner power is areflection of your truth, the essence of the Creator which exist within yourbeing. Every person’s inner power is different, will appear differently and manifestin diverse ways. This means that only you know whether you are fully accessingyour inner power.




Take a moment to sitpeacefully focusing on your breathing. Imagine that you are entering into yourheart chakra and resting in this loving space. When you feel ready, hold the intentionto be completely honest with yourself as you ask every part of your being, ‘AmI fully accessing my inner power?’ Allow yourself to patiently wait for aresponse which may come as a vision, feeling, knowingness or awakening. Taketime to contemplate and fully understand the response you receive. It may bethat you are accessing your inner power in certain areas or aspects of yourlife and not in others. This is a sacred moment of accepting yourself, movingbeyond boundaries and limitations. It is important to give yourself time tounderstand where growth and connection is needed.





What Is Your Inner Power?

It is only when you accessyour inner power that you truly understand the qualities your inner power iscomposed of and how it actively supports you in your reality. Your inner powermay not be strong, dominant and authoritarian. Instead, your inner power may becompassionate, loving, gentle and creative. There are numerous qualities whichcan describe your inner power to you, thus encouraging you to release any fearor anxiety you may be holding onto about accessing and fully embodying yourinner power.




Allow yourself to sitpeacefully and focus on your breathing. Say out loud, ‘I ask my soul to guideme to connect with the source of my inner power, allowing me to move beyond anyillusions I may be holding onto about my inner power. Let me access a clearvision and understanding of my inner power and the energy that fuels my beingand existence.’




Remember that your innerpower is your fuel of creation, it energises all that you are, embody andmanifest. It is the foundation of your being. Often, we have created oraccepted illusions about our inner power because we believe our inner power mayhurt us or others. Sometimes we distrust our inner power believing that it isbetter for us to exist without accessing our inner power. This only causesfurther pain and brings into our reality experiences that encourage us toaccess our inner power. By asking your soul to allow you to comprehend yourinner power beyond illusions you are inviting yourself to view from a clearperspective. Maybe even to acknowledge and accept the illusions or wounds thatare blocking you from your inner power.




Say out loud, ‘I now acceptand understand three positive qualities that represent and describe my innerpower.’ Let your soul guide you deeper within to connect with your inner power.Take time to appreciate and comprehend the information you are allowingyourself to perceive. Allow yourself to fully engage with the positivequalities you recognise or experience until you feel yourself embodying thesethree qualities. (If you only receive one or two qualities, focus on feelingthese qualities moving throughout your being. You can always achieve thepractice another time to reveal new understandings.)






Healing the Wounds of Your Inner Power

With a connection with thefoundation and core of your inner power, it is easier for you to acknowledgethe illusions, wounds or pain that is hindering and blocking you from accessingyour inner power. With a connection with your inner power, you may realise thatthe illusions you have been holding onto regarding your inner power may simplyfall away, allowing your power to blossom and grow. It could be that accessingyour inner power offers you the safety required to acknowledge the energies,wounds or past/ other life experiences that cause you to neglect your innerpower.




Say out loud, ‘I now acceptand understand the wounds I am holding onto that are causing my disconnectionwith my inner power and truth. I now ask to understand, what is the pain thatis blocking my inner power?’ Let your soul guide you deeper into any wounds,pain or illusions. Take time to appreciate and comprehend the information youare allowing yourself to perceive. This is a valuable experience and processbecause you may recognise negative impacting energies and patterns that havebeen present in your life or that you may be recognising for the first time. Beaccepting of any insight you receive, even if it does not make sense or youfeel that it was born from your imagination.




Simple recognition andawareness often creates the healing and release of energy that is required. We,Saint Germain and the Angelic Kingdom wish to share with you our energy andinvite you to call upon our healing to dissolve and heal all wounds, pain andblockages.




‘Saint Germain and the Angelic Kingdom, Iinvite your supreme healing energy of transformation, peace and grace tosurround me completely. Let me bathe in your light, may my wounds, pain andillusions in regard to my inner power be washed away, so I may access my inner powerwith greater ease and perfection. Create a healing chamber around me so I maybenefit completely from your supreme healing, love and transformation. Thankyou.’




Take time to breathe deeplyand experience the healing and awakening process we wish to share with you.





Why Access Your Inner Power?

No longer can you continueyour spiritual journey and unfoldment without the full presence of your innerpower. Your inner power is unique to you; only you can understand and accessyour inner power. This unique Creator energy is needed upon the Earth now. Yourwork and the integration of your energy and thoughts with other aspects of theCreator is pivotal to the ascension process unfolding. There is a need for youto stand in your power, in doing so you open yourself up to deliver the love,truth and wisdom of the Creator forth onto the Earth and into the hearts ofall. Accessing your inner power will accelerate the ascension process for all,this is your role and purpose now.





In truth andtransformation,

Saint Germain and theAngelic Kingdom









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