The terrain changes as you walk through different landscapes!
You walk on narrow roads and also into deep walleys and up to high mountains.
And sometimes it rains and you can’t get any glimts of the clear blue skye.
And other times there are so much sunlight that you find yourself to be very thirsty.
This is a part of your life, your path, that you walk, where the scenery changes constantly.
Sometimes you carry burdens, of different feelings, and now I say, take it easy, sit down for a while. See your path as a beautiful road, and you have 2 sides to your road. Sit down in the green grass beside your path, and take your time, to smell the flowers that grow there. You have planted them there yourself but you have forgotten about them! Now you put your bagage down, you don’t have to carry all those bags of worries, guilt and more, just for now, take your time to smell the loveliest of flowers for a while.
Give yourself time, to feel joy, to enjoy your own path! Along the way you have planted so many beautiful seeds and they are in full bloom right now. They have the loveliest scent of divine radiance. And they await your presence and your joy.
When you meditate you can always sit in your beautiful garden just by the side of your path, life path, it is there, it is your private paradise. You have it in your heart and it is a living place, you visit it in your dreams!
I am Zeus and I love you dearly
I hold you to my heart always!
宙斯 20180108 我爱你!
通灵:Kerstin Eriksson
翻译:Nick Chan