





*for immediate planetary broadcast to the starseeds of earth*







 Several earth months ago,the earth alliance received a critical akashic download from light forces which contained details about several major celestial alignments that begin on 1-12-20 that signal the long awaited time of the complete liberation of planet earth and the grand evolutionary ascension of humanity!




The following transmission is one of the most important messages given to the earth alliance for the starseeds of earth because all the data markers in this message show that in the next 72 hours,a series of powerful celestial events will begin which mark the very real beginning of a new age of light for humankind!




We are honored and excited to present to you this grand message of freedom and hope which comes directly from the pleiadians!




We can think of no more important words to say to you,then what we are about to say...




We send great power and blessings to you now as your grand ascension mission to earth is about to be fulfilled!




The events we speak of below are all part of a divine cosmic plan that manifests as a beautiful new creation called"masterpiece"or the new earth!




Begin transmission....




Great ones,




In 72 earth hours,the first of a series of very significant and rare celestial alignments of 2020 will commence which will trigger the true beginning point of a new golden age of light on planet earth!




This great time was spoken of old,down through the ages,by many great beings of light as the magnificent time when all of humanity would begin to migrate into a literal heaven on earth!




On january 10th,there will be a special lunar eclipse which will create a very powerful ascension energy around the earth!This is the beginning point of several important celestial alignments where the energy will be perfectly set for a major shift in consciousness on planet earth!




On january 11th,both uranus and eris will turn direct!On this special day,the beings of earth will begin warming up all around the globe with powerful prayers and meditations building energy up on the surface for the stronger 1-12-20 celestial alignment!




The energy of the 1-11 heavenly alignment will release a incredible amounts of lower vibrational energy that was created in the old harmful 3d matrix!




A major awakening will be triggered at this time and a planetary awareness will increase in a major way where all the beings of earth will begin to confront the situations on earth in a truthful and head-on way for the first time in modern history!




On january 12th an extremely powerful saturn-pluto conjunction will occur opening the heavens to allow intense liberation energies to pour into earth!




This alignment creates the most powerful and perfect energy for a positive planetary shift and major freedom event to occur!




On this grand day of the 12th and during this major astrological configuration,billions of starseeds will come into unity and focus to create a portal that we will unify global consciousness and trigger the culmination of the imminent event 2020!




The liberation of planet earth



 The event that you have heard of,dreamed of,and prayed for is a reality dear one and all data and intel on this subject points to the certain fact that this event will occur in the earth year 2020!




Planet earth will finally be liberated in a few earth months after eons of oppression,great one and this is a 100%fact!




Angelic beings are heralding this incredible news all across this cosmos right now!




It is finished and the great time of humanity has come!




All the beings of earth are about to become free forevermore!




This incredible news may be hard to believe for some and others may want to believe it is true but the old program says"things will continue on the earth as they always have!"




First of all,if things continued on earth the way they have,humanity would become 100%extinct several years from now and dear one,this is not at all in the plan for earth and its divine citizens!




We assure you that all of this is very real and every sign in the cosmos points to right now as being the great time when all things on earth would be fulfilled!




There are so many angles of factual data,intel and proof that we cannot begin to cover it all here!100%of this data points to this current time as being when the golden age of light begins on planet earth!




There is something even more however,




There is a knowing inside that just is,that can barely be communicated to another,and this knowing in our soul,is where this grand message is coming from!




We just know inside that now is the time!




Angelic beings are heralding a grand message to you right now that says,"it is all very real and it is time great one!"




"do you believe?"




"are you ready?"




Though it is 100%known by light forces that the positive gamma timeline leading to 5d new earth will unfold over the next few months,a critical mass of energy among the starseed population of earth is certainly required to make all of this happen!




You already know this and have known if for a long time and that is why you are doing the work you are doing to create a better world here for humanity!




What is required now is that you give it all one last hard push of powerful positive,loving,peaceful,energy and give it your best shot at just the right moment!




