SheldanNidle 20170530更新
6 Chicchan, 8 Pax, 13 Caban
Dratzo! As before, the moniesare gradually moving forward. Since this movement is proceeding in the mostcautious manner, it is difficult for all of this to unfold as swiftly as weprefer. There are indeed scalawags and rapscallions everywhere. However,remember that there are those who are quite capable of ensuring the guaranteedsafety of every shipment. The present procedures are therefore quiteunnecessary. Thus, we ask that the methods we have so kindly suggested bevigorously adopted.
When this takes place, we deeply believethat the current situation can be quickly remedied. At present, the waysemployed stretch this payment system to a method even slower than one canimagine. We realize as noted before that the dark cabal is still able to retainvestiges of power. What is now required is to accelerate arrest cycles of thecabal and simply sweep them and their illegal USA, INC from power. There are intruth vast sums of gold and other precious metals to ensure a swift complianceto ending this sad reality and instead setting up NESARA and its wondrous flag!
Let us do this as quickly as possible so wecan eliminate all the odd agreements that are currently “gumming up” the works.The main purpose of all that has preceded this moment was simply to assure thatthe dark was properly vanquished and the Good carefully restored. It is truethat the dark was everywhere. Let us then swiftly capture and isolate them fromthe general public. We stand ready as before to implement this process asquickly as our technology allows.
What we are saying is for all who areinvolved to quickly establish NESARA and its marvelous Republic. As notedpreviously by us, it is taking too long to complete the first part of thisdivine mission. We are at your service to achieve a much swifter rollout of thecurrent delivery system. It is essential as the old saying goes to "get onwith it.” Let us work together, in safety, and in the knowing joy that all ofthis can indeed be completed in a faster and more secure way. At the beginning,the purpose of all this was to successfully isolate the dark. Let us in thisspirit of a newfound allegiance go forth and finish this more quickly!
Blessings! We are Your Ascended Masters! Thegreat gifts from Heaven are finally being readied to bless you. Take thisprosperity and pursue your dreams so each of you is able to achieve yourpassions. You are to learn much about yourselves and much more about how bestto swiftly manifest your deepest passions. As you proceed, remember why you aredoing this and help each other to achieve your sacred goals.
What you are divinely doing is a fullmeasure of how you can fulfill your potential. We are sure that you made ageneral sketch of how you truly intend to accomplish your long-held dream. Itis our intention to help smooth the way for all who worked on this project witha good set of thoughts and actions. It is not easy to work in this realmespecially if you do not have a well sketched-out plan sitting deep andprotected in your mind’s eye. Develop this set of sensible thoughts and know inyour heart that where possible We Masters can be summoned to help you manifestwhat is to aid humanity and this ever-changing realm.
As noted at the beginning, you are veryclose to receiving your heavenly blessings. Take this time now to sincerelyformulate what is truly needed to be done. Start at the appropriate beginningin your mind to see what you first need so you can start your project. Havecontingencies for every possibility. As noted, we can help you. Call upon us asnecessary and proceed with this blessed project to help humanity. In doing so,you can learn more about yourself in the process. We bless every one of you andjust ask that you listen carefully to that inner voice that guides you.Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Today, we continued to report on what ishappening across this most beautiful orb. Before you act, go inside and beginwith a good heart and a well-planned set of actions. Because of you, this worldcan soon be shifted into a new wondrous reality! Know, dear Ones, that thecountless and never-ending supply of Heaven is yours! Selamat Gejun! SelamatJa! (Sirian for Be One! And Be in Joy!)
今天,我们继续报导了在这个最美丽的天体上所正在发生的事情。在你们行动之前,走向内在,以一颗善良的心和一系列很好地计划的行动开始。因为你,这个世界可以很快被转变成一个美妙的新现实!亲爱的人们,要知道天堂数不尽的供应和永无止境的繁荣确实是你们的!去这样成为它!Selamat Gajun!Selamat Ja!(天狼星语,成为一!处于喜悦中!)