I am Sananda. As always, I appreciate this time that I can be with you and be able to share, and help a further understanding.
Not at your three-dimensional level, because so many of you have moved beyond that. Even though you do not know it or fully believe that you have. You have. Many of you are in the fourth dimension more and more frequently, and even in the fifth-dimension at times. But seldom, if you really think about it now, seldom you are back wallowing in that third-dimensional illusion anymore. Yes, there are moments. But those moments pass quite quickly now, if you have noticed.
You are not being held back anymore by the programming, unless you believe that you are. And that is the crux of the situation, here, my friends. It is the belief process. Believing is truly seeing. But those are just words. Unless you fully believe it. For so many of you continue to have that programming, that you must see it to believe it. But even that is fading now for many of you.
Yes, there are many that are still asleep. Not those of you that I speak to now. But there are many across the planet that have not yet awakened. They are not the ones that are going forth before the others–the Foreshadowers, the Way Showers–you are those. And the programming that you all believe you still have, you really do not have. Just as Lady Nada told many of you once before: there is no veil. There is no programming. Within the moment, within the very moment, all programming, or what you believe as programming, can be gone in the blink of an eye. It can all be gone in one moment.
And in that one moment, there can be the ascension, your ascension. But then you wonder: then why haven’t I ascended? You have not ascended yet because you do not believe that it is possible yet. And that is all there is to it: belief.
But the programming, the veil that you believe is still pulled tightly over your eyes, even though it is not. That veil, that programming, can be overcome in the very moment that you are attempting to overcome it. It does not take a long, involved process.
Yes, you can go back and look at the source of the programming. You can go back into past lives and look at this and see from whence it came, where the patterns began. And it can be helpful to do this. But only because your three-dimensional mind requires it. If your three-dimensional mind did not require it or, rather, if you were not in your three-dimensional mind and in the higher vibrational frequencies, it would not be required. You would not need it.
So the idea that you have to go through a process over a period of time is not true at all. Unless you believe it is. But if you believe fully that you can make a difference right here, right now in the moment, you can.
When I changed the water into wine, as Yeshua, I did not wonder if I could do it. I did not think about it beforehand. I did not analyze it. I did not look into the jugs to see if it was wine yet. I took a container of water and began to pour it. And as it poured, it changed into the wine. This is the belief that is needed.
As I walked across the water, I did not wonder if I could do it. I knew in that moment that whatever was needed was there for me.
So in every moment that you are in, you have everything that you need to be and do whatever you need to do in those moments. You must come to understand that. You can use all of the tools at your disposal, and there are many that have been given you.
But the one tool that will surpass all of the needs for the other tools is simply a belief and a knowing that you are in the very one moment now, and in that one moment, you are the ONE, you are the source creator. And everything at that moment will take a back seat.
I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace and love, and implore each and every one of you to go forth and continue to know as you go forth that you are the ONE, always.
通灵:James McConnell
翻译:Nick Chan