Like we said,"we have seen the outcome of all this"and you will be 100%successful this time!




You do it!




You make it!




You are the single soul that tips this entire cosmos towards the light and you are the one that makes it all happen great one!




Its true and we just want you to think about that for a moment and maybe for the first time you will see how important and wonderful you truly are!




This is about no one but you and now you can see why this message is so important!




You finally get it and you finally understand this whole grand mission to earth!




Now,it is your time to shine and this is your great hour!




We honor you and we salute you!




This is what you have trained for great one and now it is time for you and the other 4.5 billion starseeds stationed on earth to finalize your grand ascension mission to earth!




Do you really want to see a better earth come into view where peace,love,abundance,freedom,joy,and health prevail on this planet?




Do you want to see the end of suffering and bondage on the earth?




We know your answer and so we came to give our support and guidance in this great time!




Hear our counsel great one,




You are the greatest creator in the entire universe and you create by simply focusing and applying your energy towards a thing!




It is that simple!




You are able to create worlds by simply seeing that world in your mind and applying focus to it!




Together with all the other parts of you,you have created the current world of earth where suffering prevails and by a lack of awareness and effort you have allowed this to be your reality even while you have endured tremendous suffering!




Now that you are finally ready to change things on earth for the better,you are called over the next 72 hours to bring your being into the deepest state of focus you can and begin to see a new earth filled with light where all the citizens of this planet live in peace and freedom and abundance forevermore!




This is how all of this plays out great one!




Someone said to the one who transcribes these message,"if you keep talking about all of this event stuff michael,you are going to cause the ascension to happen yourself!"




Our answer to this statement was,"what's the difference!"




We tell you just as a great master teacher one said,"the kingdom of heaven is inside of you"and so if it is,then from where will it come?




A new day and a new age is about to dawn on earth and you great one are the bringer of it!




In less than two earth days,billions of starseeds will come to a still focusing point and will collectively come into a state of global conscious cohesion that has never been reached on this planet!




If you look,every teacher and messenger on the earth is speaking about this great time and saying the same thing we are saying to you now!




All major ascension websites and leaders of light are sending out the clarion call to the starseeds of earth to come into one accord on 1-12-2020,in a super mass global meditation to open a grand portal to the heavens and affect positive change on this planet!




All 4.5 billion starseeds of earth are being called to come together in a




Mass global mediation on january 12th,2020 when this incredible celestial stargate opens!




The exact moment of the mass global meditation and focus time for the starseeds of earth is:




January 12th,2020 at 6:11 am utc!


2020112日上午6:11utc!(北京时间:112 14:11


Do your part great one!




This is your great hour!




The event 2020




This energy that begins tomorrow will lead up to february 20 when the grand alignment of pluto and jupiter conjunct will occur that will cause a complete compression breakthrough on the surface and is accompanied by what is known as the grand solar flash!




This incredible light flash will occur later in the year in 2020 at the end of this grand alignment on what is called the official astrological beginning of the age of aquarius which occurs on the 21st of december!




The great time has arrived and over the coming days and weeks you shall see magnificent,positive things begin to occur on planet earth!💜




It is time!




The great ones have come from every corner of the universe to witness this grand event and they are giving you the last push needed to help you take your place as cosmic citizens!




We say glory to the earth and good will!




Earth year 2020 is a time of grand re-union and freedom celebrations will break out all across this planet as it is liberated after eons of being in the dark!




It is time for a grand celebration,great ones!




Angelic forces are joining in with you at this hour in a celestial and cosmic celebration!💜




Pleiadian light forces have said,"now the age of aquarius dawns!💜




Spread the good news to all the world!




Standby for magnificence!💜




Standby for a major celestial light show in the heavens in 2020 as humanity completes its grand spiritual evolution!




Thank you for your great service to all of humanity!








Michael and the pleiadians





Special credit and acknowledgment to the earth alliance,the great white brotherhood,the white dragon society,pleiadian codename:cobra,the guardians of earth and the sphere being alliance.






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