原创 2017-03-05 萨南达 新纪元扬升之光
Sananda通过Ann Dahlberg,2017年3月3日
I am Sananda and I am very grateful today for what is now happening on Earth. It is a turbulent time, but it is a time that precedes something that is very good. The old is being pushed out and the new is on its way in with full force. I mean with this that the old patterns and matrices that up till today have held up Earth now are crumbling and instead new matrices are being build up. The new energy patterns that is growing on Earth is of a completely different kind than the old. They have higher vibrating energies and a lighter tone. These two energies cannot vibrate together so one of them must part. In this case it will be the lower energy that will bend to the higher one.
现在,更高的能量已经接管了地球,而现在低的能量正被迫浮现出来并消失。这在整体和小的个体上同时发生。现在要去发现所有的负面想法,它们需要被看见,接受然后释放掉。一切都是旧垃圾,你现在可以放开,亲爱的地球上的孩子们。你不需要任何这样的东西卡在身体里,以情绪或想法的形式,释放掉陈旧的。进入你的心,寻找那个“当下”。此刻让你处在长久以来寻找的和谐之中。现在让能量围绕你,不要害怕不同的情绪所表现出来的。它只是一些已经被卡住的东西,它不再与你的生活相关。从你的灵魂的角度看他们,他们不能再影响你,明白他们属于过去,你的生活中有一个新的开始,这是一个完全不同的情绪表达的开始,如平静、喜悦与和谐。你可以赢得一切,亲爱的地球上的孩子们。你现在有一个绝佳的机会,比起你过往的历史中,有一种更容易和更顺畅的方式提高你的能量。不要让你的想法和情绪拉低你,你很优秀的,你是一个以太存在的灵魂正渴望回到光中 - 到那诞生他的光中团聚。我们来自宇宙的不同地方,并带着我们不同的经验回到我们光的家里。在宇宙里有许多探索的灵魂,他们正等待出发返回家园。这是为什么地球的扬升如此伟大且有意义的原因之一,当然有很多其他原因,但我今天不会讨论这个。
The higher energy has now taken over Earth and all that is lower is now forced to the surface to be seen and disappear. This happens in the large body as well as the small body. The user now discovers all negative thoughts where they need to be seen, accepted and then released. Everything is old garbage that you now can let go of, dear children on Earth. You need nothing of this that is stuck in the body in the form of emotions or thoughts. Let go of the old. Go into your heart and find your “now” there. The now is full of the harmony that you long have longed for. Let in the energy that is surrounding you now and do not be afraid of what can come up in terms of different expressions of emotions. It is just the stuff that has gotten stuck and it is no longer relevant in your lives. See them from the perspective of your soul and they can no longer impact you. Understand that they belong to the past and that a new beginning is under way in your life. It is a beginning of completely different expressions of emotions, such as calm joy and harmony. You have everything to win, dear children on Earth. You now have a fantastic opportunity to raise your energy in an easier and smoother way than generally has been possible in your earlier history. Do not let your thoughts and emotions bring you down, you are much more than that, you are etheric beings with a soul that is longing to return to the light – to the light of its birth and the reunion that is there. We come from different places in the Universe and take with us different experiences back to our light families. There are many out in the Universe waiting for the exploring souls they sent out to come back home. This is one of the reasons why the interest in the Ascension of Earth is so great. There are of course many other reasons for this, but I will not discuss this today.
今天我想首先送给你勇气,让光帮助你找到你的心。一旦你找到了你的心,你不需要害怕任何东西- 没有什么可怕的。只有爱在你的心中,只有爱你围绕你。感觉每一次呼吸都吸入爱,让爱流经你。如果你允许每次呼吸中都可以感觉到爱 - 所以每天静坐在一个小时,把爱引入你的生命。然后让它成为一个习惯,每天都吸入一点爱。你看,恐惧消失到哪里去了?是的,它就这样消失了。你记得每天呼吸爱它就消失了。喜悦与和谐将越来越多地接管你的身体,突然你会发现自己在一个全新的现实。这是一个更高的能量,爱和喜悦的现实。
Today I want primarily to give you courage to let in the light and help you find your heart. Once you have found your heart you do not need to fear anything – there is nothing to be afraid of. There is only love in your heart and only Love surrounds you now. Feel how for each breath you take that it is Love that flows into you. Love can be felt in each breath if you allow it – so sit for a little while each day and bring Love into your life. Then let it be a habit to breath in a little love throughout the day. Well, where to did the fear disappear? Yes, it just disappeared. It disappeared with the love that you remembered to breath in each day. Joy and harmony will then take over in your bodies more and more, and all of a sudden you will find yourself in a completely new reality. This is a reality of higher energies, love and joy.
So, take a deep breath with me and feel the Love from your Mother/Father God in each breath you take. Feel the joy and the harmony that fills your body. Understand that you are loved, dear children on Earth. You are so loved that you have been given the opportunity to experience this daily and hourly if you so wish.
God be with you.
Much Love,