原创 2017-11-19 抹大拉的玛利亚新纪元扬升之光
Mary Magdalene via Ann Dahlberg, November 14th, 2017
I am MaryMagdalene and I have come today because I want to protect the children onEarth. Children and animals are very close to me. I have in many lives workedso that children will have a better existence and the same also for theanimals. Children need to have their time to play, but also a time to “justbe”. This could be said for all people on Earth, but the childrenare open and trusting. They are vulnerable in their innocence. If we are notgentle during their childhood we will build up a hard shell around theirhearts. This shell can if it consists of several layers then be hard to pealoff. Everything starts with the little child who later when it is grown up usesall the tools it received as a child.
Oursociety needs to protect all its children and help and make sure that thechildren can become secure and loving. They then in turn form the society thatwe live in. The change in society starts with our engagement with the smallchildren. Are our preschools and schools a good place to grow up in for ourchildren? Are there enough secure and loving grown-ups that take care of thechildren? Is it something we need to change? Many resources need to go to thesmall children as it is them that later will show in which direction that our societywill change.
Childrenalso need to be out in nature and learn about plants and animals. This is theirnatural environment and it is easy for them to learn to respect thisenvironment. There they also have the opportunity to move about and try theirstrengths – train their compassion and understanding for how everything is connected.We do not have the same DNA as the mobile phone, but we have the same DNA asthe tree. How many know this? Can you understand your important task when youhold this little child in your arms? I think many of you understand theimportance of loving your children. I also know that everybody do as much asthey can for their children, but they need to have the community with them. Itis a society that understands that it is the most important task they have – totake care of the children that are born, in the best way possible. It needs tosupport and help parents so that it will become as good as is possible for bothchildren and grown-ups. Large resources need to be distributed to children sothat they can grow up to become secure and loving grown-ups. Society will thenhave a completely different base to rest on and a new society based oncommunity and participation can be built. Children that are born there willform a sustainable and loving society for the benefit of all.
I am MaryMagdalene and I send you all my love and ask you to protect the beautiful andaware children that are born on Earth today. They are a divine gift from us toyou
Lovingly, MaryMagdalene