You have the freedom to choose again
Sometimes you feel tied down to a situation or person because they feel safe or we are honouring an obligation made in the past.However these circumstances have lead you to be untrue to your authentic self and you are acting the way you feel you should in order to keep or make others happy.To be free, you must rediscover your authentic self and walk away from the chains that bind you to the past, to lower energies or what no longer serves your growth.
The angels want you to realize that you are free—living in freedom is simply a shift of mindset or attitude.Do not be afraid to let go of the familiar, for the new cannot come in until the old and worn out has been released.Transformation is a vulnerable time, so take care of yourself as you change.
Everything you do in your life is by your choice, and you are free to choose again.The next time you begin to think "I have to", stop and explore new ways of thinking, doing, and being.Explore and experiment with new thoughts and ideas.Ask your angels to help guide you to do something completely new in a way that brings you freedom, fulfillment and joy.
The Mantra for today is: "I welcome new ideas, new opportunities and new adventures into my life."
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides