It is with immense love and gratitude that I share with you this day. I am Yeshua, Yeshi, the holder of the Kristos flame, the divine energy of awareness, of Oneness.
今天我前来与你分享巨大的爱和感激。我是约书亚,耶稣, Kristos 火焰、神圣的意识与合一能量的保持者
My dearest beloved brothers and sisters of the light, the shade and the dark, I am here today to offer my hand to you. Reach out and let me hold your hand on these last steps of the path.
I know you are weary; I know you are down-hearted and dejected at time. Yet we keep saying to you, you are almost there.
The value of the treasure you are about to receive is beyond your wildest dreams. It will change and transform you in ways you cannot yet begin to fathom. It will restore your precious planet into the exquisite, unspeakably beautiful treasure this dear angel chose to manifest.
Give me your hand. Let your fingers touch mine and intertwine. Feel the warmth of my love for you warm your skin and seep through your entire being. Feel me, know that I am right here beside you. Yes, when you call on me, but also when you aren’t calling on me, even then I am beside you, holding your light.
The sacred task I undertook was to stand by your side in this ascension, to sow the seeds, to describe the future and the path to that future. It has been distorted and betrayed as I knew it would be, but the essence of that path has never changed. Love one another as I have love you. This is the magic key.
With this one axiom, this one guideline, this one blessing, you can create unlimited change on this planet, at this time. Consider not the big picture for a moment. Come into this now moment in your life. The next conversation you have after reading this piece: how do you love that person as you wish to be loved? As both you and they are worthy of being loved?
This very evening, as you eat your meal, how do you share love as you would wish to be loved? For some of you, who practice to extend love each and every day, it will be but a little step.
For others, who allow their anger or judgment or shame or blame to practice daily on those around you, the step to extend a little more love to those you eat with may feel a little more like a marathon-sized hurdle.
I see every loving impulse. I know when you have gone beyond what you thought was possible; when you have loved deeper than you dared, more courageously than you believed you could, more compassionately than you knew how to.
I see it and I love you back a hundred-fold more. Love is never lost; no matter how it is received by others, I know the value of your love and your love always elevates All That Is.
My last words, in closing, are to remind you of You. My most precious, beloved brothers and sisters. You are the joy of my joy, the heart of my heart. Love yourself as I love YOU.
通灵:Jennifer Crokaert
翻译:Nick Chan