Dear people
I am Mary Magdalene. I am your like-minded friend, one whom you know and who shares your inner vision. Feel my energy here in this room. I embrace you with the joy of soul recognition.
I am here to encourage you to be who you are. I offer the security and protection to you that you all need in order to grow and evolve, and to realize yourself. Feel the protection present here; feel safe on Earth. Your soul chose to be here at this time and in this life. Your soul considered the time ripe to incarnate, here and now, so let your light shine.
Do not forget that the leap into incarnation to become a human being is a jump into fear and uncertainty. At the moment you let go of that other dimension in order to immerse yourself in the earthly realm, you lose all certainties, every hold on what you have known. You give over to being human and you become small and vulnerable. You are born, as a naked child, helpless, left to the care of others, to the earthly existence.
Do you realize what courage is demanded of you to take that plunge? You will certainly be burdened by painful memories from a distant past when you realize that you are not here on Earth for the first time. You have experienced a lot in the past, and you have grown immensely, but that growth has not always been easy. You have felt pain, the echoes of which still resonate in your heart, in the person that you now are. And with those traces of hurt from the past, you are born again in your present life, where those old wounds are stimulated anew.
Old wounds have come to the surface in this life, stimulated and stirred up by conditions that come to you through your parents, through the environment where you lived and grew up, and by way of your work, your friends, and your relationships. Everything that appears on the path of your life touches something in you: an emotion, a feeling. The aim is to observe these feelings lovingly and consciously, and to embrace them.
The big challenge you face as a human being on Earth is to allow yourself to be touched emotionally, and thus to experience not only pain, but also joy and fulfillment. The task on Earth is that you are moved by the peaks and valleys that happen here, and that you look at everything that affects you with an accepting eye. You need the ability to observe in a calm and compassionate way. Doing so enables you to really grow, because your soul can then fully descend and incarnate, causing the light of your soul to appear on Earth.
You begin life as an innocent earthly being, but then life on Earth rocks you back and forth by your being placed among all kinds of emotions and feelings. Only when you see them with a compassionate eye can the back-and-forth swing of the pendulum become somewhat less pronounced. You then come closer and closer to your own center, your core. You finally begin to understand the whole cluster of emotions, thoughts, and old pains that you are, but also that you are not.
Yes, there are those emotions alive in you, but there is also something else in you that is greater and transcends those emotions. Only when you recognize that “something else” will it be possible for true self-love to emerge. And that happens when you look at your own fears and tensions, your own grief and anger, and you surround them with calm attention and acceptance. I ask you to do that right now, wholeheartedly. Look at yourself; look at the beautiful, developed side of yourself, and dare to really see it. Feel the purity, the love, the wisdom you have already gained, and do not be too modest about it. Dare to let it shine; be proud of what you are.
Look, also, at the dark side of yourself: your fear, self-doubt, anger; look there honestly. See both aspects of yourself: the light and the dark. Say “yes” to all of it. Say: “They belong to me; they are part of me. This is my humanity.” And become aware of who it is that says “yes”. Feel the quality of that consciousness, the kind of attention and awareness that looks with equanimity at both the dark, as well as the light. It welcomes the light and it welcomes the dark; it accepts everything as it is. Imagine that this quality, this kind of consciousness, encircles your entire body and energy field, and that you are completely allowed to be as you are. Nothing needs to be excluded.
Imagine that this loving attention surrounds and penetrates you from head to toe. Look in particular at whether there are places in your body, or in your energy field, where that energy is badly needed and toward where that loving, calm look, that increased awareness, is drawn. At such a place, where that consciousness is most needed, is where you have been struggling with yourself, where you feel you should be better or different than you are. Let the energy flow there. Forgive yourself and be kinder to yourself than what you have been for so long.
The consciousness which I encourage you to feel comes from your soul. It is a non-judgmental consciousness that is much greater than the human mind can conceive. Allow it to be, and feel safe within that consciousness of your soul. There, you can find ease and rest so you can relax and feel that everything finds its way, naturally. You do not have to force it, because it is precisely the letting be and allowing, which attracts the new to flow toward you. Feeling compelled to make effort comes from contraction: “This is no good, I must strive to be better”, and that is struggling. Try now to be completely relaxed with yourself.
We are here today because you all feel a call to be a channel in this world, in one way or another; a conduit between an atmosphere of love and light, and the Earth. You feel that call from within, because each of you has something to give to the Earth and to human consciousness on the Earth. That inner urge you feel has to do with what your soul desires and through which you can feel fulfilled as a human being.
Many of you feel a natural connection with the atmosphere of the love and unity of your origins. You remember that atmosphere, often with nostalgia. However, what hinders you the most from allowing that energy into your awareness, and eventually extending it to others, is that inner struggle and your condescension toward yourself. You are prone to judge yourself, which is the opposite of compassion: the calm, loving energy of the soul of which I spoke earlier.
Thus, to open the channel, to allow energy to flow from light and love toward the Earth, it is very important to connect with your soul and the kind of consciousness that is part of your soul. It also means that you become aware of how you put pressure on yourself and how you condemn yourself and make yourself feel small. And, at the same time, that you become aware of all the surviving patterns and ideas inflicted upon you from the generations before you and from the society around you.
If you become conscious of all this, you then have a choice: you can either enter into a struggle with it or you can approach it lovingly. Hold it in your calm gaze, accept it and respect it. By that, I mean that you accept things as they are; that there is light and there is darkness within each of you. As long as you struggle against the darkness, you cannot avoid it, because you get stuck in it. Only when you become calm and accept the darkness can you then connect with the level of the soul, which is essentially an observing awareness. You then take a step out of the struggle; you then open the channel itself and love begins to flow.
First of all, give this love to yourself. Resolve that whenever you condemn yourself, or despise yourself, or hit yourself over the head, you will just wake up and realize what you are doing to yourself. Condemning yourself is not the way to improve or change. Make yourself more calm, more accepting. Remember the consciousness of the soul: the open, non-judgmental consciousness – and relax into that..
Make no mistake, the soul-consciousness in you is a dynamic consciousness. It is not just a consciousness that passively looks and perceives, but a dynamic, yet calm, consciousness. When you have lived in that consciousness long enough, and the sharp edges of your inner struggle decrease, it is going to have an effect on your everyday life and also on what you attract in your life in the field of work or relationships. Inner self-love is the key, it is what opens the channel.
When you become used to treating yourself in a more gentle way and with more love, your possibilities become more expanded. You dare to show yourself to others more and to judge others less; the space for love becomes larger. The heartbeat of your soul becomes more clearly discernible in your life and you are then going to touch others, and that happens by itself.
The key step of which I want to encourage you today is that of constantly reminding yourself that love and gentleness for yourself is the way to increase the acceptance of both light and darkness. In this way, you open the channel.
通灵:Pamela Kribbe
翻译:Nick Chan